Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: PS Wave (seismic)

PS Wave (seismic)

PS Wave: A Seismic Enigma in Oil & Gas Exploration

In the world of oil and gas exploration, seismic surveys play a pivotal role in mapping the subsurface and identifying potential hydrocarbon reservoirs. These surveys utilize sound waves to probe the earth's layers, with different wave types revealing valuable information about the geological structure. One intriguing wave type, often encountered in seismic data analysis, is the PS wave.

Unraveling the PS Wave:

A PS wave, also known as a converted wave, is a seismic wave that begins its journey as a P-wave (compressional wave) and then transforms into an S-wave (shear wave) upon encountering an interface between different rock layers. This conversion occurs due to the wave's interaction with the boundary.

The Journey of a PS Wave:

  1. P-wave Initiation: The seismic survey begins by generating a P-wave, which travels through the earth's layers compressing and expanding the rock particles in its path.
  2. Interface Encounter: As the P-wave propagates, it encounters an interface between two rock layers with contrasting properties, such as density or stiffness.
  3. Conversion to S-wave: At this interface, a portion of the P-wave energy is converted into an S-wave. This occurs because the change in rock properties causes some of the compressional energy to be transformed into shear energy, resulting in the wave's direction of motion shifting from longitudinal to transverse.
  4. S-wave Propagation: The newly converted S-wave continues its journey through the subsurface, shearing the rock particles perpendicular to its direction of travel.

The Significance of PS Waves:

  • Enhanced Imaging: PS waves offer a unique perspective on the subsurface, complementing the information provided by traditional P-waves. Their sensitivity to different rock properties can provide valuable insights into lithology and fluid content.
  • Reservoir Characterization: By analyzing the travel times and amplitudes of PS waves, geophysicists can gain a better understanding of reservoir properties, such as porosity, permeability, and fluid saturation.
  • Fracture Detection: PS waves are particularly sensitive to fractures and other geological structures that influence the transmission of shear energy. This makes them valuable tools for characterizing complex reservoirs.

Challenges and Opportunities:

While PS waves offer significant benefits, they also present challenges.

  • Weak Signal: PS waves are generally weaker than P-waves, making their detection and analysis more complex.
  • Processing Demands: Specialized processing techniques are required to isolate and analyze PS wave data, demanding advanced computational resources.

Despite these challenges, the growing availability of high-quality seismic data and sophisticated processing techniques is enabling geophysicists to leverage the unique information provided by PS waves. As technology continues to advance, PS waves are poised to become an increasingly valuable tool in the quest for oil and gas reserves.

In conclusion, PS waves, though often overlooked, offer a valuable window into the subsurface, enhancing our understanding of geological structures and ultimately aiding in the exploration and development of valuable energy resources.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: PS Waves - A Seismic Enigma

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary characteristic of a PS wave?

a) It travels only through solid rock. b) It starts as a P-wave and converts to an S-wave. c) It is a surface wave that propagates along the Earth's surface. d) It is a wave that is generated by artificial sources only.


b) It starts as a P-wave and converts to an S-wave.

2. At what type of geological feature does a P-wave convert to an S-wave?

a) A fault line. b) An interface between two rock layers with different properties. c) A seismic reflector. d) A gas pocket.


b) An interface between two rock layers with different properties.

3. Which of these is NOT a benefit of using PS waves in seismic exploration?

a) Enhanced imaging of subsurface structures. b) Improved understanding of reservoir properties. c) Detection of small gas pockets. d) Detection of fractures in rock formations.


c) Detection of small gas pockets.

4. What makes PS wave analysis more challenging than P-wave analysis?

a) PS waves are faster than P-waves. b) PS waves are less sensitive to changes in rock properties. c) PS waves are generally weaker than P-waves. d) PS waves are more likely to be reflected by rock layers.


c) PS waves are generally weaker than P-waves.

5. What is the significance of PS waves in oil and gas exploration?

a) They help to identify potential drilling locations. b) They provide unique information about reservoir characteristics. c) They can be used to map the distribution of oil and gas deposits. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Exercise: PS Wave Interpretation

Imagine you are a geophysicist analyzing seismic data from a new oil exploration site. You observe a strong PS wave reflection at a depth of 2 km. You know that the area is known for its shale formations. Based on this observation, what can you infer about the subsurface at this depth? Explain your reasoning.

Exercice Correction

The presence of a strong PS wave reflection at a depth of 2 km suggests that there might be a significant change in rock properties at that depth. Since the area is known for shale formations, a strong PS wave reflection could indicate several possibilities:

  • **Fractured Shale:** PS waves are sensitive to fractures. A strong reflection could suggest a zone of fractured shale, potentially enhancing the permeability of the rock and making it a suitable reservoir for hydrocarbons.
  • **A Shale-Sandstone Interface:** The strong PS wave could be reflecting off an interface between the shale layer and a denser sandstone layer. This interface could represent a potential reservoir trap if there's a change in porosity and permeability.
  • **Gas-filled Shale:** PS waves can be influenced by fluid content. If the shale at this depth contains gas, it could contribute to the strong reflection, suggesting the possibility of a gas-rich reservoir.

To further investigate, we would need to analyze additional seismic data, including P-wave reflections, to confirm the specific geological feature causing the strong PS wave reflection. This would help us understand the potential for hydrocarbon accumulation at this depth.


  • Seismic Exploration: An Introduction by M.T. Silvia and E.A. Riedel (This book provides a comprehensive overview of seismic exploration techniques, including chapters on converted waves.)
  • Seismic Data Analysis: Processing, Inversion, and Interpretation by F. Aminzadeh, J.M. Mendel, and J.P. Castagna (Covers advanced topics in seismic data processing, including the analysis of PS waves.)
  • Applied Geophysics by W.M. Telford, L.P. Geldart, R.E. Sheriff, and D.A. Keys (This classic text includes a section on converted waves and their applications.)
  • Seismic Reservoir Characterization: An Integrated Approach by J.P. Castagna and S.W. Sun (Explains the use of seismic data for reservoir characterization, including the role of PS waves.)


  • "Converted-wave seismology: A tutorial" by J.P. Castagna (2001, The Leading Edge): This article provides a comprehensive introduction to converted waves, their properties, and applications.
  • "PS-wave seismic data: A valuable source of information for reservoir characterization" by A.J. Duijndam (2004, First Break): Focuses on the benefits of PS waves for characterizing reservoir properties.
  • "Fracture detection using PS-wave data" by J.P. Castagna and S.W. Sun (2006, Geophysics): Demonstrates the use of PS waves for detecting and characterizing fractures in reservoirs.
  • "The use of converted waves in seismic exploration" by J.P. Castagna (2010, Geophysics): Covers the history and evolution of converted wave technology in seismic exploration.

Online Resources

  • SEG Wiki: Converted Waves ( This online resource provides a concise overview of converted waves and their properties.
  • Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG): ( The SEG website offers a wealth of resources on seismic exploration, including articles, technical papers, and webinars related to converted waves.
  • The Leading Edge: ( A journal dedicated to the latest developments in seismic exploration, often featuring articles on converted waves and their applications.
  • American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG): ( AAPG offers resources on various aspects of petroleum geology, including seismic interpretation and exploration.

Search Tips

  • "PS wave seismic exploration"
  • "Converted waves in oil and gas"
  • "Reservoir characterization using PS waves"
  • "Fracture detection with PS-wave data"
  • "Seismic data processing for converted waves"
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