Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Quality (foam stimulation fluid)

Quality (foam stimulation fluid)

Quality: A Critical Parameter in Foam Stimulation Fluids for Oil & Gas Operations

Foam stimulation fluids play a vital role in enhancing oil and gas production by improving reservoir sweep efficiency and increasing well productivity. These fluids, typically consisting of a gas phase and a liquid phase, leverage the unique properties of foam to achieve these goals. One of the most crucial parameters defining the effectiveness of a foam stimulation fluid is its quality, which quantifies the volume fraction of the internal phase within the foam.

What is "Quality" in Foam Stimulation Fluids?

In the context of foam stimulation, "quality" refers to the percentage of the total volume that the internal phase (gas) comprises. This percentage provides a key indicator of the foam's stability, mobility, and overall performance.

Why is Quality Important?

  • Stability: A higher quality foam generally indicates greater stability. This means the foam structure can withstand pressure changes and remain intact for longer periods, allowing it to effectively displace fluids and improve reservoir sweep efficiency.
  • Mobility: Quality influences the foam's mobility within the reservoir. A lower quality foam, with a smaller gas fraction, tends to exhibit higher mobility, allowing it to penetrate tighter formations and reach less accessible areas.
  • Performance: The quality of the foam directly impacts its performance in stimulating oil and gas production. Optimizing quality for a specific reservoir and well conditions is critical to achieve desired results, such as increasing oil recovery or improving gas production rates.

Factors Affecting Foam Quality:

Several factors influence the quality of a foam stimulation fluid, including:

  • Gas Type: The type of gas used (e.g., nitrogen, CO2) influences foam stability and quality.
  • Surfactant Concentration: Surfactant concentration plays a significant role in stabilizing the foam structure and maintaining its quality.
  • Temperature and Pressure: Elevated temperatures and pressures can impact foam stability, leading to variations in quality.
  • Reservoir Properties: Reservoir characteristics such as permeability and pore size distribution can affect foam quality by influencing its movement and distribution within the reservoir.

Measuring Foam Quality:

Foam quality can be measured using various techniques, such as:

  • Visual Inspection: This method involves observing the foam's appearance and determining the proportion of gas and liquid phases.
  • Pressure Drop Measurement: Measuring the pressure drop across a foam column can provide an indication of its resistance to flow and quality.
  • Specialized Equipment: Various specialized instruments are available for measuring foam quality in laboratory and field settings, allowing for more precise and reliable measurements.


Foam quality is a crucial parameter in the design and application of foam stimulation fluids in oil and gas operations. Understanding the factors affecting quality and employing appropriate measurement techniques are essential for optimizing foam performance and maximizing production efficiency. By carefully controlling and adjusting foam quality, operators can effectively utilize foam stimulation technologies to improve reservoir sweep efficiency and enhance oil and gas recovery.

Test Your Knowledge


  • "Enhanced Oil Recovery: An Engineering Approach" by A.S. Abou-Kassem and M.J. Economides. (This book provides a comprehensive overview of EOR techniques, including foam flooding.)
  • "Surfactants and Interfacial Phenomena" by Mysels, Shinoda, and Frankel. (Covers the fundamental principles of surfactants and their role in foam formation.)
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Tarek Ahmed. (Provides an overview of petroleum production and well stimulation techniques, including foam flooding.)
  • "Foam Flooding: Fundamentals and Applications" by K.S. Sorbie. (This book focuses specifically on foam flooding, covering aspects like foam generation, propagation, and stability.)


  • "Foam Stability and Its Effect on Oil Recovery" by S.L. Grifiths et al. in SPE Journal, 2003.
  • "Foam Generation and Propagation in Porous Media" by J.J. Sheng et al. in SPE Journal, 1998.
  • "Effect of Surfactant Concentration and Gas Type on Foam Quality and Mobility" by P.D. Rossen et al. in Journal of Petroleum Technology, 2000.
  • "Measurement of Foam Quality and Its Application in Oil Recovery" by M.J. Economides et al. in Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, 1990.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): - SPE is a professional society for petroleum engineers and offers a wealth of resources, including research papers, technical presentations, and conferences on foam flooding and EOR.
  • Schlumberger: - Schlumberger is a leading oilfield services company that provides various technologies related to foam flooding. Their website offers technical information and case studies.
  • Halliburton: - Halliburton is another major oilfield services company with extensive expertise in foam flooding. Their website provides information on their products and services.
  • National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL): - NETL is a research and development laboratory funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. They conduct research on various EOR technologies, including foam flooding.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "foam quality," "foam flooding," "foam stimulation," "EOR," "surfactant," "gas injection," and "reservoir engineering."
  • Combine keywords with terms like "measurement," "factors," "effect," "performance," and "optimization."
  • Include the name of specific companies like "Schlumberger," "Halliburton," or "Baker Hughes" to find relevant resources.
  • Utilize quotation marks around specific phrases to find exact matches.
  • Explore academic databases like Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar for research papers and technical publications.
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