Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Possum Belly

Possum Belly

Possum Belly: A Vital Settling Chamber in Oil & Gas

In the oil and gas industry, efficiency and safety are paramount. One crucial element in achieving these goals is the effective separation of unwanted materials from the extracted fluids. This is where the "possum belly" comes in - a specialized design feature found in various oil and gas equipment.

What is a Possum Belly?

A possum belly, also known as a settling chamber, is an enlarged section of a tank designed specifically for the settling of solids. Imagine a tank with a bulge in its bottom, resembling a possum's belly - that's essentially what a possum belly is. This bulge provides a larger surface area and a slower flow rate, allowing heavier particles like sand, silt, and other debris to settle out of the fluid stream.

Why is it Important?

Possum bellies play a critical role in:

  • Preventing Equipment Damage: Solids in oil and gas fluids can cause significant damage to pumps, valves, and other equipment. The possum belly acts as a filter, removing these harmful particles before they reach the sensitive machinery.
  • Improving Efficiency: By separating solids, possum bellies ensure cleaner fluids, leading to smoother operations and reducing the need for frequent maintenance.
  • Safety Enhancement: Sediment buildup can restrict flow and create pressure imbalances, potentially leading to explosions. The possum belly mitigates this risk by removing the sediment and maintaining stable flow.

Where are Possum Bellies Used?

Possum bellies are commonly incorporated in:

  • Oil and Gas Gathering Systems: These systems collect oil and gas from wells and transport them to processing facilities.
  • Separator Tanks: Separators are used to separate oil, gas, and water. Possum bellies enhance the separation process by ensuring that solids settle out effectively.
  • Treatment Plants: Treatment plants utilize possum bellies to remove impurities from wastewater and other fluids.

The Design of a Possum Belly

The design of a possum belly varies depending on the specific application. However, some common features include:

  • Increased Volume: Possum bellies have a larger volume compared to the rest of the tank, providing sufficient space for settling.
  • Slower Flow Rate: The enlarged section slows down the flow, allowing solids to settle effectively.
  • Sloped Bottom: The bottom of the possum belly is typically sloped to facilitate the collection and removal of settled solids.
  • Drains or Outlets: Drains or outlets are provided at the bottom of the possum belly to periodically remove the accumulated sediment.


The possum belly, while seemingly simple in concept, plays a vital role in ensuring the smooth and safe operation of oil and gas equipment. Its ability to effectively separate solids from fluids contributes to increased efficiency, reduced maintenance costs, and enhanced safety in the industry. By understanding the importance of the possum belly, we can appreciate its significant contribution to the overall success of oil and gas operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Possum Belly Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of a possum belly in oil and gas equipment?

a) To increase the pressure of the fluid stream. b) To separate oil, gas, and water. c) To settle out solid particles from the fluid. d) To control the flow rate of the fluid.


c) To settle out solid particles from the fluid.

2. Why is a possum belly important for equipment safety?

a) It prevents leaks from occurring. b) It reduces the risk of explosions caused by sediment buildup. c) It allows for easier maintenance of the equipment. d) It increases the efficiency of the oil and gas extraction process.


b) It reduces the risk of explosions caused by sediment buildup.

3. Which of the following is NOT a typical feature of a possum belly design?

a) Increased volume. b) Slower flow rate. c) Rounded bottom. d) Drains or outlets for sediment removal.


c) Rounded bottom.

4. Where are possum bellies commonly found in the oil and gas industry?

a) Only in oil wells. b) Only in processing facilities. c) In both oil wells and processing facilities. d) In gathering systems, separator tanks, and treatment plants.


d) In gathering systems, separator tanks, and treatment plants.

5. What is another common name for a possum belly?

a) Flow regulator. b) Settling chamber. c) Separator tank. d) Pressure gauge.


b) Settling chamber.

Possum Belly Exercise

Scenario: You are working on a project to design a new oil and gas gathering system. The system will collect oil and gas from multiple wells and transport them to a processing facility. You need to incorporate a possum belly into the design to ensure the smooth and safe operation of the system.


  1. Identify the potential sources of solids that could enter the gathering system. Consider the types of wells, the environment, and potential for erosion.
  2. Determine the appropriate size and volume of the possum belly for the system. Consider the flow rate, the expected amount of solids, and the time required for settling.
  3. Sketch a basic design of the possum belly, including its placement in the system.
  4. Explain how you will ensure that the sediment collected in the possum belly is removed safely and efficiently.

Exercise Correction

**1. Potential sources of solids:** * **Wellbore debris:** Sand, silt, and other particles from the formation can be carried up with the oil and gas. * **Erosion:** Weathering and erosion of the pipeline can introduce dirt and rust into the system. * **Corrosion:** Corrosion of the pipeline can release particles into the fluid stream. **2. Size and volume:** * **Flow rate:** The flow rate of the system will determine the required size and volume of the possum belly. A higher flow rate requires a larger possum belly to allow for sufficient settling time. * **Expected amount of solids:** The amount of solids expected in the fluid stream will also influence the size. A higher concentration of solids requires a larger possum belly. * **Settling time:** The time required for the solids to settle out depends on their density and size. A larger possum belly provides more time for settling. **3. Design sketch:** The possum belly should be placed in the gathering system before any sensitive equipment, such as pumps or valves. It should be designed with an increased volume and a sloped bottom to facilitate sediment collection. **4. Sediment removal:** * **Drains or outlets:** The possum belly should have drains or outlets at the bottom to allow for periodic removal of sediment. * **Automated system:** An automated system can be implemented to monitor sediment levels and trigger the removal process when needed. * **Safety measures:** Ensure that the sediment removal process is safe and environmentally sound. Dispose of the sediment appropriately according to regulations.


  • "Petroleum Production Engineering" by Tarek Ahmed: A comprehensive textbook covering all aspects of oil and gas production, including equipment design. It will likely discuss settling chambers and possum bellies in detail.
  • "Gas Processing: Principles and Technology" by K. K. Kulkarni and R. N. Shah: This book focuses on the specific process of gas processing, often employing possum bellies for efficient separation.
  • "Handbook of Petroleum Exploration and Production" by James G. Speight: This multi-volume handbook covers a broad range of topics related to oil and gas production, including equipment design and operation.


  • "The Role of Settling Chambers in Oil and Gas Production" by [author name]: Search for articles specifically focused on settling chambers and their importance in oil and gas operations.
  • "Preventing Solids Damage in Oil and Gas Systems" by [author name]: Articles focusing on solids control and prevention techniques in oil and gas production will often discuss the use of possum bellies.
  • "Optimizing Separator Performance in Oil and Gas Facilities" by [author name]: Papers addressing the optimization of separators often include discussions on the design and function of settling chambers.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Website: The SPE hosts a vast library of technical publications, including papers and presentations on oil and gas production. Use their search function to find relevant resources.
  • Oil and Gas Journal (OGJ): This industry publication features articles, news, and technical information related to oil and gas exploration and production.
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: This glossary defines a vast range of terms used in the oil and gas industry, including "settling chamber" and other relevant concepts.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use combinations of terms like "possum belly," "settling chamber," "oil and gas," "separator," "solids control," "production equipment," etc.
  • Include industry-specific websites: Try searches like "possum belly" or "settling chamber" to target relevant sites.
  • Check for patents: Searching for patents related to "settling chamber" or "sediment removal" might provide detailed information on possum belly designs.
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