Glossary of Technical Terms Used in General Technical Terms: Risk Weighted

Risk Weighted

The Weight of Risk: Understanding Risk Weighting in Technical Terms

In the world of risk assessment, we often deal with uncertainties. These uncertainties can impact various potential outcomes, leading to potential losses, failures to achieve goals, or other unforeseen consequences. To quantify these uncertainties and their potential impact, we use a powerful tool called risk weighting.

What is Risk Weighting?

Risk weighting is a process that assigns a numerical value to the potential impact of a specific risk. This value reflects the severity and likelihood of the risk occurring. It allows us to prioritize risks and allocate resources effectively.

How does Risk Weighting work?

Risk weighting typically involves considering two key factors:

  • Probability: The likelihood of the risk event occurring.
  • Impact: The severity of the consequences if the risk event occurs.

The assigned weight is a product of these two factors, reflecting the overall risk level. For example, a risk with a high probability of occurrence and a high impact will have a significantly higher weight than a risk with low probability and low impact.

Common Risk-Weighted Values:

Several risk-weighted values are used across different industries, including:

  • Net Risk-Weighted Value (NRWV): This value reflects the total risk exposure of a company or project, taking into account both positive and negative risks.
  • Economic Risk-Weighted-Resource Value (ERWRV): This value represents the potential economic impact of a risk on specific resources, such as equipment, personnel, or infrastructure.
  • Risk-Weighted Parameters: Various other parameters, such as project duration, budget, or performance targets, can also be risk-weighted to account for potential uncertainties.

Visualizing Risk Weighting:

Risk weighting can also be visually represented on a cumulative frequency plot. The Y-axis (probability) intercept of a cumulative-frequency curve is impacted by the assigned risk weights. This visual representation helps in understanding the overall distribution of risk across different levels of impact and probability.

Benefits of Risk Weighting:

  • Prioritization: Risk weighting helps prioritize risks based on their relative importance, allowing for focused mitigation efforts.
  • Resource Allocation: It assists in allocating resources effectively to manage high-impact risks, maximizing return on investment.
  • Decision-Making: Risk weighting provides a quantitative framework for making informed decisions based on the potential impact of uncertainties.
  • Transparency: It promotes transparency by providing a clear and quantifiable measure of risk across different stakeholders.


Risk weighting is a fundamental tool for effective risk management. By assigning numerical values to the potential impact of risks, it enables us to understand, prioritize, and mitigate uncertainties. It allows for informed decision-making, optimized resource allocation, and ultimately, improved outcomes in various fields, from finance and engineering to healthcare and project management.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Weight of Risk

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of risk weighting?

a) To identify all possible risks. b) To calculate the exact financial loss from a risk. c) To assign numerical values to the potential impact of risks. d) To eliminate all risks from a project or decision.


c) To assign numerical values to the potential impact of risks.

2. What two factors are typically considered when determining risk weight?

a) Severity and likelihood. b) Cost and time. c) Risk tolerance and risk appetite. d) Internal and external factors.


a) Severity and likelihood.

3. Which of the following is NOT a common risk-weighted value?

a) Net Risk-Weighted Value (NRWV) b) Economic Risk-Weighted-Resource Value (ERWRV) c) Risk-Weighted Parameters d) Risk-Weighted Probability (RWP)


d) Risk-Weighted Probability (RWP)

4. How does risk weighting help with resource allocation?

a) It ensures equal resources are allocated to all risks. b) It prioritizes high-impact risks, allowing for focused mitigation efforts. c) It eliminates the need for resource allocation planning. d) It identifies the most expensive risks.


b) It prioritizes high-impact risks, allowing for focused mitigation efforts.

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of risk weighting?

a) Prioritization of risks b) Improved communication between stakeholders c) Elimination of all uncertainty d) Enhanced decision-making


c) Elimination of all uncertainty

Exercise: Risk Weighting Scenario

Scenario: You are managing a software development project with a budget of $1 million and a deadline of 6 months. You've identified two potential risks:

  • Risk 1: Key developer leaving the project. This has a high likelihood (80%) and a high impact (could delay the project by 2 months and increase costs by $200,000).
  • Risk 2: Server failure during deployment. This has a low likelihood (20%) but a very high impact (could delay the project by 3 months and increase costs by $500,000).


  1. Calculate the risk weight for each risk using a simple formula: Risk Weight = Likelihood * Impact.
    • For impact, you can use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is low impact and 5 is very high.
  2. Compare the risk weights and determine which risk deserves more attention and mitigation efforts.

Exercice Correction

**Risk 1:**

  • Likelihood = 80% (High) = 4 (on a scale of 1-5)
  • Impact = Delay of 2 months and $200,000 increase = 4 (on a scale of 1-5)
  • Risk Weight = 4 * 4 = 16

**Risk 2:**

  • Likelihood = 20% (Low) = 1 (on a scale of 1-5)
  • Impact = Delay of 3 months and $500,000 increase = 5 (on a scale of 1-5)
  • Risk Weight = 1 * 5 = 5

**Conclusion:** Risk 1 has a significantly higher risk weight (16) compared to Risk 2 (5). This indicates that Risk 1, the key developer leaving, poses a more serious threat to the project's success and should be the primary focus for mitigation efforts.


  • Risk Management: Theory and Practice by David V. Houghton & Donald A. Houghton: This book provides a comprehensive overview of risk management, including a dedicated section on risk weighting.
  • The Risk Management Body of Knowledge (RMBoK) by the Risk Management Institute: This book, often referred to as the "bible" of risk management, delves into various aspects of risk management, including the application of risk weighting.
  • Risk Assessment and Decision Analysis: A Practical Guide by Charles L. T. Smith: This book covers various risk assessment techniques, including quantitative methods such as risk weighting.


  • Risk Weighting and its Role in Portfolio Management by J. H. Miller: This article focuses on the application of risk weighting within the context of investment portfolios.
  • Understanding Risk Weighting in Project Management by M. J. Jones: This article specifically addresses the use of risk weighting in project management to prioritize and allocate resources.
  • The Importance of Risk Weighting in Healthcare by C. A. Brown: This article highlights the role of risk weighting in improving patient safety and healthcare outcomes.

Online Resources

  • Risk Management Institute: This website provides extensive resources and information on various risk management concepts, including risk weighting.
  • Project Management Institute (PMI): The PMI offers valuable insights into risk management within project management, including the use of risk weighting.
  • Wikipedia: Search for "Risk Weighting" on Wikipedia for a concise definition and overview of the concept.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Include terms like "risk weighting", "risk assessment", "risk management", "financial risk", and specific industries or applications.
  • Combine keywords: Search for phrases like "risk weighting in banking", "risk weighting in healthcare", or "risk weighting in project management".
  • Use quotation marks: Surround specific phrases with quotation marks to ensure precise results. For example: "risk weighting calculation".
  • Filter your search: Use advanced search filters to narrow down your results by source, date, language, or file type.
  • Explore related topics: Use "related searches" or "people also ask" features to expand your knowledge base.
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