Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Civil & Structural Engineering: Heave (geology)

Heave (geology)

Heave: A Geological Term for Horizontal Fault Displacement

In the ever-shifting world of geology, understanding the movement of Earth's crust is paramount. One crucial concept in this understanding is heave, a term that describes the horizontal displacement of a fault.

What is a Fault?

A fault is a fracture or zone of fractures in the Earth's crust where rocks on either side have moved past each other. This movement can occur in various ways, with the most common being:

  • Dip-slip faults: Movement primarily vertical, with the hanging wall moving up or down relative to the footwall.
  • Strike-slip faults: Movement primarily horizontal, with rocks sliding past each other in a lateral direction.

Heave: The Horizontal Component of Fault Movement

Heave specifically refers to the horizontal component of displacement along a fault. This means that the heave is the distance that a point on one side of the fault has moved horizontally relative to its original position on the other side.

Illustrative Examples:

Imagine a strike-slip fault where the rocks on one side have moved 10 meters to the right relative to the rocks on the other side. In this case, the heave would be 10 meters.

However, heave can also be present in dip-slip faults. If a fault has both vertical and horizontal components of movement, the heave will represent the horizontal distance that a point on one side has shifted relative to its original position on the other side.

Importance of Heave:

Understanding heave is crucial for various reasons:

  • Predicting earthquake hazards: Heave can be a critical factor in determining the potential severity of earthquakes, as it can influence ground displacement and the formation of surface ruptures.
  • Engineering design: Heave needs to be factored in when designing structures and infrastructure, particularly in areas prone to seismic activity.
  • Resource exploration: Heave can play a role in the formation of mineral deposits and oil and gas reservoirs, making it relevant for resource exploration.
  • Understanding geological history: Studying heave patterns can help geologists reconstruct past tectonic events and understand the evolution of the Earth's crust.


Heave is a key geological term that describes the horizontal displacement of a fault. Understanding this concept is essential for comprehending the complex dynamics of Earth's crust and its implications for various fields such as seismology, engineering, and resource exploration. By studying heave, we gain deeper insights into the Earth's history, present hazards, and future potential.

Test Your Knowledge

Heave Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "heave" refer to in geological terms? a) The vertical displacement of a fault. b) The horizontal displacement of a fault. c) The total displacement of a fault. d) The angle of a fault.


b) The horizontal displacement of a fault.

2. Which type of fault movement is heave primarily associated with? a) Dip-slip faults b) Strike-slip faults c) Both dip-slip and strike-slip faults d) Thrust faults


c) Both dip-slip and strike-slip faults

3. How can heave be measured? a) By measuring the distance a point on one side of a fault has moved horizontally relative to its original position on the other side. b) By measuring the total displacement of a fault. c) By measuring the angle of a fault. d) By measuring the depth of a fault.


a) By measuring the distance a point on one side of a fault has moved horizontally relative to its original position on the other side.

4. What is NOT a reason why understanding heave is crucial? a) Predicting earthquake hazards. b) Designing structures and infrastructure. c) Understanding the formation of volcanoes. d) Understanding geological history.


c) Understanding the formation of volcanoes.

5. If a strike-slip fault has a heave of 5 meters, what does this mean? a) One side of the fault has moved 5 meters vertically. b) One side of the fault has moved 5 meters horizontally. c) The total displacement of the fault is 5 meters. d) The angle of the fault is 5 degrees.


b) One side of the fault has moved 5 meters horizontally.

Heave Exercise:

Imagine a strike-slip fault in a region where a major highway is being constructed. Geologists have determined that the fault has a heave of 10 meters. What implications does this have for the construction project?

Exercice Correction

A heave of 10 meters means that one side of the fault has moved 10 meters horizontally relative to the other side. This has several implications for the highway construction:

  • **Potential for ground rupture:** The significant horizontal displacement could cause ground ruptures along the fault line, potentially disrupting the highway alignment and stability.
  • **Foundation design:** The construction team must consider the heave when designing the foundation of the highway. The foundation needs to be strong enough to withstand the potential stress and movement caused by the fault.
  • **Alignment adjustments:** The highway alignment may need to be adjusted to avoid the fault zone or to accommodate the potential for future movement.
  • **Monitoring:** Continuous monitoring of the fault is crucial to detect any further movement and to adjust construction plans accordingly.

Understanding the heave is essential to ensure the safety and long-term stability of the highway construction project in this seismically active area.


  • "Structural Geology" by Marshak, S. & Mitra, G. - A comprehensive textbook covering fault mechanics and displacement analysis, including heave.
  • "Earthquakes" by Stein, S. & Wysession, M. - This book delves into earthquake mechanisms and discusses heave's role in fault rupture and ground displacement.
  • "Geological Structures" by Ramsay, J.G. & Huber, M.I. - Provides detailed information on structural geology, including fault geometry and kinematic analysis relevant to heave.


  • "Fault Displacement and Heave: A Field Study of the San Andreas Fault" by Wallace, R.E. - This article focuses on the San Andreas Fault, providing real-world examples of heave and its implications for earthquake prediction.
  • "Heave and Throw: Their Use in Fault Analysis" by Cooke, R.U. - This article examines the distinction between heave and throw (vertical displacement) and their significance in fault interpretation.
  • "The Role of Heave in Fault-Related Folding" by Suppe, J. - Explores the connection between heave and folding patterns associated with fault movement.

Online Resources

  • USGS Earthquake Hazards Program: This website offers a wealth of information on earthquakes, faults, and related concepts, including heave.
  • Stanford University - Earth Sciences: Their website provides various resources and courses on structural geology, including details on fault mechanics and displacement.
  • Wikipedia - Fault (geology): A comprehensive overview of faults, including definitions of heave, throw, and other related terms.

Search Tips

  • "Heave geology definition" - This will provide concise definitions from various online sources.
  • "Heave fault displacement examples" - This search will yield images and illustrations of heave in different geological contexts.
  • "Heave measurement techniques" - This search will lead to articles and resources on how heave is measured in the field and through various geological methods.
  • "Heave application engineering geology" - This search focuses on the practical applications of understanding heave in engineering projects, especially in earthquake-prone areas.
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