Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Reservoir Engineering: Pore Size Distribution

Pore Size Distribution

Unlocking the Secrets of Reservoir Rocks: Understanding Pore Size Distribution in Oil & Gas

In the world of oil and gas exploration, understanding the properties of subsurface rock formations is paramount. One crucial aspect is pore size distribution, a fundamental characteristic of reservoir rocks that significantly impacts fluid flow and ultimately, the production of hydrocarbons. This article will delve into the concept of pore size distribution, its importance, and how it is determined using a technique called mercury injection porosimetry.

What is Pore Size Distribution?

Reservoir rocks, like sandstone and limestone, are composed of solid grains with spaces between them known as pores. These pores act as interconnected pathways for oil and gas to flow through, and their size and distribution play a significant role in the efficiency of hydrocarbon production. Pore size distribution refers to the range of different pore sizes within a rock sample, along with the frequency of each size.

Imagine a beach with sand grains of varying sizes. Some are small and fine, while others are large and coarse. The distribution of these grain sizes is analogous to the pore size distribution in a reservoir rock.

Why is Pore Size Distribution Important?

The distribution of pore sizes has a direct impact on several key aspects of reservoir performance:

  • Permeability: The ability of a rock to allow fluids to flow through it is called permeability. Larger pores generally lead to higher permeability, as fluids can flow more readily through wider channels.
  • Capillary Pressure: Capillary pressure is the pressure difference between fluids in a pore, often water and oil. The size and shape of pores influence capillary pressure, which in turn affects the movement of fluids and the recovery of oil.
  • Reservoir Heterogeneity: Pore size distribution contributes to the overall heterogeneity of a reservoir, meaning that different parts of the reservoir can have significantly different properties. This heterogeneity poses challenges for efficient production.

Determining Pore Size Distribution: Mercury Injection Porosimetry

A widely used method for determining pore size distribution is mercury injection porosimetry. This technique involves injecting mercury into a rock sample at increasing pressure.

  • Mercury's Special Property: Mercury is unique because it does not wet rock surfaces, meaning it has a high contact angle. This property allows mercury to penetrate pores against the force of capillary pressure.
  • The Process: As pressure increases, mercury fills larger pores first, followed by progressively smaller pores. By measuring the volume of mercury injected at each pressure increment, we can determine the corresponding pore size.
  • Generating the Distribution: The data collected is then used to create a plot showing the range of pore sizes against the frequency of those sizes. This plot provides a visual representation of the pore size distribution within the rock sample.

Applications of Pore Size Distribution Data

The information obtained from pore size distribution analysis is invaluable for various applications in the oil and gas industry:

  • Reservoir Characterization: This data helps create detailed models of the reservoir, understanding its potential for oil and gas production.
  • Reservoir Simulation: Pore size distribution is crucial input for reservoir simulation models, which predict the flow of fluids and hydrocarbon recovery over time.
  • Production Optimization: Understanding pore size distribution can guide the design and implementation of production strategies, maximizing recovery and minimizing waste.


Pore size distribution is a critical parameter for characterizing reservoir rocks and understanding their fluid flow properties. The use of mercury injection porosimetry provides valuable insight into the distribution of pore sizes, ultimately helping oil and gas professionals make informed decisions about reservoir development and production. By unraveling the secrets of pore size distribution, we unlock a deeper understanding of subsurface formations and pave the way for more efficient and sustainable hydrocarbon recovery.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Unlocking the Secrets of Reservoir Rocks

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is pore size distribution?

a) The size of the largest pore in a rock sample. b) The average size of pores in a rock sample. c) The range of different pore sizes in a rock sample, along with their frequency. d) The total volume of pores in a rock sample.


c) The range of different pore sizes in a rock sample, along with their frequency.

2. How does pore size distribution affect permeability?

a) Larger pores lead to lower permeability. b) Smaller pores lead to higher permeability. c) Pore size distribution has no effect on permeability. d) Larger pores lead to higher permeability.


d) Larger pores lead to higher permeability.

3. What is capillary pressure?

a) The pressure difference between fluids in a pore. b) The pressure required to inject mercury into a rock sample. c) The pressure exerted by the weight of the overlying rock. d) The pressure at which oil and gas flow through a reservoir.


a) The pressure difference between fluids in a pore.

