Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Marcit


Marcit: A Powerful Tool for Fracture Shut-Off in Oil & Gas Operations

Marcit is a specialized water/zone control chemical developed by Marathon Oil. Primarily used in fracture shut-off operations, Marcit plays a crucial role in maximizing oil and gas production while minimizing environmental impact.

What is Fracture Shut-Off?

Fracture shut-off involves selectively sealing off unwanted pathways in the reservoir during hydraulic fracturing operations. This prevents the injected fracturing fluid from flowing into undesired zones, such as water-bearing strata, leading to:

  • Enhanced oil and gas production: By isolating the targeted zone, the injected fluid focuses on creating fractures in the desired reservoir, maximizing oil and gas recovery.
  • Reduced water production: Minimizing fluid flow into water zones prevents contamination of produced water, ensuring cleaner and more efficient production.
  • Minimized environmental impact: Controlled fluid flow reduces the risk of groundwater contamination and other environmental concerns associated with unconventional drilling.

How Marcit Works:

Marcit acts as a bridging agent, filling the fractures and forming a tight seal that prevents fluid flow. This chemical, often used in conjunction with other treatment technologies, exhibits excellent compatibility with fracturing fluids and formation conditions, offering various advantages:

  • High temperature and pressure resistance: Marcit can withstand the harsh conditions encountered in deep formations, ensuring its effectiveness at elevated temperatures and pressures.
  • Long-term stability: Marcit forms a durable seal that persists over time, preventing fluid leakage and maintaining its effectiveness throughout the production lifecycle.
  • Selective application: Marcit can be selectively injected into specific zones, allowing for precise control over fluid flow and optimization of production.
  • Environmentally friendly: Marcit is designed to minimize environmental impact, contributing to responsible and sustainable oil and gas operations.

Applications of Marcit:

Marcit finds numerous applications in the oil and gas industry, including:

  • Preventing water production: Marcit effectively isolates water zones, ensuring cleaner and more efficient oil and gas production.
  • Controlling gas channeling: By sealing off unwanted pathways, Marcit prevents gas channeling and improves recovery rates.
  • Improving well productivity: By focusing fluid flow to the target zone, Marcit enhances the efficiency of hydraulic fracturing operations, boosting well productivity.


Marcit represents a vital tool in the arsenal of oil and gas operators, facilitating efficient and environmentally responsible production. Its ability to effectively control fluid flow, prevent water contamination, and enhance recovery rates makes Marcit a valuable asset in maximizing production while minimizing environmental impact. As the oil and gas industry continues to evolve, technologies like Marcit will continue to play a critical role in ensuring responsible and sustainable resource extraction.

Test Your Knowledge


  • "Hydraulic Fracturing: Fundamentals, Applications, and Case Studies" by A. J. Dandekar: Covers the fundamentals and applications of hydraulic fracturing, including fracture shut-off techniques.
  • "Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources" by J. R. McLennan: Explains the production of oil and gas from unconventional reservoirs, highlighting the role of fracture shut-off technologies.


  • Search on reputable industry journals like:
    • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Journal: Contains a vast collection of technical papers on various aspects of oil and gas production.
    • Journal of Petroleum Technology (JPT): Publishes technical articles related to all aspects of the oil and gas industry.
    • Fuel: A journal dedicated to the science and technology of fuels and energy.

Online Resources

  • SPE Website: A great resource for technical information on oil and gas production, including fracture shut-off technologies.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): Provides technical standards and best practices for the oil and gas industry, including environmental considerations.
  • The National Petroleum Council (NPC): Conducts studies and provides reports on various aspects of the oil and gas industry, including technological advancements.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "fracture shut-off," "water/zone control chemicals," "hydraulic fracturing additives," "Marathon Oil technologies," etc.
  • Combine keywords with industry terms: "fracture shut-off" + "oil and gas production," "water/zone control chemicals" + "environmental impact," etc.
  • Use quotation marks: "Marcit" or "Marathon Oil Marcit" to find exact matches.
  • Explore the "Related Searches" section: Google often provides relevant keywords and phrases based on your search query.
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