Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: LOP (rock mechanics)

LOP (rock mechanics)

Understanding the Leak-Off Point (LOP) in Rock Mechanics

The Leak-Off Point (LOP) is a crucial parameter in wellbore stability analysis and reservoir engineering. It represents the pressure at which a fluid injected into a wellbore starts to leak into the surrounding rock formation. This critical pressure is determined during a leak-off test (LOT), typically conducted after casing is set and before drilling ahead.

Understanding the Leak-Off Test (LOT)

The LOT is a pressure test performed to evaluate the formation's ability to contain fluids under pressure. It involves injecting a fluid (usually water-based mud) into the wellbore at an increasing rate, while monitoring the pressure response. The pressure increases linearly until it reaches the point where the fluid starts leaking into the formation. This point of departure from the straight-line pressure response is identified as the Leak-Off Point (LOP).

Key Factors Influencing the LOP:

  • Formation Permeability: A more permeable formation will allow the fluid to leak off at a lower pressure.
  • Formation Stress State: The stress state in the surrounding rock formation influences the pore pressure required to fracture the formation. Higher stress levels necessitate higher pressure to induce fracture.
  • Fluid Properties: Fluid viscosity, density, and compressibility can affect the pressure required for leakage.
  • Wellbore Geometry: The diameter and depth of the wellbore can influence the pressure gradient and therefore the LOP.

Significance of the LOP in Rock Mechanics:

  • Wellbore Stability: The LOP provides valuable information about the fracture pressure of the formation, which is crucial for predicting and preventing wellbore instability issues such as fracturing, wellbore collapse, and sand production.
  • Fracturing Operations: The LOP serves as a benchmark for determining the optimal pressure to initiate hydraulic fracturing operations.
  • Reservoir Engineering: The LOP can be used to estimate the permeability of the formation and identify potential zones of fluid leakage.
  • Drilling Operations: Understanding the LOP allows for safe and efficient drilling by avoiding high-pressure situations that could lead to wellbore instability.

Interpretation of the LOP:

The LOP is usually plotted as a graph with pressure on the Y-axis and volume on the X-axis. The point where the pressure curve departs from a straight line indicates the LOP. The slope of the straight line segment represents the formation's compressibility.


The Leak-Off Point (LOP) is a critical parameter in rock mechanics, providing valuable insights into the mechanical properties of the formation. By accurately determining and understanding the LOP, engineers can optimize drilling operations, design hydraulic fracturing treatments, and ensure the long-term stability of the wellbore.

Test Your Knowledge


  • Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics by J.A. Hudson and D.W. Priest (This book provides a comprehensive overview of rock mechanics, including sections on wellbore stability and fracture mechanics.)
  • Rock Mechanics for Oil and Gas Production by S.C. Cowin (This book focuses on the applications of rock mechanics in oil and gas production, including discussions on wellbore stability and fracture initiation.)
  • Wellbore Stability by M.B. Dusseault and C.H.S. McLennan (This book is dedicated to the topic of wellbore stability, covering various aspects like leak-off pressure, hydraulic fracturing, and wellbore failure mechanisms.)


  • "Leak-Off Test Analysis: A Practical Approach" by J.G. King and R.E. Fertl (This article provides a detailed guide on conducting and interpreting leak-off tests.)
  • "The Influence of Fluid Properties on the Leak-Off Point" by J.L. Walsh and G.S. King (This article investigates the impact of fluid properties on the LOP and provides insights into how different fluids affect pressure and fracture initiation.)
  • "Wellbore Stability: A Review of the Factors Affecting the Leak-Off Pressure" by D.J. Worthington (This article offers a comprehensive review of the factors that influence the LOP, including rock properties, stress state, and fluid properties.)

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) website: The SPE website hosts a vast library of papers and articles related to wellbore stability, leak-off tests, and other aspects of rock mechanics in the oil and gas industry.
  • Petroleum Engineering Journal: This journal publishes peer-reviewed articles on various aspects of petroleum engineering, including topics related to rock mechanics and wellbore stability.
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: This online resource provides comprehensive definitions and explanations of terms related to oil and gas exploration, production, and reservoir engineering, including the LOP.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use keywords like "leak-off point", "leak-off test", "wellbore stability", "fracture pressure", "rock mechanics", and "petroleum engineering".
  • Combine keywords with operators: Use operators like "AND", "OR", and "NOT" to refine your search. For example, "leak-off point AND wellbore stability".
  • Filter your results by file type: Use the "filetype:" operator to find specific types of content like PDF files or articles. For example, "leak-off point filetype:pdf".
  • Use advanced search features: Google's advanced search features allow you to filter results by language, date, and domain, which can help you find relevant information more efficiently.
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