Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Reservoir Engineering: Repeat Section

Repeat Section

Repeat Section: A Common Occurrence in Oil & Gas Wells

In the world of oil and gas exploration, understanding the geological formations beneath the earth's surface is crucial. This understanding relies heavily on well logs, which provide detailed information about the rock layers encountered during drilling. One common phenomenon observed in well logs is a "Repeat Section," a section of the log that appears to be repeated, often leading to confusion and needing further analysis.

What is a Repeat Section?

A repeat section in a well log indicates a portion of the log that exhibits similar characteristics to a previously logged interval. This repetition can manifest in various ways, including:

  • Similar lithology: The same rock types appear in both sections.
  • Similar electrical properties: The resistivity, porosity, and other measurements remain consistent.
  • Similar depth intervals: The repeated section occurs at a seemingly duplicated depth interval.

Causes of Repeat Sections:

While seemingly contradictory to the expected continuous progression of formations in a wellbore, repeat sections are not necessarily errors in the logging process. They often arise due to:

  • Faulting: Displacement of rock layers by faults can cause a section to be repeated, either by being duplicated or by the same formation being encountered twice due to the fault's geometry.
  • Lateral Changes in Formation: Horizontal variations in the rock layers can lead to a section appearing repeated, particularly if the wellbore traverses a complex geological structure.
  • Logging Tool Issues: While less common, occasional malfunctioning or miscalibration of the logging tools can also result in apparent repetitions in the log.

Implications of Repeat Sections:

Understanding the origin of a repeat section is crucial for accurate interpretation of well logs. Misinterpreting a repeat section as a single continuous formation can lead to:

  • Incorrectly assessing reservoir potential: A repeat section may contain a productive reservoir, but if it is mistaken as a single occurrence, its full potential might be underestimated.
  • Misguided production strategies: Understanding the true extent and connectivity of formations is vital for effective production planning.
  • Erroneous geological modeling: Misinterpreting repeat sections can lead to inaccurate geological models, impacting further exploration and development activities.

Identifying and Analyzing Repeat Sections:

Geologists and geophysicists utilize various techniques to identify and analyze repeat sections:

  • Cross-correlation: Analyzing log data from nearby wells can help identify similar formations and reveal potential repeat sections.
  • Seismic data integration: Incorporating seismic data can provide a broader view of the subsurface and help distinguish true repetitions from other geological phenomena.
  • Detailed geological interpretation: A thorough understanding of the local geology and structural framework is crucial for interpreting repeat sections correctly.


Repeat sections are a common phenomenon encountered in well logs. While initially confusing, understanding the underlying causes and correctly interpreting these sections is vital for accurate geological modeling, reservoir assessment, and production optimization in oil and gas operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Repeat Sections in Oil & Gas Wells

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is a Repeat Section in a well log? a) A section of the log that is completely missing due to a logging error. b) A section of the log that shows a sudden change in lithology. c) A section of the log that exhibits similar characteristics to a previously logged interval. d) A section of the log that represents a significant change in reservoir pressure.


c) A section of the log that exhibits similar characteristics to a previously logged interval.

2. Which of the following is NOT a common cause of Repeat Sections? a) Faults b) Lateral changes in formation c) Logging tool issues d) Seismic reflections


d) Seismic reflections

3. Misinterpreting a Repeat Section can lead to which of the following? a) Overestimating the reservoir potential. b) Incorrectly assessing the reservoir pressure. c) Misguided production strategies. d) Both a) and c)


d) Both a) and c)

4. Which of the following techniques is NOT commonly used to identify and analyze Repeat Sections? a) Cross-correlation b) Seismic data integration c) Geological modeling d) Detailed geological interpretation


c) Geological modeling

5. Why is understanding Repeat Sections crucial in oil & gas operations? a) It allows for accurate geological modeling and reservoir assessment. b) It helps to identify potential drilling hazards. c) It enables efficient planning of production strategies. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Exercise: Identifying a Repeat Section


You are reviewing well log data for a new exploration well. The well log shows a distinct lithology change at a depth of 2500 meters, followed by a similar lithology reappearing at a depth of 2650 meters.


  1. Identify the potential Repeat Section: Based on the provided information, what section of the well log is most likely a Repeat Section?
  2. Propose a possible cause for the Repeat Section: Consider the common causes of Repeat Sections discussed in the text and propose a likely explanation for this specific case.
  3. Explain the implications of misinterpreting this Repeat Section: What potential issues might arise if this section is not properly identified and analyzed?

Exercice Correction

**1. Identifying the potential Repeat Section:** The section of the well log between 2500 meters and 2650 meters is the most likely Repeat Section. This is because it shows a similar lithology to a previously logged interval. **2. Proposing a possible cause:** The likely cause of this Repeat Section could be faulting. A fault in the subsurface could have displaced the rock layers, leading to a repetition of the same lithology at a different depth. **3. Implications of misinterpreting the Repeat Section:** Misinterpreting this Repeat Section as a single continuous formation could lead to several issues, including: - Underestimating the reservoir potential: If the Repeat Section contains a productive reservoir, misinterpreting it could lead to a lower assessment of the reservoir's total capacity. - Misguided production strategies: Misinterpreting the Repeat Section could result in inefficient production strategies, as the true extent and connectivity of the formation might be underestimated. - Inaccurate geological modeling: Misinterpreting the Repeat Section could lead to an inaccurate representation of the subsurface in geological models, impacting further exploration and development activities.


  • Petroleum Geology: By K.A. K. (Covers general concepts and well log interpretation)
  • Well Logging and Formation Evaluation: By Schlumberger (Provides comprehensive information on logging tools and data analysis)
  • Interpretation of Well Logs: By O.C. (Focuses on practical aspects of well log interpretation)


  • "Repeat Sections in Well Logs: Causes and Interpretations" by (Author name, if known) in (Journal name, if known) (Look for articles in journals like: Petroleum Geoscience, AAPG Bulletin, SPE Journal)
  • "The Impact of Repeat Sections on Reservoir Characterization" by (Author name, if known) in (Journal name, if known)

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger's Oilfield Glossary: (Look for terms like "Repeat Section," "Faulting," "Lateral Variations," etc.)
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): (Search for papers and presentations on well log interpretation and repeat sections)
  • American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG): (Explore their publications and databases for relevant articles)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Repeat Section well log," "Repeat Section interpretation," "Faulting in well logs," "Lateral variation in formations"
  • Combine keywords with location: Add the name of the basin or region you're interested in, e.g., "Repeat Section North Sea," "Repeat Section Permian Basin"
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose keywords in quotes to find exact phrases, e.g., "repeat section" will find results with that specific term.
  • Refine with filters: Use advanced search options to refine your results based on publication date, file type, etc.
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