4. What is the primary advantage of using mercury injection porosimetry to determine pore size distribution?

a) Mercury readily wets rock surfaces. b) Mercury has a high contact angle with rock surfaces. c) Mercury is a very cheap and readily available material. d) Mercury is the only material that can penetrate pores in a rock sample.


b) Mercury has a high contact angle with rock surfaces.

5. Which of the following is NOT an application of pore size distribution data in the oil and gas industry?

a) Reservoir characterization. b) Reservoir simulation. c) Production optimization. d) Determining the age of a reservoir.


d) Determining the age of a reservoir.

Exercise: Pore Size Distribution Analysis

Scenario: You are a geologist working for an oil and gas company. You have a rock sample from a potential reservoir and need to determine its pore size distribution. You are given the following data from a mercury injection porosimetry experiment:

| Pressure (psi) | Mercury Injected (ml) | |---|---| | 10 | 0.5 | | 20 | 1.2 | | 30 | 2.1 | | 40 | 3.5 | | 50 | 4.8 | | 60 | 5.9 | | 70 | 6.8 | | 80 | 7.5 |


  1. Plot the data on a graph with pressure on the x-axis and mercury injected on the y-axis.
  2. Use the graph to estimate the range of pore sizes present in the rock sample.
  3. Explain how the pore size distribution might affect the permeability and production potential of the reservoir.

Exercice Correction

1. **Plot the data:** You would create a graph with pressure on the x-axis and mercury injected on the y-axis. This will give you a curve showing how much mercury is injected at increasing pressure. 2. **Estimating pore size range:** Since smaller pores require higher pressure to inject mercury, the curve will be steep at lower pressures (smaller pores) and flatten out at higher pressures (larger pores). The range of pressures where the curve is steep indicates the range of smaller pore sizes, while the flat portion indicates the range of larger pores. 3. **Affecting permeability and production:** * **Permeability:** A wider distribution of larger pores would generally indicate higher permeability, allowing for easier fluid flow and potentially higher production. * **Production potential:** If the pore size distribution is dominated by smaller pores, it might indicate a lower permeability and a more difficult reservoir to produce from. However, the presence of a significant number of larger pores, even with a wide distribution, could still suggest good production potential.


  • "Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering" by John R. Fanchi: A comprehensive text covering all aspects of reservoir engineering, including pore size distribution and its impact on fluid flow.
  • "Petrophysics" by Larry W. Lake: This book provides a detailed explanation of the physics behind reservoir rock properties, with a specific chapter dedicated to pore size distribution.
  • "Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry" by H.J. Butt: A focused guide to the technique of mercury injection porosimetry, its principles, and applications.


  • "Pore Size Distribution and Its Impact on Reservoir Performance" by K.G. Sharma: A review article discussing the importance of pore size distribution in reservoir characterization and production optimization.
  • "Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry: A Powerful Tool for Characterizing Porous Materials" by D.H. Everett: An article detailing the principles and applications of mercury injection porosimetry for various materials, including reservoir rocks.
  • "The Importance of Pore Size Distribution for Predicting Oil Recovery" by J.A. Dusseault: This article emphasizes the crucial role of pore size distribution in accurately predicting oil recovery from reservoirs.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website offers numerous publications, presentations, and technical papers related to reservoir engineering, including pore size distribution analysis.
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: This website provides definitions and explanations of various technical terms in the oil and gas industry, including "Pore Size Distribution."
  • GeoRessources: A European Journal of Geosciences: This journal frequently features articles related to pore size distribution analysis and its applications in reservoir characterization and hydrocarbon production.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "pore size distribution," "mercury injection porosimetry," "reservoir characterization," "permeability," "capillary pressure," "reservoir heterogeneity," etc.
  • Combine keywords: Use combinations like "pore size distribution AND reservoir performance," "mercury injection porosimetry AND oil recovery," or "pore size distribution AND geological modeling."
  • Include relevant fields: Add terms like "petroleum engineering," "geophysics," "reservoir engineering," "petrophysics," etc.
  • Filter by publication year: Specify a relevant timeframe for your search.
  • Use advanced search operators: Explore options like "filetype:pdf" for finding research papers, "" for searching within the SPE website, etc.
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