Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Primary Completion

Primary Completion

Primary Completion: The First Step in Tapping Oil & Gas Reservoirs

In the world of oil and gas, "completion" refers to the critical process of preparing a well for production. It follows drilling and involves equipping the well with the necessary infrastructure to bring hydrocarbons to the surface. Primary completion is the first and fundamental step in this process, setting the stage for the well's entire lifespan.

What does Primary Completion involve?

Primary completion focuses on creating a secure and functional connection between the wellbore and the reservoir. It includes various operations designed to:

  • Isolate zones: Identifying and separating different oil or gas-bearing zones within the reservoir to optimize production and prevent unwanted fluid mixing. This is achieved through techniques like cementing, tubing installation, and packer placement.
  • Control flow: Regulating the flow of hydrocarbons from the reservoir to the surface. This involves installing valves, chokes, and other flow control equipment to ensure efficient and safe production.
  • Prevent formation damage: Protecting the reservoir from potential damage caused by drilling fluids, completion fluids, or other contaminants. This involves using specialized fluids and techniques to minimize the risk of clogging or reducing the permeability of the reservoir rock.
  • Install production equipment: Installing tubing, casing, and other essential equipment to safely transport the produced fluids to the surface. This includes components like tubing hangers, flowlines, and separators.

Why is Primary Completion crucial?

Primary completion lays the foundation for the long-term performance and profitability of a well. A well-executed primary completion ensures:

  • Efficient production: Maximizing hydrocarbon flow by effectively isolating productive zones and minimizing formation damage.
  • Safety and environmental protection: Preventing uncontrolled flow and ensuring safe and environmentally responsible production.
  • Reduced downtime: Minimizing the need for rework and maintenance by creating a durable and reliable well completion.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Avoiding costly repairs and delays associated with poor completion practices.

Beyond Primary Completion:

While primary completion marks the initial step in well development, it often precedes further stages of completion, collectively known as secondary completion. These stages might involve:

  • Well stimulation: Enhancing production by increasing reservoir permeability through techniques like hydraulic fracturing or acidizing.
  • Artificial lift: Assisting fluid flow from the reservoir when natural pressure is insufficient.
  • Well monitoring and optimization: Continuously monitoring production data to adjust completion parameters and optimize well performance.

In conclusion:

Primary completion is an essential milestone in the oil and gas industry, ensuring the successful and sustainable production of hydrocarbons. This vital step sets the foundation for the well's overall performance, directly impacting production efficiency, safety, and profitability. A well-planned and executed primary completion is a crucial investment that yields long-term benefits for the industry.

Test Your Knowledge

Primary Completion Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the main purpose of Primary Completion? a) To drill the wellbore b) To connect the wellbore to the reservoir and prepare it for production c) To stimulate the reservoir and increase production d) To monitor and optimize well performance


b) To connect the wellbore to the reservoir and prepare it for production

2. Which of the following is NOT a typical component of Primary Completion? a) Installing tubing and casing b) Isolating different reservoir zones c) Stimulating the reservoir using hydraulic fracturing d) Preventing formation damage


c) Stimulating the reservoir using hydraulic fracturing

3. Why is isolating different reservoir zones important during Primary Completion? a) To increase the pressure within the reservoir b) To prevent mixing of different fluids and optimize production c) To stimulate the reservoir by injecting fluids d) To monitor the flow of hydrocarbons


b) To prevent mixing of different fluids and optimize production

4. What is a potential consequence of poor Primary Completion practices? a) Increased well production b) Reduced environmental impact c) Costly repairs and downtime d) Enhanced reservoir stimulation


c) Costly repairs and downtime

5. What is the difference between Primary and Secondary Completion? a) Primary Completion focuses on initial connection and production, while Secondary Completion involves further optimization and enhancements. b) Primary Completion focuses on well monitoring, while Secondary Completion focuses on reservoir stimulation. c) Primary Completion is the first step, and Secondary Completion is the final step in well development. d) Primary Completion uses specialized equipment, while Secondary Completion relies on natural reservoir pressure.


a) Primary Completion focuses on initial connection and production, while Secondary Completion involves further optimization and enhancements.

