Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Rolling the Tanks

Rolling the Tanks

Rolling the Tanks: A Crucial Step in Oil & Gas Production

In the world of oil and gas production, "rolling the tanks" is a critical process that ensures efficient storage and transportation of hydrocarbons. This term refers to the act of transferring crude oil or natural gas liquids (NGLs) from one storage tank to another. This seemingly simple operation holds significant importance, playing a vital role in the smooth functioning of oil and gas facilities.

Why Roll the Tanks?

Several factors necessitate the rolling of tanks in oil and gas operations:

  • Inventory Management: Rolling tanks helps maintain optimal inventory levels by ensuring sufficient storage capacity for incoming production. By transferring crude oil or NGLs to different tanks, operators can create space for new arrivals.
  • Quality Control: Different tanks often store crude oil or NGLs with varying qualities. Rolling tanks enables segregation and blending to maintain desired product specifications for processing or transportation.
  • Tank Maintenance: Rolling the tanks allows for individual tank maintenance and repairs without disrupting production flow. This ensures the longevity and safety of storage facilities.
  • Safety and Environmental Compliance: By regularly rotating the contents of tanks, operators can mitigate the risk of product degradation and prevent potential environmental hazards associated with prolonged storage.

Circulating the Contents of a Surface Tank

Rolling the tanks involves carefully circulating the contents of a surface tank. This is typically achieved through a network of pipelines and pumps. The process includes:

  • Drawing Down: Extracting the product from the source tank, often using pumps.
  • Transferring: Pumping the extracted product through pipelines to the destination tank.
  • Filling: Injecting the transferred product into the destination tank, ensuring proper level control.

Rolling the Tanks: A Seamless Operation

While seemingly straightforward, rolling the tanks involves careful planning and execution. Operators must consider factors such as:

  • Tank Capacity: Matching the source and destination tank capacities to avoid overflow or underfilling.
  • Product Properties: Understanding the viscosity and other properties of the product to ensure efficient transfer.
  • Safety Procedures: Following strict safety protocols to prevent accidents and spills.


Rolling the tanks is an indispensable operation in oil and gas production. It ensures efficient storage, maintains product quality, facilitates maintenance, and prioritizes safety and environmental compliance. This seemingly simple process plays a vital role in the smooth functioning of oil and gas facilities, ultimately contributing to the reliable supply of energy to the world.

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