Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: ReFrac Efficiency

ReFrac Efficiency

ReFrac Efficiency: A Key Metric for Optimizing Well Production in Oil & Gas

In the world of oil and gas, maximizing production from existing wells is crucial for profitability. One key strategy to achieve this is through hydraulic fracturing, also known as "fracking." This process involves injecting high-pressure fluid into a well to create fractures in the surrounding rock, increasing the flow of hydrocarbons to the wellbore. However, the effectiveness of fracking can decline over time as the fractures become less permeable.

Refracturing is a technique used to rejuvenate a previously fractured well by repeating the hydraulic fracturing process. This can help restore or even increase production rates. To measure the effectiveness of this rejuvenation, a key metric is ReFrac Efficiency.

ReFrac Efficiency is the ratio between the production of the well after refracturing to the production before refracturing. It essentially measures the success of the refracturing process in restoring or enhancing the well's productivity.

Here's a breakdown of the different ways ReFrac Efficiency can be calculated:

  • Production After Refrac / Initial Production: This compares the well's production after refracturing to its initial production rate when it was first fractured. This metric is useful for understanding the long-term impact of refracturing on a well's overall production.
  • Production After Refrac / Maximum Production: This metric compares the production after refracturing to the well's maximum production rate achieved before the decline began. This provides a more nuanced view of the refracturing effectiveness, factoring in any decline in production before the intervention.
  • Production After Refrac / Production Before Refrac: This is the most common calculation for ReFrac Efficiency. It directly compares the well's production rates before and after the refracturing operation.

Interpreting ReFrac Efficiency:

  • ReFrac Efficiency > 1: The well is producing at a higher rate after refracturing than before, indicating a successful rejuvenation.
  • ReFrac Efficiency = 1: The well's production is the same after refracturing as before. This might indicate that the refracturing process was effective in stabilizing the well, but not in increasing production.
  • ReFrac Efficiency < 1: The well's production is lower after refracturing than before. This suggests the refracturing process was unsuccessful or that the well has reached a point where further stimulation is unlikely to be effective.

Factors Affecting ReFrac Efficiency:

  • Original fracture network: The extent and permeability of the initial fractures influence the effectiveness of refracturing.
  • Reservoir characteristics: The properties of the rock formations and the fluid contained within them can impact the success of refracturing.
  • Refracturing techniques: The specific methods and materials used during the refracturing process can affect the outcome.
  • Wellbore condition: The condition of the wellbore itself, including any damage or corrosion, can impact the effectiveness of refracturing.

ReFrac Efficiency is a crucial metric for oil and gas companies to assess the profitability of refracturing projects. By carefully evaluating the factors that influence ReFrac Efficiency, operators can maximize their chances of success and improve their overall production output.

Test Your Knowledge

ReFrac Efficiency Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is ReFrac Efficiency?

a) The total amount of oil produced from a well after refracturing. b) The cost of refracturing a well. c) The ratio of production after refracturing to production before refracturing. d) The number of fractures created during refracturing.


c) The ratio of production after refracturing to production before refracturing.

2. Which of the following indicates a successful refracturing operation?

a) ReFrac Efficiency < 1 b) ReFrac Efficiency = 0 c) ReFrac Efficiency > 1 d) ReFrac Efficiency = 1


c) ReFrac Efficiency > 1

3. What is NOT a factor that can affect ReFrac Efficiency?

a) Original fracture network b) Reservoir characteristics c) The price of oil d) Refracturing techniques


c) The price of oil

4. Which calculation of ReFrac Efficiency compares the well's production after refracturing to its maximum production rate before decline?

a) Production After Refrac / Initial Production b) Production After Refrac / Maximum Production c) Production After Refrac / Production Before Refrac d) None of the above


b) Production After Refrac / Maximum Production

5. What is the primary purpose of refracturing?

a) To increase the size of the wellbore. b) To create new fractures in the reservoir. c) To stimulate the well and increase production. d) To remove debris from the wellbore.


c) To stimulate the well and increase production.

ReFrac Efficiency Exercise

Scenario: An oil well produced 100 barrels of oil per day before refracturing. After refracturing, the well produces 150 barrels of oil per day.

Task: Calculate the ReFrac Efficiency of this well.

Exercice Correction

ReFrac Efficiency = Production After Refrac / Production Before Refrac

ReFrac Efficiency = 150 barrels/day / 100 barrels/day

ReFrac Efficiency = 1.5

The ReFrac Efficiency is 1.5, indicating a successful refracturing operation, as the well is producing 50% more oil after the treatment.


  • "Modern Fracturing Technologies for Unconventional Reservoirs" by John A. McLennan - Covers advanced fracturing techniques, including refracturing, and their applications in unconventional reservoirs.
  • "Production Optimization in the Oil and Gas Industry" by E. Dusseault - Offers a comprehensive look at production optimization strategies, including the use of refracturing to enhance well performance.
  • "Petroleum Engineering: A Comprehensive Introduction" by Tarek Ahmed - Provides a foundational understanding of petroleum engineering concepts, including reservoir characterization, well stimulation, and production optimization, which are relevant to refracturing and ReFrac Efficiency.


Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) - This organization offers a wealth of resources related to oil and gas production, including technical papers, conferences, and industry reports on topics like refracturing and ReFrac Efficiency. Link:
  • OnePetro - This platform provides access to a vast library of technical papers, industry reports, and other resources relevant to oil and gas production, including topics on refracturing and ReFrac Efficiency. Link:
  • Oil & Gas Journal - This publication offers articles and reports on various aspects of the oil and gas industry, including production optimization, fracturing techniques, and refracturing strategies. Link:

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: When searching for information, use specific terms like "refracturing efficiency," "refracturing optimization," "production enhancement," "hydraulic fracturing rejuvenation," etc.
  • Combine keywords with relevant industries: Use phrases like "refracturing efficiency oil and gas," "refracturing success factors shale gas," or "refracturing techniques unconventional reservoirs."
  • Explore academic databases: Use Google Scholar to search for research papers and technical publications related to refracturing and ReFrac Efficiency.
  • Focus on specific publications: Target your search to specific journals like the "Journal of Petroleum Technology," "SPE Production & Operations," "Energy & Fuels," etc., to find relevant articles.
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