Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Safety Training & Awareness: Glycol Dehydrators

Glycol Dehydrators

Glycol Dehydrators: Keeping Natural Gas Dry for Efficient Transportation and Use

Natural gas, a valuable energy source, often contains significant amounts of water vapor. This moisture can cause several problems, including:

  • Pipeline corrosion: Water promotes corrosion in pipelines, leading to leaks and safety hazards.
  • Hydrate formation: Water molecules can combine with hydrocarbons to form ice-like hydrates, which can clog pipelines and disrupt flow.
  • Reduced heating value: Water vapor dilutes the natural gas, lowering its heating value.

To prevent these issues, glycol dehydrators are employed to effectively remove water from natural gas. These are essential pieces of equipment in natural gas processing facilities.

How Glycol Dehydrators Work:

Glycol dehydrators utilize a tri-ethylene glycol (TEG) solution, a highly hygroscopic (water-attracting) fluid. The process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Contact: Natural gas is passed through a contactor where it comes into contact with the TEG solution. The water vapor in the gas dissolves into the TEG, effectively dehydrating the gas stream.
  2. Regeneration: The TEG solution, now saturated with water, is sent to a regenerator. Heat is applied to the solution, causing the water to vaporize and separate from the TEG.
  3. Re-use: The regenerated TEG, now free of water, is recycled back to the contactor to continue the dehydration process.

Types of Glycol Dehydrators:

There are two main types of glycol dehydrators:

  • Contactors: These are typically large vertical vessels where the gas and TEG solution are brought into contact.
    • Packed bed: Uses packing material to increase surface area for contact, enhancing the dehydration process.
    • Spray tower: Uses a spray nozzle to atomize the TEG solution, increasing contact with the gas stream.
  • Absorbers: These operate on a similar principle as contactors but use a different configuration.

Advantages of Glycol Dehydrators:

  • High efficiency: Glycol dehydrators can remove water to very low dew points, ensuring optimal gas quality.
  • Versatility: They can handle a wide range of gas flow rates and water content.
  • Reliability: These systems are well-established and have proven reliable over decades of use.

Considerations for Glycol Dehydrators:

  • TEG degradation: TEG can degrade over time, requiring periodic replacement or regeneration.
  • Energy consumption: Regenerating the TEG solution requires energy, contributing to the overall operating costs.
  • Maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential for optimal performance and to prevent equipment failure.


Glycol dehydrators are vital for ensuring the safe and efficient transportation and use of natural gas. These reliable systems effectively remove water vapor, preventing corrosion, hydrate formation, and maintaining the heating value of the gas. By understanding the principles and types of glycol dehydrators, engineers and technicians can optimize their performance and ensure the smooth operation of natural gas processing facilities.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Glycol Dehydrators

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of glycol dehydrators in natural gas processing?

a) To increase the heating value of natural gas b) To separate different components of natural gas c) To remove water vapor from natural gas d) To liquefy natural gas for transportation


c) To remove water vapor from natural gas

2. Which chemical is commonly used in glycol dehydrators to absorb water vapor?

a) Methanol b) Ethanol c) Triethylene glycol (TEG) d) Glycerin


c) Triethylene glycol (TEG)

3. What is the main purpose of the regenerator in a glycol dehydrator system?

a) To mix the TEG solution with natural gas b) To separate the TEG solution from the natural gas c) To remove water from the TEG solution d) To increase the pressure of the natural gas


c) To remove water from the TEG solution

4. Which type of contactor uses packing material to increase the surface area for contact between TEG and gas?

a) Spray tower b) Packed bed c) Absorber d) None of the above


b) Packed bed

5. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using glycol dehydrators?

a) High efficiency in water removal b) Versatility in handling various gas flow rates c) Low energy consumption for regeneration d) Reliability over decades of operation


c) Low energy consumption for regeneration


Scenario: A natural gas pipeline is experiencing a problem with hydrate formation, causing flow disruptions.

Task: Explain how glycol dehydrators can be used to solve this problem and outline the steps involved.

Exercice Correction

Glycol dehydrators are essential to address hydrate formation in natural gas pipelines. Here's how they solve the problem and the steps involved:

  1. **Water removal:** Glycol dehydrators effectively remove water vapor from the natural gas stream. By reducing the water content, the conditions that favor hydrate formation are eliminated.
  2. **Preventing future formation:** By maintaining a low dew point (the temperature at which water vapor condenses) in the gas stream, glycol dehydrators ensure that hydrates cannot form even if the gas encounters colder temperatures further down the pipeline.
  3. **Removing existing hydrates:** In cases where hydrates have already formed, glycol dehydrators can be used in conjunction with other methods, such as heat injection or chemical inhibitors, to dissolve or remove the hydrates.


  • Natural Gas Engineering Handbook by Charles E. Matthews and Don R. McKinsey: This comprehensive handbook provides a detailed explanation of natural gas processing, including glycol dehydrators.
  • Gas Processing: Fundamentals and Applications by Larry W. Lake: This textbook covers various aspects of gas processing, with a dedicated chapter on dehydration technologies, including glycol dehydrators.
  • Gas Sweetening and Treating: Principles and Applications by A.H. Zander: A thorough guide to gas sweetening and treating, including dehydration using glycol dehydrators.


  • Glycol Dehydration for Natural Gas: A Comprehensive Overview by K.S. Brar and S.K. Gupta (published in the Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering): This article offers a detailed analysis of glycol dehydrators, covering their operating principles, types, advantages, and limitations.
  • Glycol Dehydration: A Review of Technology and Applications by M.S. Khan and M.A. Al-Marri (published in the International Journal of Chemical Engineering): This paper provides a comprehensive review of glycol dehydration, including a discussion of recent advancements in technology and applications.
  • Optimization of Glycol Dehydration Processes by R.A. Satterfield (published in the Chemical Engineering Progress): This article explores various techniques for optimizing the performance of glycol dehydrators, focusing on minimizing energy consumption and maximizing efficiency.

Online Resources

  • Gas Processors Association (GPA): The GPA is a leading organization in the natural gas processing industry, offering extensive resources and publications on glycol dehydration.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This reputable publication regularly features articles and technical updates on glycol dehydrators and other gas processing technologies.
  • American Petroleum Institute (API): The API provides standards and guidelines for the design, operation, and maintenance of glycol dehydrators, contributing to safety and operational efficiency.

Search Tips

  • Specific Search Terms: Use terms like "glycol dehydration," "TEG dehydration," "natural gas dehydration," "glycol dehydrators types," "glycol dehydrators design," and "glycol dehydrators maintenance."
  • Filter Results: Utilize Google's advanced search options to refine your results by date, source, or file type. For example, search for "glycol dehydrators PDF" to find technical documents.
  • Explore Related Searches: Google's "People Also Ask" feature and "Related Searches" list can provide additional insights and relevant terms to expand your search.
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