Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Reservoir Engineering: Overburden


Overburden: The Weight on the Shoulders of Oil & Gas Formations

In the world of oil and gas exploration, the term "overburden" refers to the weight of all the rocks and sediments lying above a specific geological formation. It's a crucial concept for understanding the pressure dynamics within the Earth's crust and ultimately, the formation of oil and gas reservoirs.

The Weight of the World:

Imagine a layer cake, with each layer representing a different geological formation. Overburden is the combined weight of all the layers above a specific layer, like the layer containing oil or gas. This weight exerts immense pressure on the target formation, affecting its properties and potentially influencing the presence and extraction of hydrocarbons.

Pressure and Depth:

The weight of overburden translates directly to pressure. The general rule of thumb is approximately 1 psi (pound per square inch) of pressure for every foot of depth. So, a formation at 10,000 feet would experience 10,000 psi of overburden pressure. This pressure is a major factor in the formation of oil and gas deposits:

  • Compaction: Overburden pressure compresses the sediments, expelling fluids and reducing porosity. This compaction can contribute to the formation of tight rock formations.
  • Hydrostatic Pressure: The weight of the overburden creates hydrostatic pressure, which plays a crucial role in maintaining the pressure gradient within the reservoir and facilitating the flow of hydrocarbons.
  • Rock Deformation: Overburden pressure can cause deformation in rocks, forming traps that can hold oil and gas.

Impact on Exploration and Production:

Understanding overburden pressure is critical for successful oil and gas exploration and production:

  • Reservoir Characterization: Overburden pressure is a key parameter used to determine the reservoir's properties, like porosity and permeability.
  • Well Design: Engineers use overburden pressure data to design wells that can withstand the high pressures encountered at depth.
  • Production Optimization: Knowledge of overburden pressure helps optimize production by understanding the potential for reservoir compaction and fluid flow.

Overburden: A Silent Force in Oil & Gas:

While invisible to the naked eye, overburden pressure plays a crucial role in the formation and extraction of oil and gas. By understanding its influence, we can more effectively explore, develop, and produce these valuable resources.

Test Your Knowledge


  • Petroleum Geology: This general field encompasses overburden concepts.
    • Petroleum Geology by A.H.F. Robertson, et al. (2019)
    • Elements of Petroleum Geology by K.K. Landes (2015)
  • Reservoir Engineering:
    • Reservoir Engineering Handbook by T.D. Matthews, et al. (2007)
    • Practical Reservoir Engineering by M.J. Economides, et al. (2011)
  • Drilling Engineering: Overburden pressure is key to drilling design.
    • Drilling Engineering: Fundamentals, Operations, and Management by S.P. Kaushik (2015)
    • Modern Well Design by S.H. Holditch (2001)


  • "Overburden Pressure and its Influence on Reservoir Properties" by M.E. Chilingarian, et al. (Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2007)
  • "Understanding Overburden Pressure: A Key to Efficient Oil and Gas Exploration and Production" by D.A. Barker (Oil and Gas Journal, 2009)
  • "The Role of Overburden Pressure in Shale Gas Production" by L.R. Engelder, et al. (AAPG Bulletin, 2012)

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): Search their website for "overburden pressure" or similar terms.
  • AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists): Their website offers resources and publications related to petroleum geology.
  • USGS (United States Geological Survey): This government agency provides data and publications on geology and energy resources.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Include terms like "overburden pressure," "reservoir engineering," "drilling," "petroleum geology."
  • Combine keywords: Use terms like "overburden pressure AND oil production" or "overburden pressure AND reservoir characterization."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to search for exact matches.
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