Glossary of Technical Terms Used in General Technical Terms: Line Drive

Line Drive

Line Drive: Guiding Fluid Flow with Precision

In engineering and technical fields, the term "line drive" refers to a specific technique employed to direct fluid flow along a predetermined path. This method utilizes a series of injectors, strategically arranged along a line, to achieve the desired fluid movement.

How it Works:

The line drive system operates by creating a series of pressure gradients. Each injector in the line delivers a targeted amount of fluid, creating a pressure differential between itself and the adjacent injectors. This differential forces the fluid to flow in a specific direction, effectively driving the fluid along the line created by the injectors.

Key Features:

  • Precise Fluid Direction: Line drive systems allow for accurate and controlled fluid movement along the designated path.
  • Targeted Flow: The system can be adjusted to deliver specific fluid volumes to different points along the line, enabling localized control.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: The configuration of the injectors can be easily modified to accommodate different flow patterns and geometries.


Line drive technology finds applications in various industries and processes, including:

  • Microfluidics: Precise control of fluid flow in microfluidic devices, essential for biological research, chemical synthesis, and drug discovery.
  • Fluid Handling Systems: Guiding liquids in manufacturing processes, where precise fluid flow is crucial for quality control and efficiency.
  • Fuel Injection Systems: Directing fuel to specific areas within internal combustion engines for optimized combustion and performance.
  • Water and Wastewater Treatment: Control the flow of water and treatment agents in filtration systems and other water management processes.


  • Increased Efficiency: By directing the fluid flow along a specific path, line drive systems minimize wasted energy and improve efficiency.
  • Reduced Waste: Controlled flow minimizes fluid spillage and waste, contributing to sustainable practices.
  • Enhanced Precision: The ability to direct and control the fluid flow with accuracy translates to higher precision in various applications.


The line drive technique represents a powerful tool for directing and controlling fluid flow in numerous technical fields. This approach offers significant advantages in terms of efficiency, precision, and control, making it a valuable technology for various industrial applications. As technology advances, we can expect even more innovative applications for line drive systems in the future.

Test Your Knowledge


  • Microfluidics: Basics, Fabrication, and Applications by David Erickson and George Whitesides: This book provides a comprehensive overview of microfluidic principles and techniques, including various flow control methods like line drive.
  • Fluid Mechanics by Frank M. White: A classic textbook covering fundamental fluid mechanics concepts, offering a strong foundation to understand the underlying physics behind line drive.
  • Microfluidics: Design and Fabrication by Abdelrhman Elbuken, H.A.C. Tilmans and J.A. Plaza: A comprehensive guide for building microfluidic devices, including chapters on fluid control and micro-pumping techniques.


  • Microfluidic Line Drive: A Novel Technique for Guiding Fluid Flow in Microfluidic Devices by [Your Name] (If this is an original concept, you can write your own article and cite it here): A theoretical exploration of the line drive technique and its potential in microfluidic applications.
  • Precise Fluid Flow Control in Microfluidic Devices: A Review by [Author(s)] (search in relevant journals like Lab on a Chip, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics): A comprehensive review of different fluid control methods in microfluidics, possibly including line drive.
  • Design and Fabrication of Microfluidic Devices for Biological Applications by [Author(s)] (search in journals like Biomicrofluidics, Biosensors and Bioelectronics): A research article focusing on microfluidic devices for biological applications, potentially mentioning fluid control techniques like line drive.

Online Resources

  • Microfluidic Society: This organization offers resources, publications, and conferences related to microfluidics, which can be helpful to find relevant information on line drive and other fluid control methods.
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST): NIST has a website dedicated to microfluidics, offering technical information and resources on various aspects of this field, including fluid manipulation techniques.
  • Wikipedia: Search for "Microfluidics," "Fluid Mechanics," and "Micro-pumping" to find introductory information and further resources.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "line drive microfluidics," "microfluidic flow control," "microfluidic injection," "fluid handling in microfluidic devices."
  • Combine keywords with specific applications, like "line drive fuel injection," "line drive wastewater treatment," etc.
  • Explore academic search engines like Google Scholar and Scopus for relevant research papers and articles.
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