Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Produced Gas-Oil-Ratio

Produced Gas-Oil-Ratio

Understanding Produced Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR) in Oil & Gas

The Produced Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR) is a fundamental measurement in the oil and gas industry, providing crucial insight into the composition and economic viability of a reservoir. It quantifies the volume of gas produced alongside a given volume of oil, offering a snapshot of the reservoir's overall characteristics.


GOR represents the ratio of total gas production (both dissolved gas within the oil and free gas in the reservoir) to the volume of oil produced. It's typically expressed in cubic feet of gas per barrel of oil (scf/bbl).


\(\text{GOR} = \frac{\text{Total Gas Production}}{\text{Oil Production}} \)

Importance of GOR:

  • Reservoir Characterization: GOR provides valuable information about the reservoir's pressure, temperature, and fluid properties, aiding in reservoir simulation and production optimization.
  • Economic Analysis: GOR plays a critical role in assessing the economic viability of a project. High GOR values often indicate a greater need for gas processing and infrastructure, potentially impacting project profitability.
  • Production Operations: GOR influences production strategies, such as the selection of appropriate separation and processing facilities.
  • Environmental Considerations: Understanding GOR is crucial for managing and minimizing gas flaring, a significant environmental concern in the oil and gas industry.

Excluding Gas Lift Gas:

It's important to note that GOR calculations exclude gas lift gas, which is injected into the well to enhance oil production. This distinction ensures accurate analysis of the natural gas production associated with the reservoir itself.

Types of GOR:

  • Solution GOR (SGOR): Represents the volume of gas dissolved in the oil at reservoir conditions.
  • Free GOR (FGOR): Indicates the volume of free gas present in the reservoir, independent of the oil.
  • Total GOR (TGOR): Represents the sum of SGOR and FGOR, reflecting the total gas production from the reservoir.


GOR is a vital parameter in oil and gas exploration, production, and economic analysis. Understanding its significance and accurately calculating it enables informed decision-making, optimized production, and improved environmental management. As the industry navigates the complexities of resource extraction and environmental sustainability, accurate and comprehensive GOR data will remain essential for achieving both economic success and responsible operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding Produced Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does GOR stand for?

a) Gas Oil Ratio b) Gas Output Ratio c) Gross Oil Revenue d) General Operational Regulation


a) Gas Oil Ratio

2. What is the typical unit for expressing GOR?

a) Cubic meters of gas per barrel of oil (m3/bbl) b) Cubic feet of gas per barrel of oil (scf/bbl) c) Gallons of gas per barrel of oil (gal/bbl) d) Barrels of gas per barrel of oil (bbl/bbl)


b) Cubic feet of gas per barrel of oil (scf/bbl)

3. Which of the following is NOT a type of GOR?

a) Solution GOR (SGOR) b) Free GOR (FGOR) c) Total GOR (TGOR) d) Liquid GOR (LGOR)


d) Liquid GOR (LGOR)

4. Why is it important to exclude gas lift gas when calculating GOR?

a) To avoid overestimating the reservoir's natural gas production b) To ensure accurate measurement of the well's pressure c) To comply with environmental regulations d) To simplify the calculation process


a) To avoid overestimating the reservoir's natural gas production

5. What information does GOR provide about a reservoir?

a) The reservoir's size and shape b) The reservoir's pressure, temperature, and fluid properties c) The reservoir's economic viability d) The reservoir's environmental impact


b) The reservoir's pressure, temperature, and fluid properties

Exercise: Applying GOR


A well produces 1000 barrels of oil per day and 50,000 cubic feet of gas per day. Calculate the well's GOR.

Exercice Correction

GOR = Total Gas Production / Oil Production

GOR = 50,000 scf/day / 1000 bbl/day

**GOR = 50 scf/bbl**


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: A comprehensive resource covering various aspects of oil and gas engineering, including sections on GOR, reservoir characterization, and production optimization.
  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook: This handbook focuses specifically on reservoir engineering principles and practices, providing detailed information about GOR and its implications.
  • Fundamentals of Petroleum Engineering: An introductory textbook on petroleum engineering, offering a solid foundation for understanding GOR and its role in the industry.


  • "Gas-Oil Ratio: A Key Parameter in Oil and Gas Production" by [Author Name] in [Journal Name]: This article would provide a detailed overview of GOR, its calculation, interpretation, and significance in oil and gas operations.
  • "Optimizing Oil Production Using GOR Data Analysis" by [Author Name] in [Journal Name]: This article would likely focus on the application of GOR data for optimizing production strategies and enhancing oil recovery.
  • "The Impact of Gas-Oil Ratio on Oilfield Economics" by [Author Name] in [Journal Name]: This article would explore the financial implications of GOR, including its influence on project profitability, infrastructure costs, and environmental impacts.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Website: This website offers a vast library of technical papers, publications, and resources on GOR and other oil and gas topics. You can search for specific articles or browse through their online publications.
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: This glossary provides concise definitions and explanations of industry terms, including GOR, along with relevant illustrations and diagrams.
  • SPE Reservoir Engineering Journal: This journal publishes research articles and technical papers on reservoir engineering, with a focus on GOR and other related topics.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "produced gas-oil ratio" with relevant terms like "reservoir characterization," "production optimization," "economic analysis," or "environmental impact."
  • Specify your search by industry: Add terms like "oil and gas industry," "petroleum engineering," or "upstream industry" to focus your search on relevant resources.
  • Refine your search by date: Use the "tools" option on Google to filter your search results by date, ensuring you get the most up-to-date information.
  • Utilize the "filetype" operator: Search for "produced gas-oil ratio filetype:pdf" to find relevant PDF documents, such as technical papers or presentations.
  • Look for specific organizations: Search for "[Organization name] produced gas-oil ratio" to find resources from specific organizations like SPE, Schlumberger, or other industry leaders.
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