Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Non-producing


Delving into the Depths: Non-Producing Reserves in Oil & Gas

The oil and gas industry uses a complex system of terminology to classify and categorize resources. One such category, often overlooked, is Non-Producing Reserves. This category encompasses reserves that are not currently generating revenue, but have the potential to be brought online in the future. Understanding these reserves is crucial for investors, companies, and governments alike, as they represent potential future production and economic value.

Non-producing reserves are further divided into two key subcategories: Shut-in reserves and Behind-pipe reserves.

1. Shut-in Reserves:

These reserves represent resources that are theoretically ready for production but are currently inactive due to various factors. Shut-in reserves can be classified into three main categories:

  • Open Completion Intervals: These are zones within a well that have been completed but are not yet producing. They could be awaiting favorable market conditions or pipeline connections to initiate production.
  • Market Conditions: Wells may be shut-in due to unfavorable market conditions, such as low oil prices or gas prices, or limited pipeline capacity. These reserves can be brought back online when market conditions improve.
  • Mechanical Reasons: Wells may be shut-in due to mechanical issues, such as equipment failure or wellbore integrity problems. These require repair or maintenance before production can resume.

2. Behind-Pipe Reserves:

These reserves are located in zones within existing wells that are not currently producing because they require additional completion work or future re-completion. This could involve stimulating the reservoir through techniques like hydraulic fracturing or acidizing, or completing a new interval within the well.

The Significance of Non-Producing Reserves:

Understanding the nature and potential of non-producing reserves is essential for several reasons:

  • Future Production Potential: They represent a significant source of potential future production, contributing to overall resource recovery and economic growth.
  • Investment Decisions: Investors and companies rely on estimates of non-producing reserves to make informed investment decisions, assessing the potential for future production and profitability.
  • Resource Management: Government agencies use estimates of non-producing reserves to develop effective resource management strategies and ensure long-term sustainability of the industry.

Challenges and Considerations:

Evaluating and estimating non-producing reserves presents several challenges, including:

  • Uncertainty: The potential for production from these reserves can be highly uncertain, requiring careful evaluation and analysis of various factors like technical feasibility, market conditions, and future development plans.
  • Timeframes: Bringing non-producing reserves online often requires significant time and investment, necessitating long-term planning and considerations of future market scenarios.


Non-producing reserves are a crucial aspect of the oil and gas industry, representing a significant source of potential future production. Understanding the nature, characteristics, and challenges associated with these reserves is vital for informed decision-making and ensuring the long-term viability of the industry. As the global energy landscape continues to evolve, focusing on both current production and potential resources from non-producing reserves will be essential for meeting future energy needs and sustaining economic growth.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Delving into the Depths: Non-Producing Reserves in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Non-Producing Reserves?

a) They are currently generating revenue. b) They have the potential to be brought online in the future. c) They are classified into Shut-in and Behind-pipe reserves. d) They are crucial for investors and companies to assess future production.


a) They are currently generating revenue.

2. Which category of Shut-in Reserves is NOT driven by market conditions?

a) Open Completion Intervals. b) Wells shut-in due to low oil prices. c) Wells shut-in due to limited pipeline capacity. d) Wells shut-in due to equipment failure.


d) Wells shut-in due to equipment failure.

3. What does "Behind-Pipe Reserves" refer to?

a) Reserves located in zones within existing wells that are not currently producing. b) Reserves located in zones where a new well needs to be drilled. c) Reserves that are located in inaccessible areas. d) Reserves that have not been discovered yet.


a) Reserves located in zones within existing wells that are not currently producing.

4. Which of the following is NOT a reason why understanding Non-Producing Reserves is crucial?

a) To assess the potential for future production. b) To make informed investment decisions. c) To understand the current production capacity of a well. d) To develop effective resource management strategies.


c) To understand the current production capacity of a well.

5. Which of the following presents a challenge in evaluating Non-Producing Reserves?

a) Availability of accurate production data. b) The uncertainty associated with future production potential. c) The need for expensive exploration activities. d) The lack of qualified personnel.


b) The uncertainty associated with future production potential.

Exercise: Case Study Analysis


You are an analyst working for an oil and gas company. The company is considering acquiring a mature oil field that has significant Non-Producing Reserves. The field has multiple wells with both Shut-in and Behind-pipe reserves.


  • Identify the key factors you would consider in evaluating the potential of the Non-Producing Reserves.
  • Develop a strategy for bringing these reserves online, including potential timeframes and costs.
  • Analyze the potential risks and challenges associated with this acquisition.

