Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Distributed Control Systems (DCS): Hydraulic Head

Hydraulic Head

Hydraulic Head: Understanding the Pressure of Water

In the world of fluid mechanics, the term "hydraulic head" plays a crucial role in understanding the movement and behavior of water. This seemingly simple concept holds the key to explaining everything from the flow of water through pipes to the workings of wells and hydroelectric dams.

What is Hydraulic Head?

Simply put, hydraulic head refers to the pressure exerted by a column of liquid, specifically water, due to its weight and height. It is often expressed in units of length, such as meters or feet. The higher the column of water, the greater the pressure at its base.

The Key Components:

  • Elevation Head: This component represents the potential energy of the water due to its height above a reference point. Imagine a water tank sitting on a hill – the higher it is, the greater the potential energy.
  • Pressure Head: This represents the pressure energy of the water due to its confinement. Think about a sealed container filled with water – the water exerts pressure on the container walls.
  • Velocity Head: This component captures the kinetic energy of the water due to its motion. The faster the water flows, the greater its kinetic energy.

Understanding the Relationship:

These three components, when combined, represent the total hydraulic head. The concept of hydraulic head is crucial for understanding water flow because it directly influences the potential energy and pressure of the water. This, in turn, governs the direction and speed of water movement.

Applications in Real-World Scenarios:

  • Water Supply Systems: Hydraulic head helps determine the pressure available at taps in a home or city. The higher the head, the greater the water pressure.
  • Wells: Understanding hydraulic head is crucial for locating water sources and estimating the yield of a well.
  • Hydroelectric Power Generation: The difference in hydraulic head between the reservoir and the turbine determines the potential energy that drives the turbine and generates power.


Hydraulic head is a fundamental concept in fluid mechanics that helps explain the behavior of water. By understanding the interplay of elevation, pressure, and velocity head, we can predict and control the flow of water in various applications. From supplying water to our homes to generating electricity, hydraulic head plays an essential role in our daily lives.

Test Your Knowledge

Hydraulic Head Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does hydraulic head primarily refer to? a) The weight of a column of water. b) The pressure exerted by a column of water. c) The volume of water in a container. d) The temperature of water.


b) The pressure exerted by a column of water.

2. Which of the following is NOT a component of hydraulic head? a) Elevation Head b) Pressure Head c) Velocity Head d) Temperature Head


d) Temperature Head

3. What does Elevation Head represent? a) The pressure energy of water. b) The kinetic energy of water. c) The potential energy of water. d) The total energy of water.


c) The potential energy of water.

4. In a water supply system, higher hydraulic head generally leads to: a) Lower water pressure at taps. b) Higher water pressure at taps. c) No change in water pressure at taps. d) Reduced water flow.


b) Higher water pressure at taps.

5. Which of the following applications does NOT directly rely on the principle of hydraulic head? a) Water supply systems. b) Hydroelectric power generation. c) Irrigation systems. d) Airplane flight.


d) Airplane flight

Hydraulic Head Exercise

Scenario: You have two water tanks, Tank A and Tank B. Tank A is located 10 meters above ground level and Tank B is located 5 meters above ground level. Both tanks are filled with water to the same level.

Task: Explain which tank would have a higher hydraulic head and why.

Exercice Correction

Tank A would have a higher hydraulic head. This is because hydraulic head is influenced by elevation head, which is the potential energy of water due to its height above a reference point. Tank A is located at a higher elevation, giving it a greater elevation head and therefore a higher hydraulic head. Even though both tanks have the same water level, the difference in elevation creates a difference in potential energy, resulting in a higher pressure at the base of Tank A.


  • Fluid Mechanics by Frank M. White: A comprehensive textbook covering the fundamental principles of fluid mechanics, including hydraulic head.
  • Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by Fox, McDonald, and Pritchard: Another classic textbook providing a thorough explanation of fluid mechanics concepts, with dedicated sections on hydraulic head.
  • Ground Water Hydrology by David K. Todd: Focuses on groundwater systems and their dynamics, with a strong emphasis on the role of hydraulic head in groundwater flow.
  • Hydrogeology by Charles F. Harvey: This textbook covers the various aspects of hydrogeology, including the concept of hydraulic head and its application in groundwater exploration and management.


  • "Hydraulic Head: A Fundamental Concept in Groundwater Flow" by USGS: A clear and concise explanation of hydraulic head and its applications in groundwater studies.
  • "Hydraulic Head and Groundwater Flow" by Water Education: This article provides a good introduction to hydraulic head and its role in groundwater movement, particularly for those new to the topic.
  • "The Relationship Between Hydraulic Head and Water Pressure" by National Ground Water Association: This article explores the connection between hydraulic head and water pressure, emphasizing its practical implications.

Online Resources

  • Hydraulic Head - USGS: An excellent resource from the United States Geological Survey (USGS), offering detailed information about hydraulic head and its relation to groundwater flow.
  • Hydraulic Head: Definition, Concept and Application - A concise and informative explanation of hydraulic head, its components, and its applications in various fields.
  • Hydraulic Head and Groundwater Flow - Groundwater Manual: A comprehensive online resource from the Water Resources Institute, covering the fundamentals of hydraulic head and its role in understanding groundwater movement.

Search Tips

  • "Hydraulic head definition": This basic search will bring up a variety of explanations and definitions of hydraulic head.
  • "Hydraulic head groundwater flow": This search will focus on the role of hydraulic head in understanding groundwater movement and dynamics.
  • "Hydraulic head calculation": This search will lead to resources explaining how to calculate hydraulic head in different situations.
  • "Hydraulic head applications": This search will highlight the practical applications of hydraulic head across various fields, such as water supply, irrigation, and hydroelectric power generation.
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