Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Intermediate Casing

Intermediate Casing

The Unsung Hero of Well Construction: Understanding Intermediate Casing

In the world of oil and gas exploration, the wellbore is a complex structure, often divided into multiple zones by various casings. While the surface casing protects the freshwater aquifers and the production casing houses the production tubing, there's another crucial component often overlooked: the intermediate casing.

This often-unsung hero plays a vital role in achieving safe and efficient well construction. Here's a closer look at what it is, why it's important, and how it works:

What is Intermediate Casing?

Intermediate casing, as its name suggests, is a section of casing installed between the surface casing and the production casing. It acts as a protective barrier and a structural support, isolating various zones within the wellbore.

Why is it Needed?

  • Zone Isolation: Intermediate casing prevents the mixing of fluids from different zones, ensuring that production is only from the targeted reservoir.
  • Pressure Control: It helps maintain pressure integrity within the wellbore, preventing blowouts or uncontrolled fluid flows.
  • Structural Support: It provides additional strength and stability to the wellbore, particularly in challenging geological formations.
  • Protection Against Corrosion: It protects the wellbore from corrosive fluids and gases found in certain zones.

How it Works:

  1. Installation: After setting the surface casing, the intermediate casing is run downhole to a predetermined depth.
  2. Cementing: A cement slurry is pumped down the annulus between the casing and the borehole wall, sealing the formation and isolating the zone.
  3. Testing: The cemented section is tested for pressure integrity, ensuring proper isolation and preventing leaks.
  4. Production: Once the intermediate casing is properly installed and tested, the production casing is run, and the well is prepared for production.

Examples of Intermediate Casing Usage:

  • Protecting the Production Zone: In wells where a higher-pressure zone exists above the target reservoir, an intermediate casing is used to isolate the higher-pressure zone, preventing it from impacting production.
  • Preventing Gas Influx: If a well encounters gas-bearing formations, intermediate casing can isolate these zones, preventing gas from entering the production zone.
  • Supporting Unstable Formations: In areas with unstable formations, the intermediate casing can provide extra support, preventing wellbore collapse.

Key Considerations:

  • Depth: The depth of the intermediate casing depends on the specific well conditions and the targeted isolation zone.
  • Diameter: The diameter is chosen based on the size of the wellbore and the required flow capacity.
  • Material: The material is selected based on the well environment, considering corrosion resistance, temperature, and pressure.


While less celebrated than surface and production casing, the intermediate casing plays a critical role in well construction. Its strategic placement and robust performance ensure well integrity, pressure control, and efficient production. By understanding the functions and applications of intermediate casing, engineers can optimize well design and achieve sustainable and safe oil and gas operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Unsung Hero of Well Construction

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of intermediate casing? a) Protecting freshwater aquifers. b) Housing the production tubing. c) Isolating different zones within the wellbore. d) Preventing corrosion in the wellhead.


c) Isolating different zones within the wellbore.

2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using intermediate casing? a) Pressure control. b) Increased production rates. c) Structural support for the wellbore. d) Protection from corrosive fluids.


b) Increased production rates. While intermediate casing can contribute to safe and efficient production, it doesn't directly increase production rates.

3. In what order is the casing typically installed in a well? a) Intermediate, surface, production. b) Production, surface, intermediate. c) Surface, intermediate, production. d) Surface, production, intermediate.


c) Surface, intermediate, production.

4. Why might intermediate casing be used to protect the production zone? a) To prevent the mixing of fluids from different zones. b) To provide extra support for the production tubing. c) To isolate a higher-pressure zone above the target reservoir. d) To reduce the risk of blowouts at the wellhead.


c) To isolate a higher-pressure zone above the target reservoir.

5. What factor primarily determines the depth of the intermediate casing? a) The diameter of the wellbore. b) The specific well conditions and the targeted isolation zone. c) The type of cement slurry used for sealing. d) The material of the casing itself.


b) The specific well conditions and the targeted isolation zone.

Exercise: Intermediate Casing Design


You are tasked with designing an oil well in a challenging geological formation. The wellbore will encounter a high-pressure gas zone above the target reservoir, which needs to be isolated to prevent gas influx during production. You need to determine the following for the intermediate casing:

  • Depth: The gas zone starts at 1000 meters and extends to 1500 meters.
  • Diameter: The wellbore is 12 inches in diameter.
  • Material: The well environment is highly corrosive.


  1. Based on the scenario, determine the recommended depth of the intermediate casing.
  2. Choose an appropriate diameter for the intermediate casing, considering the wellbore size.
  3. Suggest a suitable material for the intermediate casing, considering the corrosive environment.

Justify your choices for each decision.

Exercice Correction

1. **Depth:** The intermediate casing should be set at a depth that fully isolates the high-pressure gas zone. Therefore, the recommended depth would be **1500 meters**. This ensures the gas zone is completely sealed off from the target reservoir. 2. **Diameter:** The intermediate casing diameter should be slightly smaller than the wellbore diameter to allow for adequate cementing space. A suitable diameter would be **10 inches**, which provides sufficient flow capacity and allows for proper cement placement. 3. **Material:** Considering the highly corrosive environment, a material with excellent corrosion resistance is needed. **Corrosion-resistant alloys like stainless steel or duplex stainless steel** would be suitable choices for the intermediate casing in this case.


  • "Well Completion Design and Engineering" by Gary J. Anderson - Offers comprehensive coverage of well completion techniques, including intermediate casing considerations.
  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completion" by William C. Lyons - Provides a detailed understanding of drilling and well completion processes, highlighting the importance of intermediate casing.
  • "Fundamentals of Petroleum Production Engineering" by J.P. Brill - Offers a fundamental understanding of petroleum engineering concepts, including well design and completion, touching upon intermediate casing.


  • "Intermediate Casing: A Critical Component of Well Construction" by SPE - An article from the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) discussing the importance and applications of intermediate casing.
  • "The Role of Intermediate Casing in Optimizing Well Performance" by Oil & Gas Journal - An article from Oil & Gas Journal focusing on the benefits of intermediate casing in improving well productivity.
  • "Intermediate Casing Design and Selection Considerations" by Schlumberger - An article by Schlumberger discussing the technical aspects of intermediate casing design and selection.

Online Resources

  • SPE Website: The Society of Petroleum Engineers website offers numerous technical papers, publications, and resources related to well construction, including intermediate casing.
  • Schlumberger's Oilfield Glossary: This glossary provides detailed definitions and explanations of various oilfield terms, including intermediate casing.
  • Drillinginfo: This online platform offers comprehensive data, analytics, and information related to oil and gas exploration and production, including well completion data with intermediate casing details.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: When searching online, use specific keywords like "intermediate casing," "well completion," "casing design," "zone isolation," "pressure control," and "wellbore stability."
  • Combine keywords: Use multiple keywords together to refine your search, such as "intermediate casing applications," "intermediate casing benefits," or "intermediate casing selection criteria."
  • Explore related terms: Use similar terms like "casing string," "liner," or "production tubing" to find additional resources and information.
  • Filter results by date: Use the "Tools" option in Google Search to filter results by date, focusing on recent research and articles.
  • Include relevant industry publications: Add keywords like "SPE," "Oil & Gas Journal," "Schlumberger," or "Drillinginfo" to your search to find resources from reputable industry sources.
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