Glossary of Technical Terms Used in General Technical Terms: K rw

K rw

Krw: The Unsung Hero of Reservoir Engineering

In the world of oil and gas exploration, the term "Krw" might seem like an obscure acronym, but it's actually a crucial factor in determining the success of a reservoir. Krw stands for relative permeability to water, a key parameter in reservoir engineering that governs the flow of water within a porous medium. Understanding Krw is essential for optimizing oil and gas production.

What is relative permeability to water?

Imagine a rock filled with interconnected pores, similar to a sponge. When we inject water into this rock, it needs to move through the pores, encountering resistance from the rock itself and the oil or gas already present. This resistance is measured by a quantity called permeability.

Relative permeability, denoted by Krw, is a fractional value that describes how easily water flows through the porous medium relative to the flow of another fluid, usually oil or gas. Krw values range from 0 to 1, where:

  • Krw = 0: Water cannot flow at all.
  • Krw = 1: Water flows as easily as it would through the porous medium if it were the only fluid present.

Why is Krw important?

Krw plays a vital role in various aspects of reservoir engineering, including:

  • Waterflooding: Waterflooding is a common method used to push oil towards production wells. Understanding Krw allows engineers to predict how effectively water will displace oil and optimize water injection rates.
  • Gas production: Krw helps determine the extent to which water will compete with gas for flow paths, potentially affecting gas production rates.
  • Reservoir simulation: Krw is a crucial input for numerical reservoir simulators, which are used to predict reservoir performance and optimize production strategies.

Factors influencing Krw:

Several factors influence Krw, including:

  • Wettability: The preference of the rock surface for water or oil. Wettable rocks tend to have lower Krw values at low water saturation, meaning water flow is restricted.
  • Porosity and permeability: Higher porosity and permeability generally lead to higher Krw values, facilitating easier water flow.
  • Fluid saturation: Krw typically increases as water saturation increases, reaching a maximum value at full water saturation.
  • Interfacial tension: The force between oil and water influences the flow path of water, impacting Krw.

Determining Krw:

Krw can be determined through various methods, including:

  • Laboratory experiments: Using core samples, engineers can measure Krw at different water saturations.
  • Field observations: Production data and pressure measurements can be used to estimate Krw values in the reservoir.
  • Numerical simulation: Simulators can predict Krw based on reservoir properties and fluid properties.


Krw is a critical parameter in reservoir engineering that significantly influences the efficiency of oil and gas production. Understanding its significance and the factors influencing it helps engineers develop effective strategies for waterflooding, gas production, and overall reservoir management. As a hidden hero of reservoir engineering, Krw plays a crucial role in unlocking the potential of oil and gas reservoirs, ensuring sustainable resource extraction.

Test Your Knowledge

Krw Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does Krw stand for?

a) Relative permeability to water b) Kinetic rate of water c) Kinematic viscosity of water d) K-factor of water


a) Relative permeability to water

2. What is the typical range of Krw values?

a) 0 to 100 b) -1 to 1 c) 0 to 1 d) 1 to 10


c) 0 to 1

3. Which of the following is NOT a factor influencing Krw?

a) Wettability b) Porosity and permeability c) Temperature d) Fluid saturation


c) Temperature

4. How does Krw affect waterflooding?

a) Krw determines the rate at which water can displace oil. b) Krw determines the amount of water required for injection. c) Krw determines the pressure needed for injection. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. Which method is NOT used to determine Krw?

a) Laboratory experiments b) Field observations c) Direct measurement of water flow rate d) Numerical simulation


c) Direct measurement of water flow rate

Krw Exercise:

Scenario: You are an engineer working on a waterflooding project. The reservoir you are working on has a relatively low permeability and a mixed wettability (slightly oil-wet).

Task: Based on the information provided, describe how the Krw would likely behave in this reservoir. Explain your reasoning and discuss how this would impact the effectiveness of the waterflooding project.

Exercice Correction

In this reservoir, the low permeability and mixed wettability will likely lead to a relatively low Krw, especially at low water saturation. This is because:

  • **Low permeability:** Restricts the flow of water through the reservoir.
  • **Mixed wettability:** The oil-wet tendencies will make it more difficult for water to displace oil, resulting in a lower Krw at lower water saturations.

This low Krw would impact the waterflooding project by:

  • **Reduced sweep efficiency:** Water will struggle to displace oil efficiently, leaving a significant amount of oil behind.
  • **Higher water injection rates required:** To achieve a similar oil displacement, higher water injection rates may be necessary, potentially leading to increased operational costs.
  • **Potential for water breakthrough:** The low Krw could lead to early water breakthrough, meaning water reaches the production well before fully displacing oil, reducing production efficiency.

To mitigate these challenges, engineers may consider strategies such as:

  • **Enhanced oil recovery techniques:** Employing chemical or thermal methods to improve oil mobility and water displacement.
  • **Optimized injection patterns:** Implementing injection strategies that minimize water breakthrough and maximize sweep efficiency.
  • **Reservoir simulation:** Utilizing numerical models to predict the behavior of Krw and optimize the waterflooding project.


  • Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering by L.P. Dake (This book is a classic in reservoir engineering and covers Krw in detail.)
  • Reservoir Simulation by D.W. Peaceman (Provides a thorough explanation of Krw's role in numerical reservoir simulation.)
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook edited by J.A. Spath and J.P. Brill (This comprehensive handbook includes a section on relative permeability and Krw.)
  • Modern Reservoir Engineering and Production by M.J. Economides, K.H. Ozkan, and E.J. Akin (Offers a modern perspective on reservoir engineering, including Krw.)


  • "Relative Permeability: A Review" by A.T. Corapcioglu and A.S. Ozkan (Published in SPE Journal, 1991)
  • "The Effect of Wettability on Relative Permeability" by S.S. Afanasyev (Published in Journal of Petroleum Technology, 1999)
  • "A New Method for Measuring Relative Permeability" by J.S. Reed (Published in SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 2000)
  • "Krw and its Impact on Waterflood Performance" by R.L. Jennings and G.M. Willhite (Published in SPE Journal, 2004)

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "Krw," "relative permeability to water," "reservoir engineering," "waterflooding," "wettability," and "porosity."
  • Combine keywords with "research papers," "technical articles," "books," or "online resources."
  • Include relevant location names (e.g., "Krw in North Sea" or "Krw in Middle East") to narrow your search.
  • Explore advanced search operators like "site:" to focus your search on specific websites, or "filetype:" to find PDF documents.
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