Note: This is a hypothetical exercise designed to stimulate critical thinking and application of the concepts. You can use the provided information about Non-Producing Reserves and additional research to develop your analysis.

Exercise Correction

This exercise is open-ended, and a wide range of factors and strategies can be considered. Here is a sample outline to illustrate possible approaches: **Key Factors to Consider:** * **Technical Evaluation:** * **Well Condition:** Thorough assessment of well integrity, equipment functionality, and any existing problems or limitations. * **Reservoir Characteristics:** Analyzing reservoir pressure, fluid properties, and the potential for enhanced oil recovery techniques like hydraulic fracturing. * **Geology:** Understanding the geological structure of the field, potential for new zones, and feasibility of re-completion. * **Market Factors:** * **Oil/Gas Prices:** Assessing current and projected prices to determine the economic viability of production. * **Infrastructure Availability:** Evaluating existing pipeline capacity and potential for new infrastructure development. * **Competition:** Analyzing the competitive landscape and potential for market share. * **Legal and Regulatory:** * **Permitting:** Assessing the feasibility of obtaining necessary permits and licenses for production activities. * **Environmental Regulations:** Evaluating compliance requirements and potential environmental impact. **Strategy for Bringing Reserves Online:** * **Prioritize based on potential and risk:** Focus on wells with higher potential and lower risk of bringing them online. * **Phase-wise approach:** Start with the most readily accessible and cost-effective reserves. * **Develop a detailed plan:** Outline the specific steps required for each reserve, including potential techniques for stimulating production. * **Timeframe and cost estimations:** Develop realistic timelines for each phase, considering necessary investments and potential delays. **Potential Risks and Challenges:** * **Technical Risk:** Uncertainties in reservoir performance, well condition, or unforeseen issues during re-completion. * **Financial Risk:** High initial investment costs, potential delays, and uncertainty in future revenue streams. * **Market Risk:** Fluctuations in oil/gas prices, limited market access, and competition from other producers. * **Environmental Risk:** Potential environmental impact from production activities and compliance costs. Remember, the specific details of your analysis will depend on the specific information provided in the hypothetical case study. This exercise aims to encourage you to think critically and apply the knowledge gained about Non-Producing Reserves.


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: While not solely focused on non-producing reserves, this comprehensive handbook by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) covers reservoir engineering principles essential for understanding the potential of non-producing resources.
  • Reservoir Simulation: This book by K. Aziz and A. Settari dives into the complexities of reservoir simulation, a vital tool for evaluating the viability of non-producing reserves.
  • Fundamentals of Petroleum Production Engineering: This book by M. J. Economides and L. W. Nolte provides a thorough understanding of production techniques, which is crucial for assessing the feasibility of bringing non-producing reserves online.


  • "Shut-In Wells and Reserves - A Hidden Treasure in the E&P Business" by Schlumberger: This article outlines the various types of shut-in reserves and their significance in resource management.
  • "Unlocking the Potential of Behind-Pipe Reserves" by SPE: This article discusses the technical challenges and economic considerations involved in developing behind-pipe reserves.
  • "The Role of Non-Producing Reserves in Future Oil & Gas Production" by IHS Markit: This report provides insights into the global perspective of non-producing reserves and their impact on energy supply.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This organization offers a wealth of information on reservoir engineering, production techniques, and industry best practices, including resources relevant to non-producing reserves.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): This industry association provides data and analysis on oil and gas production and reserves, including information on non-producing reserves.
  • United States Geological Survey (USGS): The USGS publishes extensive reports and data on oil and gas resources, including assessments of undiscovered resources, which can be helpful in understanding the potential of non-producing reserves.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication frequently features articles and reports on various aspects of the oil and gas industry, including non-producing reserves.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just searching "non-producing reserves," use more specific terms like "shut-in reserves," "behind-pipe reserves," "non-producing reserves evaluation," "recoverable reserves," etc.
  • Combine keywords: Use phrases like "non-producing reserves and market conditions," "non-producing reserves and hydraulic fracturing," or "non-producing reserves and economic analysis."
  • Refine your search with filters: Use Google's advanced search options to filter results by publication date, file type, or domain.
  • Check scholarly sources: Explore academic databases like Google Scholar, JSTOR, or ScienceDirect to access peer-reviewed research articles on non-producing reserves.
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