Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Lifting & Rigging: Hatch


Hatch: The Gateway to Oil & Gas Tanks

In the world of oil and gas, hatch is a term that refers to an opening on a tank, vessel, or other equipment. It acts as a crucial access point for various operations, from inspection and maintenance to loading and unloading. Understanding the different types of hatches and their functionalities is essential for anyone working in the industry.

Types of Hatches:

  • Manway Hatch: A large, human-accessible opening designed for entry and exit. These are commonly found on storage tanks, vessels, and other equipment that require regular inspection or maintenance. Manway hatches are typically equipped with a secure locking mechanism and may have an internal ladder for easy access.
  • Access Hatch: A smaller opening used for accessing specific areas within a tank or equipment. These can be used for installing or accessing internal components, such as pumps, valves, or sensors. Access hatches are often located on the side or top of the equipment and can be fitted with a removable cover.
  • Sampling Hatch: A specialized hatch used for collecting samples of the material stored within the tank. Sampling hatches are typically located at specific points within the tank to ensure representative samples are obtained.
  • Loading/Unloading Hatch: A large opening designed for the flow of liquids or gases into or out of the tank. These hatches are often fitted with flanges and valves for connecting hoses or pipelines.

Functions of Hatches:

  • Inspection and Maintenance: Hatches allow for the inspection and maintenance of internal components, ensuring safety and operational efficiency.
  • Cleaning and De-scaling: Hatches enable access for cleaning and de-scaling the interior of tanks and vessels, removing built-up sediment and corrosion.
  • Loading and Unloading: Loading/unloading hatches facilitate the transfer of fluids and gases into and out of the tank, ensuring efficient and safe operations.
  • Sampling: Sampling hatches enable the collection of representative samples for quality control and analysis.

Safety Considerations:

  • Secure Locking Mechanisms: Hatches are equipped with secure locking mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access and ensure safety.
  • Proper Labeling: Hatches should be clearly labeled to identify their function and associated risks.
  • Safe Access: Manway hatches should be equipped with ladders or other safe access methods to prevent falls and injuries.


Hatches play a critical role in oil and gas operations, providing access for a wide range of functions. Understanding the different types of hatches, their functions, and safety considerations is essential for anyone working in the industry. By ensuring proper use and maintenance, we can maximize safety, efficiency, and productivity within the oil and gas sector.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Hatch - The Gateway to Oil & Gas Tanks

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which type of hatch is primarily used for entering a tank for inspection and maintenance?

a) Access Hatch b) Manway Hatch c) Sampling Hatch d) Loading/Unloading Hatch


b) Manway Hatch

2. What is the main function of a sampling hatch?

a) Allowing access for cleaning the tank interior b) Facilitating the flow of fluids into the tank c) Collecting representative samples of the stored material d) Providing access to internal components like pumps


c) Collecting representative samples of the stored material

3. Which of the following is NOT a safety consideration related to hatches?

a) Secure locking mechanisms b) Clear labeling of hatch function and risks c) Ensuring hatches are always open for easy access d) Providing safe access methods like ladders for manway hatches


c) Ensuring hatches are always open for easy access

4. Which type of hatch would be used to connect a pipeline for transferring oil into a storage tank?

a) Manway Hatch b) Access Hatch c) Sampling Hatch d) Loading/Unloading Hatch


d) Loading/Unloading Hatch

5. Why is it important to understand the different types of hatches in the oil and gas industry?

a) To choose the right hatch for a specific function b) To ensure safety during operations c) To maintain efficient workflows d) All of the above


d) All of the above

Exercise: Matching Hatches to Functions

Instructions: Match the following types of hatches with their respective functions.

| Hatch Type | Function | |---|---| | Manway Hatch | | | Access Hatch | | | Sampling Hatch | | | Loading/Unloading Hatch | |


  • A: Allows for the inspection and maintenance of internal components
  • B: Enables the transfer of fluids or gases into and out of the tank
  • C: Provides access to specific areas within the tank for installing or accessing internal components
  • D: Enables the collection of representative samples of the stored material

Exercice Correction

| Hatch Type | Function | |---|---| | Manway Hatch | A | | Access Hatch | C | | Sampling Hatch | D | | Loading/Unloading Hatch | B |


  • "Tank Design and Construction" by J.G. Bryan - Provides comprehensive information on tank design, including various hatch types and their applications.
  • "Oil and Gas Pipelines: Design, Construction, and Maintenance" by John W. Smith - Discusses the importance of hatches in pipelines and their role in maintenance and operations.
  • "Petroleum Engineering: Principles and Practices" by Donald R. Paul - Covers the broader context of oil and gas engineering, including the significance of hatches in various processes.


  • "A Review of Tank Hatch Design and Safety" by American Petroleum Institute - An in-depth analysis of hatch design and safety considerations in the oil and gas industry.
  • "Tank Access Hatch Design and Safety: A Practical Guide" by E.E. Russell - Provides practical advice on hatch design, maintenance, and safety.
  • "Manway Hatches: A Critical Component of Tank Safety" by J.D. Collins - Highlights the importance of manway hatches for safe tank access and inspection.

Online Resources

  • American Petroleum Institute (API): API publishes numerous standards related to tank design and safety, including those pertaining to hatches.
  • National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE): NACE provides valuable information and standards regarding corrosion control in tanks and pipelines, which involves hatch design and maintenance.
  • The Tank Industry Website: This website offers articles, resources, and industry news related to tank design, construction, and maintenance, including discussions on hatches.

Search Tips

  • "Tank hatch design" - To find detailed information on hatch design and safety requirements.
  • "Oil and gas tank inspection procedures" - To understand the role of hatches in tank inspections and maintenance.
  • "Manway hatch safety" - To access resources focused on safe practices and regulations regarding manway hatches.
  • "API tank standards" - To find specific API standards related to tank design and hatch requirements.
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