Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Meter Factor

Meter Factor

Meter Factor: A Key to Accurate Measurement

In the realm of technical measurements, precision is paramount. However, even the most sophisticated measuring devices can be subject to inherent inaccuracies. To bridge this gap and ensure accurate readings, a correction factor known as the Meter Factor is often employed.

What is a Meter Factor?

The Meter Factor is a multiplier used to adjust the readings of a meter, compensating for inherent deviations in its performance. It is typically applied to instruments measuring flow, energy, or other quantifiable parameters, ensuring the recorded value aligns closely with the actual value.

Understanding the Need for Meter Factors:

Meters, regardless of their sophistication, are not perfect. They can be affected by various factors:

  • Environmental Conditions: Temperature, pressure, or humidity fluctuations can influence a meter's readings.
  • Calibration Drift: Over time, a meter's calibration might shift, leading to inaccurate readings.
  • Meter Design: Even within the same type of meter, minor variations in design can influence accuracy.

How Meter Factors Work:

A Meter Factor is determined through calibration tests where the meter is compared against a known standard. The calibration process reveals the difference between the meter's reading and the true value. This difference is then expressed as a multiplier, the Meter Factor, which is applied to subsequent readings to correct for the deviation.


Imagine a flow meter reads 10 liters per minute, but calibration reveals it is actually measuring 9.5 liters per minute. The Meter Factor would be 10/9.5 = 1.053. To obtain the true flow rate from future readings, the Meter Factor of 1.053 would be multiplied by the meter's reading.

Types of Meter Factors:

Meter Factors can be applied in various scenarios:

  • Flow Meter Factor: Corrects for inaccuracies in flow meters, crucial for applications like water, gas, or oil flow measurement.
  • Energy Meter Factor: Ensures accurate energy consumption measurement in homes, businesses, or industrial settings.
  • Volume Meter Factor: Used to correct readings in volume meters, essential for applications like liquid or gas storage.

Benefits of Using Meter Factors:

  • Improved Accuracy: Meter Factors significantly enhance the accuracy of measurements, ensuring reliable data for various applications.
  • Financial Savings: Accurate readings can help minimize waste, optimize resource consumption, and reduce associated costs.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Many industries have regulations requiring accurate measurements for safety and accountability. Meter Factors play a crucial role in meeting these requirements.


The Meter Factor is an essential tool in achieving accurate measurement in technical applications. By compensating for inherent deviations in meter performance, it ensures reliable and accurate data, crucial for various industries and scientific research.

Test Your Knowledge


  • "Handbook of Industrial Metrology" by Kenneth G. Castle (Covers various aspects of measurement and calibration, including meter factors)
  • "Flow Measurement Engineering Handbook" by Robert W. Miller (Provides in-depth information on flow measurement techniques, including meter factors)
  • "Instrumentation and Control Systems" by William Bolton (A general text on instrumentation, featuring sections on measurement errors and calibration, which often involve meter factors)


  • "Understanding Meter Factors for Accurate Measurement" by [Your Name] (This article could be your own work, summarizing the information above and providing more specific examples)
  • "Calibration and Accuracy in Flow Measurement" by [Author] (Search online databases like IEEE Xplore for relevant articles on flow measurement calibration, which will often mention meter factors)

Online Resources

  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) website: NIST provides comprehensive information on measurement standards and calibration, including resources on meter factors.
  • Flow Measurement and Instrumentation Society (FMIS): FMIS offers educational materials, resources, and publications related to flow measurement, including discussions on meter factors.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): API provides standards and guidelines for various industries, including those related to flow measurement and calibration.
  • Manufacturer websites: The websites of instrument manufacturers often offer technical documentation, user manuals, and application notes that detail meter factors for their specific products.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine "meter factor" with terms like "flow measurement," "calibration," "energy measurement," or the specific type of meter you are interested in (e.g., "flow meter factor," "energy meter factor").
  • Include industry-specific terms: If you are focusing on a particular industry (e.g., oil and gas, water treatment), include relevant industry keywords in your search.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose keywords in quotation marks ("meter factor") to find results that include the exact phrase.
  • Filter your results: Use Google's advanced search options to filter results by date, type, or domain.
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