Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Saltation


Saltation: The Jumping Particles of Oil & Gas Production

In the world of oil and gas production, understanding how fluids and solids move is crucial. One important phenomenon that dictates the transport of sand and other solid particles in pipelines is saltation. This term refers to a specific method of particle movement characterized by a series of short, ballistic hops along the flow path.

Imagine a pebble skipping across the surface of a river. That's essentially what saltation looks like at a microscopic level. Particles, driven by the force of the flowing fluid, are lifted from the bed and propelled forward in a short, arching trajectory. Upon landing, they transfer momentum to other particles, potentially causing them to jump as well. This chain reaction creates a continuous flow of particles hopping along the pipeline's bottom.

Why is this important?

Saltation is a critical factor in several oil and gas operations:

  • Pipeline Erosion: The constant bombardment of the pipe walls by these hopping particles can cause significant wear and tear, leading to erosion and potential pipeline failures.
  • Sand Production: Saltation plays a crucial role in the transport of sand particles from the reservoir to the wellbore. Understanding its dynamics is essential for managing sand production and preventing wellbore damage.
  • Flow Assurance: Saltation can impact the flow characteristics of oil and gas, influencing pressure drop and overall production efficiency.

Factors Influencing Saltation:

The occurrence and intensity of saltation depend on various factors, including:

  • Fluid Velocity: Higher fluid velocities increase the lifting force, promoting saltation.
  • Particle Size and Density: Larger, denser particles require greater energy to lift, making them less likely to saltate.
  • Fluid Density and Viscosity: Fluids with lower densities and viscosities are more likely to induce saltation.
  • Pipeline Geometry: The shape and roughness of the pipeline can affect the flow patterns and influence saltation.

Managing Saltation:

To mitigate the negative impacts of saltation, various techniques are employed:

  • Pipeline Design: Incorporating smooth surfaces and larger diameter pipes reduces the likelihood of saltation.
  • Flow Control: Maintaining optimal flow rates minimizes the energy available for particle movement.
  • Sand Management: Techniques like sand screens and separators can trap sand particles before they reach the production facilities.

In conclusion, saltation is a critical phenomenon in oil and gas production, influencing everything from pipeline integrity to sand management and flow assurance. Understanding its dynamics is essential for optimizing production operations and ensuring safe and efficient extraction of valuable resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Saltation Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary characteristic of saltation in oil and gas production?

a) The continuous flow of fluids through pipelines.


Incorrect. Saltation refers to the movement of solid particles, not the flow of fluids.

b) The gradual settling of sand particles at the bottom of the pipeline.


Incorrect. Saltation involves the particles being lifted and moving, not settling.

c) The short, ballistic hops of solid particles along the pipeline's flow path.


Correct! Saltation is characterized by these short, jumping movements of particles.

d) The erosion of pipeline walls due to the high velocity of the fluid.


Incorrect. While saltation can cause erosion, it's not the defining characteristic of the phenomenon.

2. Which of the following factors DOES NOT influence saltation?

a) Fluid velocity.


Incorrect. Fluid velocity directly impacts the lifting force and therefore influences saltation.

b) Particle size and density.


Incorrect. Larger, denser particles require more energy to lift, affecting their saltation behavior.

c) Pipeline material.


Correct! While the material's strength influences erosion, it doesn't directly determine saltation occurrence.

d) Fluid density and viscosity.


Incorrect. These properties influence the fluid's ability to lift and transport particles.

3. How does saltation impact pipeline operations?

a) It increases the efficiency of fluid flow.


Incorrect. Saltation can actually increase pressure drop and decrease efficiency.

b) It helps to remove impurities from the fluid.


Incorrect. Saltation doesn't contribute to purification processes.

c) It can lead to erosion and potential pipeline failures.


Correct! The constant bombardment by saltating particles causes wear and tear.

d) It enhances the production of oil and gas.


Incorrect. Saltation is a negative phenomenon that can cause production issues.

4. Which of these is NOT a method for managing saltation?

a) Using sand screens to trap sand particles.


Incorrect. Sand screens are a common technique for sand management.

b) Increasing the flow rate to remove particles faster.


Correct! Higher flow rates generally exacerbate saltation.

c) Designing pipelines with smooth surfaces.


Incorrect. Smooth surfaces reduce the likelihood of particles being lifted.

d) Utilizing larger diameter pipelines.


Incorrect. Larger diameters help reduce the intensity of saltation.

5. Why is understanding saltation crucial in oil and gas production?

a) It allows for the accurate prediction of fluid flow rates.


Incorrect. While saltation affects flow, it's not the primary factor for flow rate prediction.

b) It helps in optimizing production operations and ensuring safe extraction.


