Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: On-The-Fly (in mixing)

On-The-Fly (in mixing)

On-The-Fly Mixing: A Critical Process in Oil & Gas Production

In the oil and gas industry, On-The-Fly (OTF) mixing refers to a technique for adding materials directly into a flowing fluid stream without the need for recirculation. This method is frequently employed to enhance production, mitigate risks, or optimize fluid properties.

How It Works:

OTF mixing typically involves injecting a specific additive, such as a chemical inhibitor, biocide, or demulsifier, directly into the pipeline carrying the fluid. The injection point is strategically chosen to ensure proper mixing and distribution of the additive throughout the stream.

Benefits of On-The-Fly Mixing:

  • Efficiency: OTF mixing eliminates the need for separate tanks, pumps, and recirculation loops, resulting in significant cost savings and space optimization.
  • Reduced Downtime: The continuous injection process avoids shutdowns for batch mixing and reduces operational downtime.
  • Real-time Control: OTF systems can be easily controlled and monitored, allowing for precise adjustments to the additive concentration based on real-time conditions.
  • Enhanced Performance: OTF mixing can improve fluid properties, such as viscosity, density, and stability, leading to increased production rates and reduced operational costs.

Applications in Oil & Gas Operations:

OTF mixing finds widespread applications in various stages of oil and gas production, including:

  • Production Wells: Inhibiting corrosion and scaling, controlling bacteria growth, and optimizing flow properties.
  • Pipelines: Preventing hydrate formation, reducing friction losses, and maintaining fluid integrity.
  • Processing Facilities: Enhancing separation efficiency, minimizing emulsion formation, and improving water treatment processes.

Key Considerations for OTF Mixing:

  • Additive Compatibility: Ensuring that the additive is compatible with the flowing fluid and does not cause any adverse reactions.
  • Injection Point Location: Choosing an optimal location that provides adequate mixing and prevents uneven distribution.
  • Flow Rate and Pressure: Understanding the fluid flow conditions to ensure proper injection and mixing.
  • Monitoring and Control Systems: Implementing robust monitoring systems to track additive concentration and adjust injection rates as needed.


On-The-Fly mixing is a valuable tool in the oil and gas industry, offering numerous advantages in terms of efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and operational flexibility. By strategically implementing OTF systems, operators can optimize production processes, mitigate risks, and maximize the profitability of their operations.


  • Definition: On-The-Fly (OTF) mixing adds materials directly to a flowing fluid stream without recirculation.
  • Benefits: Efficiency, reduced downtime, real-time control, and enhanced performance.
  • Applications: Production wells, pipelines, processing facilities.
  • Considerations: Additive compatibility, injection point location, flow conditions, and monitoring systems.

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