Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Pipeline Construction: Reduction-To-Pole (seismic)

Reduction-To-Pole (seismic)

Reduction-to-Pole: Simplifying Seismic Data for Oil & Gas Exploration

In the complex world of oil & gas exploration, seismic data plays a crucial role in identifying potential hydrocarbon reservoirs. However, raw seismic data is often affected by various geological factors, making it challenging to interpret. One technique used to simplify this data and improve its interpretability is Reduction-to-Pole (RTP).

What is Reduction-to-Pole?

RTP is a mathematical transformation applied to magnetic data that simulates the magnetic field as if it were measured at the North Magnetic Pole. This effectively removes the influence of the Earth's magnetic inclination and declination on the data, making it easier to analyze and interpret.

How does it work?

Imagine a compass needle pointing towards the magnetic north. The angle between the needle and the horizontal is the inclination, while the angle between the needle and true north is the declination. These angles vary geographically, impacting the measured magnetic field.

RTP essentially eliminates these variations by transforming the data as if it were measured at the North Magnetic Pole, where the inclination is 90 degrees and the declination is 0 degrees. This transformation involves:

  • Correcting for the inclination: The data is adjusted to account for the difference between the observed inclination and the 90-degree inclination at the pole.
  • Correcting for the declination: The data is rotated to align with true north, eliminating the influence of the declination.

Benefits of RTP in Oil & Gas Exploration:

  • Enhanced data visualization: By removing the effects of inclination and declination, RTP simplifies the data, making it easier to visualize and analyze.
  • Improved interpretation: RTP helps geologists and geophysicists to better understand the subsurface geology, leading to more accurate interpretations of seismic data.
  • Reduced ambiguity: By removing the influence of magnetic variations, RTP reduces the ambiguity in interpreting magnetic anomalies, making it easier to identify potential hydrocarbon reservoirs.

Applications of RTP in Oil & Gas:

  • Mapping geological structures: RTP helps to identify and map geological structures such as faults, folds, and salt domes, which can potentially trap hydrocarbons.
  • Detecting magnetic anomalies: RTP enhances the visibility of magnetic anomalies, which can be associated with hydrocarbon reservoirs or other geological features.
  • Regional exploration: RTP can be applied to large datasets to identify promising areas for further exploration.


Reduction-to-Pole is a powerful tool that significantly enhances the interpretation of seismic data in oil & gas exploration. By simplifying data and reducing ambiguity, RTP helps geologists and geophysicists to better understand the subsurface geology and identify potential hydrocarbon reservoirs. This technique continues to play a crucial role in the search for oil and gas resources around the world.

Test Your Knowledge


  • "Seismic Data Analysis: An Introduction" by Robert E. Sheriff - This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of seismic data processing and interpretation, including sections on various data transformations, such as RTP.
  • "Geophysical Exploration: An Introduction to Geophysical Methods in Exploration" by Robert E. Sheriff and Lloyd P. Geldart - This book discusses various geophysical techniques used in exploration, including magnetic methods and RTP.


  • "Reduction to the Pole and Its Application in Magnetic Anomaly Interpretation" by D.W. Strangway - This article explains the principles of RTP and its application in magnetic data analysis.
  • "Magnetic Anomaly Interpretation Using Reduction-to-Pole and Euler Deconvolution" by L.J. Battison - This paper discusses the use of RTP and Euler deconvolution in magnetic anomaly interpretation.
  • "Applications of Reduction-to-Pole in Oil and Gas Exploration" by X.Y. Li and Z.H. Zhou - This article explores the specific applications of RTP in oil and gas exploration.

Online Resources

  • "Reduction-to-Pole (RTP) in Magnetic Data Interpretation" by Geoscience Australia - This website provides a detailed explanation of RTP and its applications.
  • "Magnetic Data Processing: RTP, Analytic Signal and Other Transformations" by GeoSoftware Solutions - This website offers a collection of resources on various magnetic data processing techniques, including RTP.
  • "Seismic Interpretation: Introduction to Reduction-to-Pole" by Schlumberger - This website provides a brief overview of RTP and its relevance in seismic interpretation.

Search Tips

  • "Reduction-to-Pole" + "seismic" + "oil and gas"
  • "magnetic data processing" + "RTP" + "geophysical"
  • "RTP applications" + "exploration" + "geology"
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