Correct! Understanding saltation allows for better control of sand production, pipeline integrity, and overall efficiency.

c) It determines the quality of the extracted oil and gas.


Incorrect. Saltation doesn't directly impact the quality of the extracted resources.

d) It provides insights into the geological formations of the reservoir.


Incorrect. Saltation is primarily a phenomenon within the production system, not the reservoir itself.

Saltation Exercise:


You're tasked with designing a new oil pipeline to transport crude oil containing a significant amount of sand. The pipeline will be 10 kilometers long and have a diameter of 1 meter. To minimize the risk of erosion due to saltation, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Fluid Velocity: The planned flow rate will result in an average fluid velocity of 2 meters per second.
  • Particle Size: The majority of sand particles are estimated to be around 1 millimeter in diameter.
  • Pipeline Material: The pipeline will be constructed from steel.


  1. Analyze the potential for saltation: Using the provided information, assess the likelihood of saltation occurring in this pipeline.
  2. Propose mitigation measures: Based on your analysis, recommend specific measures to minimize the risks associated with saltation in this pipeline.

Consider factors like:

  • Fluid velocity control: Can the flow rate be adjusted to reduce the risk?
  • Pipeline design: Can modifications to the pipeline's geometry or material help?
  • Sand management: Are there any additional methods to control sand movement?

Exercice Correction


  • **High Fluid Velocity:** A velocity of 2 m/s is relatively high and increases the risk of saltation.
  • **Particle Size:** 1 mm sand particles are within the range that can be easily lifted by the fluid flow.
  • **Pipeline Material:** While steel is strong, it's still susceptible to erosion from saltating particles.

Based on these factors, there's a significant risk of saltation occurring in this pipeline.

**Mitigation Measures:**

  • **Fluid Velocity Control:** Reducing the flow rate to achieve a lower velocity (e.g., 1.5 m/s) could significantly decrease the likelihood of saltation.
  • **Pipeline Design:** * **Smooth Surfaces:** Implementing a smooth internal lining in the pipeline can reduce the lifting force on the sand particles. * **Larger Diameter:** While the current 1-meter diameter is reasonable, considering a slightly larger diameter could help to further reduce the velocity and impact of sand particles.
  • **Sand Management:** * **Sand Screens:** Installing sand screens at strategic locations along the pipeline can trap larger particles before they reach the main flow path. * **Sand Traps:** Incorporating sand traps at specific locations can allow for controlled settling of sand particles, preventing their transport through the entire pipeline.


  • "Multiphase Flow in Pipes" by D.F. Hewitt (2007): This comprehensive text provides detailed information on multiphase flow phenomena, including saltation, and its impact on pipeline operations.
  • "Flow Assurance for Oil and Gas Production" by S.M. Golan and J.A. Asheim (2008): This book explores various aspects of flow assurance, including the role of saltation in pipeline design and operation.
  • "Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow" by R.P. Chhabra and J.F. Richardson (2011): This book delves into the fundamental principles of multiphase flow, with a chapter dedicated to particle transport mechanisms like saltation.


  • "Saltation in Horizontal Oil and Gas Pipelines" by J.A.C. Humphrey and S.K. Wilson (2003): This paper focuses on the prediction of saltation velocity and its impact on pipeline erosion in horizontal pipelines.
  • "A Study of Sand Transport in Oil and Gas Pipelines" by A.K. Verma and R.P. Chhabra (2006): This research investigates the factors influencing sand transport, including saltation, and its implications for pipeline design.
  • "Modeling of Sand Transport in Multiphase Flow" by M.J. Shokoohi et al. (2018): This article explores various modeling approaches for simulating sand transport in pipelines, taking into account saltation dynamics.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): SPE offers a vast collection of technical papers and presentations on various aspects of oil and gas production, including topics related to saltation.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication regularly features articles and research on flow assurance, sand production, and pipeline design, often touching upon saltation.
  • Petroleum Engineering Journals: Journals such as "Journal of Petroleum Technology," "Petroleum Science and Technology," and "SPE Production & Operations" publish research on saltation and its impacts on oil and gas operations.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "saltation" with "oil and gas," "pipeline," "sand production," "flow assurance," or other relevant terms.
  • Refine your search: Utilize search operators like "+" (includes) and "-" (excludes) to narrow down your results. For instance, "saltation + oil + gas - transportation" will focus on saltation within the context of oil and gas production, excluding transportation-related research.
  • Explore related concepts: Use "related: [website URL]" to discover resources similar to a relevant website you've found, expanding your search beyond the initial results.
  • Focus on research articles: Include "pdf" or "filetype:pdf" in your search to prioritize academic articles and research papers.
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