Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Litho-Density TM Log

Litho-Density TM Log

Understanding the Litho-Density™ Log: A Powerful Tool for Formation Analysis in Oil & Gas Exploration

The Litho-Density™ log, a crucial tool in oil and gas exploration, plays a pivotal role in providing valuable information about the subsurface formations. This log, often referred to as the "density log," measures the bulk density of the formation, offering insights into its lithology (rock type), porosity, and even hydrocarbon saturation.

How it Works:

The Litho-Density™ log operates on the principle of gamma ray attenuation. A radioactive source, typically Cesium-137, emits gamma rays that penetrate the formation. The density of the formation directly influences the number of gamma rays that pass through it. Detectors placed on the logging tool measure the intensity of the transmitted gamma rays.

Key Applications:

  • Lithology Estimation: By analyzing the bulk density readings, geologists can infer the likely lithology of the formation. Different rock types exhibit distinct density characteristics. For example, sandstones typically have lower density than shales.

  • Porosity Calculation: The Litho-Density™ log, combined with other logs like the sonic log, allows for the estimation of porosity. Porosity refers to the volume of pore space within the formation, which can be filled with fluids like oil, gas, or water.

  • Hydrocarbon Saturation: In combination with other logs, the density log can be used to calculate the volume of hydrocarbons within the formation. This is achieved by comparing the measured density with the density of the rock matrix and the fluid filling the pores.

Benefits of Using Litho-Density™ Logs:

  • Detailed Formation Characterization: Provides a comprehensive understanding of the formation's properties.
  • Enhanced Exploration Efficiency: Helps identify promising zones for hydrocarbon exploration.
  • Reservoir Management: Provides valuable data for reservoir characterization and production optimization.
  • Enhanced Well Placement: Helps determine the optimal location for well drilling and completion.


While the Litho-Density™ log is a powerful tool, it has certain limitations:

  • Sensitivity to borehole conditions: Factors like borehole diameter and mud cake thickness can affect the accuracy of the readings.
  • Depth of Investigation: The tool's penetration depth is limited, potentially missing thin layers.
  • Calibration Requirements: Accurate calibration is crucial for reliable results.


The Litho-Density™ log is an indispensable tool for oil and gas exploration and production. Its ability to measure formation density provides valuable information for lithology determination, porosity estimation, and hydrocarbon saturation calculation. Understanding the principles and applications of this log allows geoscientists and engineers to make informed decisions about exploration, reservoir management, and well planning.

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