Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Specific Terms: Indicator (mechanical load)

Indicator (mechanical load)

Keeping Things Under Control: Indicators and Mechanical Load in Holding

Holding, a crucial aspect of many industries, involves maintaining a steady, controlled force on an object. This force, often referred to as mechanical load, can be applied through various means like hydraulic cylinders, pneumatic actuators, or even simple clamps. But how do we ensure the applied load is within the desired range and doesn't exceed the object's capacity? This is where indicators come into play.

Indicators serve as the crucial interface between the holding mechanism and the operator, providing visual feedback on the applied mechanical load. These can be anything from simple dial gauges to sophisticated digital displays, each offering different levels of accuracy and complexity.

A Look at Common Indicators:

  • Dial Gauges: These classic indicators are often found in applications requiring visual confirmation of the applied load. They typically consist of a dial with a needle that moves in response to pressure, providing a direct reading of the mechanical load.
  • Digital Displays: Offering increased precision and ease of reading, digital indicators often integrate with sensors to provide precise load measurements. They can also offer features like data logging and remote monitoring.
  • LED Indicators: These compact devices use LED lights to indicate different load levels. Often used in simpler applications, they provide a quick and easy visual confirmation of load status.

Importance of Indicators:

  • Safety: Indicators allow operators to monitor the mechanical load and ensure it remains within safe limits, preventing damage to the object or the holding mechanism itself.
  • Efficiency: By providing real-time information on the applied load, indicators help optimize holding processes, allowing for adjustments to ensure consistent and efficient operation.
  • Control: Indicators empower operators to make informed decisions based on the actual mechanical load, leading to improved control over the holding process.

Choosing the Right Indicator:

Selecting the appropriate indicator depends on the specific application and its requirements. Factors to consider include:

  • Accuracy: The level of precision needed in the load measurement.
  • Range: The minimum and maximum loads the indicator needs to measure.
  • Environmental conditions: Factors like temperature, humidity, and vibrations.
  • Cost: The budget allocated for the indicator.


Indicators play a vital role in holding by providing crucial information about the mechanical load. They ensure safety, improve efficiency, and empower operators to exert precise control. Selecting the right indicator is crucial for optimizing performance and achieving the desired holding outcomes. From simple dial gauges to advanced digital displays, there's an indicator available for every holding application, making them essential components for reliable and controlled holding operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Keeping Things Under Control

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the term used to describe the force applied during holding? a) Holding force b) Mechanical load c) Grip strength d) Holding pressure


b) Mechanical load

2. Which of the following is NOT a common type of indicator used in holding applications? a) Dial gauges b) Digital displays c) LED indicators d) Pressure sensors


d) Pressure sensors

3. What is the main benefit of using digital indicators in holding applications? a) They are cheaper than other types of indicators. b) They offer increased precision and ease of reading. c) They are more aesthetically pleasing. d) They are more durable.


b) They offer increased precision and ease of reading.

4. How do indicators contribute to safety in holding operations? a) They warn operators about potential hazards in the environment. b) They allow operators to monitor the mechanical load and ensure it remains within safe limits. c) They provide instructions on how to operate the holding mechanism safely. d) They automatically adjust the applied load to prevent overloads.


b) They allow operators to monitor the mechanical load and ensure it remains within safe limits.

5. Which factor is NOT a key consideration when choosing the right indicator for a holding application? a) Accuracy b) Range c) Cost d) Weight of the object being held


d) Weight of the object being held

Exercise: Choosing the Right Indicator

Scenario: You are tasked with selecting an indicator for a new holding system that will be used to hold large, heavy metal plates in place during manufacturing. The plates can vary in weight from 500kg to 1500kg. The holding system uses hydraulic cylinders to apply the force.


  • The indicator needs to be highly accurate and able to display the load with a precision of 1 kg.
  • The indicator should be capable of measuring loads from 500kg to 1500kg.
  • The environment is a typical factory setting with moderate temperature fluctuations and some vibration.
  • The budget for the indicator is limited.


  1. Based on the requirements, choose the most suitable indicator type from the following options:

    • Dial gauge
    • Digital display
    • LED indicator
  2. Justify your choice, explaining why it meets the specific requirements of the application.

Exercise Correction

The most suitable indicator type for this scenario is a **digital display**. Here's why:

  • **Accuracy and Precision:** Digital displays offer higher accuracy and precision compared to dial gauges and LED indicators, meeting the requirement of 1kg precision.
  • **Load Range:** Digital displays can be configured to measure the required load range of 500kg to 1500kg.
  • **Environmental Conditions:** While dial gauges can be used in moderate conditions, digital displays are often designed to withstand factory environments with vibrations and temperature fluctuations.
  • **Budget:** While more expensive than basic dial gauges, digital displays offer a good balance of cost and performance, especially for applications requiring high accuracy and precision.

LED indicators would not be suitable due to their lack of precision and limited display capabilities. While dial gauges could potentially measure the required load range, they lack the accuracy and precision needed for this application.


  • "Handbook of Industrial Robotics" by Shimon Y. Nof - This comprehensive handbook covers various aspects of robotics, including gripping and holding mechanisms, and the role of sensors and indicators.
  • "Design of Machinery" by Robert L. Norton - Provides in-depth information on mechanical design principles, including force analysis, stress calculations, and sensor integration, which are relevant to understanding mechanical load and indicator selection.
  • "Machinery's Handbook" - A classic reference for engineers and technicians, containing detailed information on mechanical components, including sensors, actuators, and measurement techniques.


  • "Load Cells: The Heart of Force Measurement" by Omega Engineering - This article explores the different types of load cells used to measure force, providing a foundation for understanding how indicators are integrated with these sensors.
  • "Selecting the Right Load Cell for Your Application" by FUTEK - This article provides guidance on selecting the right load cell based on various factors like capacity, accuracy, and environmental considerations, which are relevant when choosing indicators.
  • "Digital Indicators: The Future of Load Measurement" by A&D Weighing - This article focuses on the benefits and features of digital indicators, offering insights into their use in modern holding applications.

Online Resources

  • National Instruments: National Instruments offers a comprehensive range of sensors and data acquisition systems for industrial applications, including load measurement and control. Explore their website for technical documentation and application examples.
  • Omega Engineering: Omega Engineering provides a wide range of sensors, data loggers, and indicators for various industrial applications, including holding and force measurement.
  • FUTEK: FUTEK specializes in force measurement and load cells. Their website provides detailed information on their products and technical resources for selecting the right sensor for specific applications.

Search Tips

  • "Mechanical Load Sensors" - This query will lead you to a variety of resources on different types of sensors used to measure mechanical load, including load cells, strain gauges, and pressure transducers.
  • "Holding Force Measurement" - This search will provide articles and products related to measuring the force applied during holding operations, highlighting the importance of indicators in this process.
  • "Indicator Calibration for Mechanical Load" - This query will focus on ensuring the accuracy of indicators used for mechanical load measurement, emphasizing the importance of proper calibration.
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