Primary Completion Exercise:

Scenario: You are an engineer working on a new oil well. The well has multiple zones with different oil qualities.


  1. Describe the key steps involved in the Primary Completion process for this well.
  2. Explain how you would ensure the safe and efficient production of oil from each zone, considering their different characteristics.
  3. Discuss how your Primary Completion plan could contribute to the long-term profitability and sustainability of the well.

Exercice Correction

**1. Key Steps in Primary Completion:** * **Zone Isolation:** Utilize techniques like cementing, tubing installation, and packer placement to effectively separate each zone. * **Flow Control:** Install valves, chokes, and other equipment to regulate the flow of oil from each zone individually. * **Formation Damage Prevention:** Employ specialized fluids and techniques to prevent damage to the reservoir during completion operations. * **Production Equipment Installation:** Install tubing, casing, flowlines, and other necessary equipment to safely transport oil from each zone to the surface. **2. Ensuring Safe and Efficient Production:** * **Zone-Specific Flow Control:** Implement different flow rates and pressure settings for each zone based on its oil characteristics and reservoir pressure. * **Monitoring and Adjustment:** Continuously monitor production data from each zone and adjust flow control mechanisms as needed to optimize production. * **Preventing Cross-Flow:** Implement robust isolation techniques to ensure that oil from different zones does not mix, maintaining the quality of each stream. **3. Long-Term Profitability and Sustainability:** * **Maximized Production:** Well-executed Primary Completion ensures optimal flow rates from each zone, maximizing hydrocarbon recovery. * **Reduced Downtime:** A durable completion minimizes the need for repairs and maintenance, reducing operational downtime and costs. * **Environmental Protection:** Proper zone isolation and flow control reduce the risk of spills and leaks, contributing to safe and sustainable production.


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Principles and Practices" by Tarek Ahmed (Comprehensive overview of oil and gas engineering, including detailed sections on well completion)
  • "Well Completion Engineering" by Michael J. Economides and Kenneth G. Nolte (Specific focus on completion techniques, with chapters dedicated to primary completion)
  • "Practical Petroleum Engineering" by M. Muskat (A classic text with valuable insights on completion design and challenges)
  • "Petroleum Production Systems" by John M. Campbell (Explores the entire production system, with sections on well completion and its integration)


  • "Primary Completion: A Critical Step in Maximizing Well Performance" by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) - This article from the SPE Journal provides a detailed overview of primary completion and its significance.
  • "The Role of Completion in the Performance of Oil and Gas Wells" by Journal of Petroleum Technology - This article discusses the impact of completion design on production efficiency and well life.
  • "Challenges and Innovations in Well Completion Design" by Schlumberger (A leading oilfield services company) - This article examines current trends and technological advancements in well completion techniques.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) - - The SPE website hosts a vast library of technical papers, publications, and resources related to oil and gas, including sections on well completion.
  • OnePetro - - This online platform provides access to technical literature from leading oil and gas companies and organizations, including resources on primary completion.
  • Schlumberger - - The website of Schlumberger, a major oilfield services company, features information on completion technology, products, and services.
  • Halliburton - - Another leading oilfield services company, Halliburton offers a wide range of completion solutions and related technical resources on its website.
  • Baker Hughes - - Baker Hughes, a leading oilfield services company, also provides information on completion technologies and related resources on their website.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "primary completion," "well completion," "completion techniques," "reservoir isolation," "production tubing," "packer systems," etc.
  • Combine keywords with relevant terms like "oil and gas," "petroleum engineering," "well development," "production optimization."
  • Include names of key companies or organizations in your search, such as "Schlumberger," "Halliburton," "Baker Hughes," or "SPE."
  • Use advanced search operators like quotes for specific phrases ("primary completion techniques"), minus sign to exclude unwanted terms ("primary completion - fracking"), and site: to limit your search to specific websites (" primary completion").
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