Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Retained Interest

Retained Interest

Retained Interest: A Slice of the Pie in Oil & Gas

In the complex world of oil and gas, numerous terms and concepts can be confusing, even for seasoned professionals. One such term is Retained Interest, which often appears in agreements related to asset transfers or project development. This article delves into the concept of Retained Interest, explaining its nuances and providing a clear understanding of its implications.

What is a Retained Interest?

Simply put, a Retained Interest represents a fractional interest in a project retained by the previous owner after selling or transferring a majority share to another party. This fractional interest can encompass various aspects of the project, including:

  • Production: The previous owner might retain a percentage of the oil or gas produced from the project.
  • Royalties: They might retain a specific royalty rate on the production, earning a share of the revenue generated.
  • Operating Costs: The retained interest could include a percentage contribution towards the operating costs of the project.
  • Decision-Making Power: In some cases, the previous owner might retain a degree of decision-making power, such as approving major capital expenditures or development plans.

Why Retain an Interest?

There are several reasons why a previous owner might choose to retain an interest in an oil and gas project:

  • Continued Revenue Stream: Retaining an interest allows the previous owner to continue benefiting from the project's production, even after selling the majority share.
  • Risk Mitigation: Holding a smaller share can help the previous owner mitigate risks associated with the project's development and profitability.
  • Project Oversight: Retaining an interest provides the previous owner with some control and influence over the project's management and future development.
  • Strategic Considerations: The retained interest might be part of a larger strategic move, such as securing long-term access to resources or maintaining a presence in a particular region.

Examples of Retained Interest:

  • A private landowner selling a lease to an oil and gas company might retain a royalty interest on the production.
  • A company selling a producing field to another company might retain a percentage interest in the future production.
  • A company divesting a non-core asset might retain an interest in the project's future development decisions.

Understanding the Retained Interest:

When analyzing an oil and gas transaction, it is crucial to understand the nature and extent of any retained interests. These interests can significantly impact the profitability, operational control, and future development potential of the project.

Key Considerations:

  • The exact nature and scope of the retained interest: Understanding the specific terms of the agreement regarding production, royalties, operating costs, and decision-making power is vital.
  • The impact on the new owner's financial and operational flexibility: Retained interests can limit the new owner's ability to make independent decisions and manage the project as they see fit.
  • The potential for conflicts of interest: Retained interests can create situations where the previous owner and the new owner have competing interests, potentially hindering efficient operations.


Retained interests are a complex element of oil and gas transactions, requiring careful consideration and due diligence. By understanding the nature and implications of these interests, both buyers and sellers can navigate these deals more effectively and ensure a mutually beneficial outcome.

Test Your Knowledge


  • Oil and Gas Law: A Comprehensive Guide by Samuel W. Jackson and James R. Doty - Provides a comprehensive overview of oil and gas law, including sections on ownership, transfers, and various types of interests.
  • The Economics of Oil and Gas Exploration and Production by Robert C. Mitchell and Marc A. Slade - Discusses economic concepts related to oil and gas development, including the valuation of interests and the impact of retained interests on profitability.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed - Covers various aspects of petroleum engineering, including production sharing agreements and other contractual arrangements where retained interests might be involved.


  • "Retained Interests: A Primer for Oil and Gas Professionals" by [Author Name] - A focused article specifically on retained interests, explaining different types, implications, and legal aspects. (This article would be helpful to find, as it directly addresses the topic).
  • "Understanding the Implications of Retained Interests in Oil and Gas Transactions" by [Author Name] - Explores the impact of retained interests on financial, operational, and legal aspects of oil and gas transactions.
  • "Retained Interests in Oil and Gas: A Guide for Negotiators" by [Author Name] - Provides insights on negotiating retained interests, including strategies for both buyers and sellers.

Online Resources

  • American Petroleum Institute (API): - API offers resources and publications related to oil and gas industry practices, including information on contracts, agreements, and relevant regulations.
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): - SPE offers a vast library of technical publications, research papers, and educational resources on various oil and gas topics, potentially including retained interests.
  • Oil and Gas Journal: - A leading industry publication covering news, analysis, and technical developments in the oil and gas sector. It might contain articles on retained interests and related topics.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "retained interest" with "oil and gas", "production", "royalty", "operating costs", "decision-making", etc.
  • Include specific legal terms: Try terms like "overriding royalty", "production payment", "carried interest", "net profits interest" to find related content.
  • Search within specific websites: Use "" to narrow down your search to a specific resource like API or SPE.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclosing keywords in quotation marks helps find exact matches, for example, "retained interest agreement".
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