Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Instrumentation & Control Engineering: Poiseuille’s Law (flow)

Poiseuille’s Law (flow)

Understanding Poiseuille's Law: The Physics of Fluid Flow

Poiseuille's Law, named after the French physician Jean Léonard Marie Poiseuille, is a fundamental principle in fluid mechanics that describes the flow of viscous fluids through cylindrical pipes. It's often referred to as the Hagen-Poiseuille equation, acknowledging the contributions of German engineer Gotthilf Hagen.

The Essence of Poiseuille's Law

In essence, Poiseuille's Law states that for laminar flow of Newtonian fluids in a cylindrical pipe, the volume flow rate (Q) is directly proportional to the pressure difference (ΔP) between the ends of the pipe and inversely proportional to the viscous resistance of the pipe. This resistance depends on several factors, most notably the fluid's viscosity (η), the length of the pipe (L), and importantly, the fourth power of the radius (r) of the pipe.

A Deeper Dive into the Equation:

Mathematically, Poiseuille's Law can be expressed as:

Q = (π * ΔP * r⁴) / (8 * η * L)


  • Q: Volume flow rate (m³/s)
  • ΔP: Pressure difference (Pa)
  • r: Radius of the pipe (m)
  • η: Dynamic viscosity of the fluid (Pa.s)
  • L: Length of the pipe (m)

Key Implications of Poiseuille's Law:

  • Radius Dependence: The fourth power dependence on radius is crucial. This means even small changes in the pipe's diameter can significantly impact the flow rate. A doubling of the radius results in a sixteen-fold increase in flow rate, highlighting the importance of pipe dimensions in fluid transport.
  • Viscosity Influence: Higher viscosity fluids will exhibit lower flow rates for a given pressure difference. This is why thicker fluids like honey flow more slowly than water through the same pipe.
  • Pressure Gradient: Poiseuille's Law underscores the relationship between pressure difference and flow rate. A higher pressure gradient (difference) leads to a greater flow rate.

Applications and Relevance:

Poiseuille's Law finds widespread applications in various fields:

  • Medicine: Understanding blood flow through vessels is crucial in cardiovascular studies and diagnosis.
  • Engineering: Pipe design, fluid transport in pipelines, and designing microfluidic devices all benefit from this principle.
  • Biology: Transport of fluids through biological systems, like blood circulation, is influenced by Poiseuille's Law.

Beyond the Basics:

While Poiseuille's Law provides a solid foundation for understanding viscous fluid flow, its limitations should be acknowledged. It assumes ideal conditions like:

  • Laminar Flow: The flow must be smooth and orderly, without turbulence.
  • Newtonian Fluid: The fluid's viscosity remains constant with changing shear stress.
  • Constant Diameter: The pipe must have a uniform diameter throughout.


Poiseuille's Law is a cornerstone principle in fluid mechanics that governs the flow of viscous fluids through pipes. Its applications are vast, impacting fields like medicine, engineering, and biology. While idealizations exist, understanding the relationship between pressure difference, viscosity, pipe dimensions, and flow rate remains crucial for analyzing and controlling fluid transport systems.

Test Your Knowledge

Poiseuille's Law Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary factor that Poiseuille's Law states is directly proportional to the volume flow rate (Q) in a cylindrical pipe?

a) Viscosity of the fluid b) Length of the pipe c) Radius of the pipe d) Pressure difference (ΔP)


d) Pressure difference (ΔP)

2. Which of these factors has the greatest impact on flow rate according to Poiseuille's Law?

a) Viscosity of the fluid b) Length of the pipe c) Radius of the pipe d) Pressure difference (ΔP)


c) Radius of the pipe

3. How does a doubling of the pipe's radius affect the flow rate according to Poiseuille's Law?

a) The flow rate doubles. b) The flow rate quadruples. c) The flow rate increases eightfold. d) The flow rate increases sixteenfold.


d) The flow rate increases sixteenfold.

4. What type of fluid flow does Poiseuille's Law primarily apply to?

a) Turbulent flow b) Laminar flow c) Compressible flow d) Incompressible flow


b) Laminar flow

5. Which of the following is NOT a limitation of Poiseuille's Law?

a) The fluid must be a Newtonian fluid. b) The flow must be laminar. c) The pipe must have a uniform diameter. d) The fluid must be incompressible.


d) The fluid must be incompressible.

Poiseuille's Law Exercise:

Scenario: You are a biomedical engineer tasked with designing a new intravenous (IV) drip system. The system needs to deliver a specific volume of saline solution (viscosity = 0.001 Pa.s) per minute through a catheter with a radius of 0.5 mm and a length of 10 cm.

Task: Using Poiseuille's Law, calculate the pressure difference (ΔP) required to achieve the desired flow rate of 10 mL/min.

Tips: * Convert all units to SI units (meters, seconds, Pascals). * Remember that flow rate (Q) is in m³/s.

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

Here's the solution:

  1. Convert units:

    • Radius (r) = 0.5 mm = 0.0005 m
    • Length (L) = 10 cm = 0.1 m
    • Flow rate (Q) = 10 mL/min = 1.67 x 10⁻⁷ m³/s
  2. Apply Poiseuille's Law: Q = (π * ΔP * r⁴) / (8 * η * L)

  3. Rearrange to solve for ΔP: ΔP = (8 * η * L * Q) / (π * r⁴)

  4. Substitute values: ΔP = (8 * 0.001 Pa.s * 0.1 m * 1.67 x 10⁻⁷ m³/s) / (π * (0.0005 m)⁴)

  5. Calculate: ΔP ≈ 427 Pa

Therefore, a pressure difference of approximately 427 Pa is required to achieve a flow rate of 10 mL/min through the IV catheter.


  • Fluid Mechanics by Frank M. White (A comprehensive textbook covering fluid mechanics, including Poiseuille's Law)
  • Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by Fox, McDonald, and Pritchard (Another excellent textbook on fluid mechanics)
  • Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics by Serway and Jewett (A widely used physics textbook that covers Poiseuille's Law in the fluid mechanics chapter)


  • "Poiseuille's Law" by A concise overview of the law with examples. (
  • "The Hagen–Poiseuille Equation: A Tutorial" by M. B. Abbott: A detailed explanation of the equation and its applications. (
  • "The Physics of Blood Flow" by Robert L. Hull: An article exploring the application of Poiseuille's Law in the context of blood circulation. (

Online Resources

  • HyperPhysics: Poiseuille's Law by Georgia State University: A detailed explanation with diagrams and interactive simulations. (
  • Khan Academy: Fluid Dynamics - Poiseuille's Law by Khan Academy: Video explanations of Poiseuille's Law and its applications. (
  • Wolfram MathWorld: Poiseuille Flow by Wolfram Research: A mathematical description of Poiseuille flow and its derivation. (

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "Poiseuille's Law formula," "Poiseuille's Law applications," or "Poiseuille's Law derivation" for targeted search results.
  • Utilize quotation marks for exact phrases, e.g., "Hagen-Poiseuille equation" to find resources that use the exact term.
  • Combine keywords with filters like "" to prioritize academic websites.
  • Employ advanced search operators like "filetype:pdf" to search for PDF documents specifically.
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