Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Normally Pressured

Normally Pressured

Normally Pressured: Understanding the Pressure Profile in Oil & Gas Formations

In the world of oil and gas exploration and production, understanding the pressure within subsurface formations is crucial. This pressure, known as pore pressure, is the fluid pressure exerted on the rock matrix within the pores. A formation with a pore pressure that aligns with a specific gradient is considered normally pressured.

What is a Normal Pressure Gradient?

The normal pressure gradient refers to the expected increase in pressure with depth in a subsurface formation. This gradient is typically expressed in pounds per square inch per foot (psi/ft). In most cases, the normal pressure gradient closely mirrors the hydrostatic pressure of seawater, which is 0.46 psi/ft.

This means that for every 100 feet deeper you go into the earth, the pressure increases by 46 psi, assuming the formation is filled with seawater.

Normally Pressured Formations: A Stable Environment

Formations with pore pressures that match the normal pressure gradient are considered normally pressured. These formations exhibit a stable pressure equilibrium, meaning they are neither over-pressured nor under-pressured.

Why is Normally Pressured Important?

Understanding the pressure regime of a formation is crucial for various reasons:

  • Drilling Operations: Formations with normal pressure offer a predictable and relatively safe environment for drilling operations. The drilling mud weight can be readily calculated to maintain wellbore stability.
  • Production Optimization: Knowing the pressure characteristics of a reservoir is key to designing efficient production strategies. Normally pressured formations generally have a stable flow rate and require minimal pressure maintenance.
  • Exploration & Appraisal: Understanding the pressure profile of a formation helps geologists and engineers assess the likelihood of finding hydrocarbons and estimate the reservoir's productivity.

Exceptions to the Rule:

While the normal pressure gradient provides a useful baseline, it's important to remember that not all formations adhere to this standard. Several factors can influence pore pressure, leading to deviations from the normal gradient:

  • Overpressure: Formations experiencing abnormally high pressures, often due to rapid sedimentation or geological processes like tectonic movements, are considered over-pressured.
  • Underpressure: In some cases, formations can have lower than expected pressures, known as underpressure. This can be caused by factors like fluid withdrawal or gas expansion.


The concept of normally pressured formations provides a fundamental understanding of the pressure behavior in subsurface environments. Recognizing and understanding the normal pressure gradient helps ensure safe and efficient drilling, production, and exploration operations in the oil and gas industry.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Normally Pressured Formations

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is pore pressure?

a) The pressure exerted by the weight of overlying rocks.


Incorrect. This describes overburden pressure.

b) The fluid pressure within the pores of a rock formation.



c) The pressure required to fracture a rock formation.


Incorrect. This describes fracture pressure.

d) The pressure at which a wellbore becomes unstable.


Incorrect. This describes the critical mud weight.

2. What is the typical normal pressure gradient in psi/ft?

a) 0.23 psi/ft



b) 0.46 psi/ft



c) 0.69 psi/ft



d) 0.92 psi/ft



3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of understanding normal pressure in a formation?

a) Predicting wellbore stability during drilling.


Incorrect. This is a key benefit.

b) Optimizing production strategies.


Incorrect. This is a key benefit.

c) Determining the age of the formation.


Correct! Age is not directly related to pressure.

d) Assessing the reservoir's productivity.


Incorrect. This is a key benefit.

4. What is the term for a formation with abnormally high pore pressure?

a) Underpressured


Incorrect. This refers to low pressure.

b) Normally Pressured


Incorrect. This refers to pressure following the normal gradient.

c) Overpressured



d) Hydrostatic


Incorrect. This refers to pressure related to the weight of water.

5. What is a potential cause of underpressure in a formation?

a) Rapid sedimentation


Incorrect. This is a cause of overpressure.

b) Tectonic movement


Incorrect. This is a cause of overpressure.

c) Fluid withdrawal


Correct! Removing fluids can lead to lower pressure.

d) Gas generation


Incorrect. This is a cause of overpressure.

Exercise: Calculating Pressure

Instructions: A well is drilled to a depth of 5,000 feet. Assuming a normal pressure gradient, what is the expected pore pressure at that depth?

Exercice Correction

Here's how to calculate the expected pore pressure:

Normal pressure gradient = 0.46 psi/ft

Depth = 5,000 feet

Expected pore pressure = (Normal pressure gradient) * (Depth)

Expected pore pressure = (0.46 psi/ft) * (5,000 ft)

Expected pore pressure = 2,300 psi

Therefore, the expected pore pressure at 5,000 feet is 2,300 psi.


  • Petroleum Geology: by William D. Means (2009) - Provides a comprehensive overview of petroleum systems, including pressure regimes and their impact on exploration and production.
  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook: by Tarek Ahmed (2012) - A detailed guide to reservoir engineering principles, including discussions on pressure behavior and its influence on production operations.
  • Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering: by Jean-Claude Broussard (2019) - Offers practical insights into reservoir engineering concepts, with dedicated sections on pressure gradients and their implications for field development.


  • "Pressure Regimes in Sedimentary Basins" by R.C. Selley (1985): A classic paper that delves into the mechanisms responsible for different pressure regimes in sedimentary basins.
  • "Overpressure and Its Impact on Petroleum Systems" by S.C. Barton (2003): Discusses the formation of overpressure and its effects on reservoir properties and hydrocarbon exploration.
  • "Understanding Underpressure: Its Origin and Impact on Reservoir Characterization" by C.J.A. Hewett (2006): Explores the causes and consequences of underpressure in sedimentary basins.
  • "The Role of Pore Pressure in Hydraulic Fracturing" by J.D. Warpinski (2009): Highlights the importance of understanding pore pressure in optimizing hydraulic fracturing operations.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website offers a vast collection of technical papers and resources on a wide range of oil and gas topics, including pore pressure and its applications.
  • OnePetro: Provides access to a comprehensive database of petroleum engineering articles, research papers, and industry reports.
  • USGS (United States Geological Survey): Provides information on geological processes, including sedimentary basins and pressure regimes.
  • GeoScienceWorld: Offers access to a wide range of geoscience journals and publications, including those related to pressure in subsurface formations.

Search Tips

  • "Normally pressured formations" + "oil and gas"
  • "Pressure gradient" + "petroleum exploration"
  • "Overpressure" + "underpressure" + "hydrocarbon reservoirs"
  • "Pore pressure" + "drilling operations"
  • "Reservoir engineering" + "pressure regime"
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