Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Lateral (wellbore)

Lateral (wellbore)

Lateral: Navigating the Labyrinth of Oil & Gas Wells

In the world of oil and gas exploration, understanding the terminology is crucial for successful operations. One such term, lateral, often sends a shiver down the spines of novice industry professionals. While it may seem intimidating at first, its meaning is quite straightforward, especially when considering its context within wellbore design.

The term lateral refers to a deviation from the main bore, also known as the "mother bore". Imagine a tree trunk as the mother bore, and branches extending from it as the laterals. This analogy effectively illustrates the relationship between these two elements.

The purpose of laterals varies depending on the specific geological formation being targeted. They can be used to:

  • Access multiple reservoirs: Imagine a single mother bore penetrating a large reservoir. By drilling laterals, multiple pockets of oil or gas within the same reservoir can be accessed. This increases production efficiency and reduces overall drilling costs.
  • Reach isolated pockets of hydrocarbons: Sometimes, oil or gas deposits are located in isolated areas within a larger formation. Laterals allow drillers to reach these pockets that would otherwise be inaccessible.
  • Increase well productivity: By creating a larger contact area with the reservoir, laterals can significantly boost the flow rate of oil or gas, maximizing production.

The term "lateral" is not always used consistently throughout the oil and gas industry. In some regions, it might also refer to high-angle wells, where the wellbore deviates significantly from vertical. However, it's crucial to understand the specific context in which the term is used to avoid any confusion.

Understanding the concept of laterals is essential for anyone involved in oil and gas operations. By knowing how these deviations from the main bore are used, you can better grasp the complexities of well design and its impact on exploration and production efforts.

Remember, the next time you encounter the term "lateral", visualize a branching tree reaching out for valuable hydrocarbons. It's a simple concept with profound implications for the oil and gas industry.

Test Your Knowledge

Lateral: Navigating the Labyrinth of Oil & Gas Wells - Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is a "lateral" in the context of oil and gas wellbore design?

a) The main vertical wellbore


Incorrect. The main vertical wellbore is often referred to as the "mother bore".

b) A deviation from the main wellbore


Correct! A lateral is a deviation from the main wellbore, like a branch from a tree trunk.

c) A type of drilling rig


Incorrect. Drilling rigs are the equipment used for drilling wells, not a specific wellbore design element.

d) A method of extracting oil or gas


Incorrect. Laterals are a design element, not a method of extraction. Extraction methods include pumping, hydraulic fracturing, etc.

2. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of drilling laterals?

a) Accessing multiple reservoirs


Incorrect. Laterals can access multiple pockets of oil or gas within a reservoir.

b) Reaching isolated pockets of hydrocarbons


Incorrect. Laterals are often used to reach isolated pockets of hydrocarbons.

c) Increasing well productivity


Incorrect. Laterals can increase well productivity by creating a larger contact area with the reservoir.

d) Preventing oil spills


Correct! While drilling laterals can be a part of a comprehensive plan to minimize environmental impact, their primary purpose is not to prevent oil spills.

3. What is another term sometimes used for a lateral in certain regions?

a) Mother bore


Incorrect. "Mother bore" refers to the main vertical wellbore.

b) High-angle well


Correct! In some regions, "lateral" may refer to a high-angle well, where the wellbore deviates significantly from vertical.

c) Horizontal well


Incorrect. While horizontal wells are often considered a type of lateral, they are not always referred to as "laterals" in all regions.

d) Vertical well


Incorrect. Vertical wells are the opposite of laterals, which deviate from the vertical.

4. How can laterals impact oil and gas exploration and production efforts?

a) They make the drilling process simpler and less expensive.


Incorrect. While laterals can be more cost-effective for accessing multiple reservoirs, drilling them can be complex and expensive.

b) They increase the risk of environmental contamination.


Incorrect. While careful planning and execution are crucial for environmental protection, laterals themselves don't inherently increase environmental risks.

c) They can significantly increase production efficiency.


Correct! Laterals can boost well productivity by creating a larger contact area with the reservoir.

d) They make it impossible to target isolated pockets of hydrocarbons.


Incorrect. Laterals are specifically used to target isolated pockets of hydrocarbons that are otherwise inaccessible.

5. Why is it important to understand the context when encountering the term "lateral"?

a) To avoid confusion with other terms like "mother bore".


Correct! Understanding the context helps avoid confusion, as "lateral" can sometimes refer to high-angle wells.

b) To know the exact depth of the wellbore.


Incorrect. While the depth is relevant, understanding the context is more about the type of wellbore design.

c) To determine the type of drilling rig used.


Incorrect. Drilling rig types are independent of the specific wellbore design.

d) To estimate the amount of oil or gas extracted.


Incorrect. The amount of extraction is influenced by various factors, not just the context of "lateral".

Lateral: Navigating the Labyrinth of Oil & Gas Wells - Exercise

Instructions: Imagine you are an oil and gas engineer designing a new well in a region with several isolated pockets of natural gas. The main wellbore is expected to reach a large, primary gas reservoir.


  1. Describe how you would utilize laterals in this situation to maximize gas production.
  2. Explain the advantages of using laterals over simply drilling multiple vertical wells.

Exercise Correction

Here's a possible solution:

1. Utilizing Laterals

To maximize gas production, I would drill laterals from the main wellbore to reach the isolated pockets of natural gas. These laterals would be designed to extend horizontally or at high angles to connect with the specific pockets. By creating multiple lateral branches, we can access more of the resource, potentially increasing overall production significantly.

2. Advantages over Multiple Vertical Wells

Compared to drilling multiple vertical wells, utilizing laterals offers several advantages:

  • Cost-effectiveness: Drilling multiple vertical wells is often more expensive than drilling a single main wellbore with laterals. The laterals reduce the number of drilling operations and surface infrastructure required.
  • Efficiency: Laterals allow us to access multiple pockets of gas from a single location, reducing the overall time and effort needed for exploration and production.
  • Reduced Environmental Impact: With fewer wellheads and drilling operations, laterals can potentially minimize the environmental impact compared to multiple vertical wells.


  • Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completions by John Lee: A comprehensive guide covering drilling techniques, wellbore design, and completion operations, including detailed sections on lateral wells.
  • Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering by John R. Fanchi: This book explains reservoir behavior and how wellbore design, including lateral drilling, impacts production and recovery.
  • Modern Well Design: A Practical Guide by John C. Roberts: Focuses on practical aspects of wellbore design, including lateral well design and optimization.


  • Lateral Drilling: A Game-Changer in Unconventional Reservoirs by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): This article examines the role of laterals in maximizing production from unconventional formations like shale.
  • Optimizing Lateral Well Placement for Improved Production by Oil & Gas Journal: Discusses strategies for optimizing lateral well placement to enhance well productivity and reduce costs.
  • The Evolution of Lateral Well Technology by Schlumberger: A comprehensive overview of the technological advancements in lateral drilling techniques and their impact on the oil and gas industry.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Website: Offers numerous publications, technical papers, and presentations related to lateral drilling and wellbore design.
  • Schlumberger's Oilfield Glossary: Provides definitions and explanations of various oil and gas terms, including lateral well, mother bore, and high-angle wells.
  • Halliburton's Drilling & Completion Services: Offers information on their services related to lateral drilling and completion operations.
  • Baker Hughes' Well Construction Services: Provides details on their expertise in lateral well drilling and completion technologies.

Search Tips

  • "Lateral Well Drilling" + "Unconventional Reservoirs"
  • "Lateral Well Design" + "Optimization"
  • "High-Angle Wells" + "Lateral Well"
  • "Mother Bore" + "Lateral Well"
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