Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: GL (lift)

GL (lift)

Gas Lift: A Powerful Tool in Oil & Gas Production

Gas lift is a common and effective artificial lift method used in the oil and gas industry to enhance well production. It involves injecting gas into the wellbore to reduce the hydrostatic pressure on the oil column, making it easier for the oil to flow to the surface. This article will delve into the principles, types, advantages, and disadvantages of gas lift.

How Gas Lift Works:

Imagine a straw submerged in a glass of water. You can easily drink the water by sucking the air from the top of the straw, creating a lower pressure zone inside the straw, and allowing the water to rise. Gas lift works on a similar principle.

  • Gas Injection: High-pressure gas (typically natural gas produced alongside the oil) is injected into the wellbore at a specific depth.
  • Pressure Reduction: The injected gas displaces the oil in the wellbore, reducing the hydrostatic pressure on the oil column.
  • Improved Flow: This pressure reduction enables the oil to flow more readily towards the surface and into the production facilities.

Types of Gas Lift:

  • Continuous Gas Lift: Gas is injected continuously into the wellbore, maintaining a consistent pressure reduction. This method is suitable for wells with a steady production rate.
  • Intermittent Gas Lift: Gas is injected in cycles, alternating between injection and shutdown periods. This method is more efficient for wells with fluctuating production rates.
  • Gas Lift with Gas Lift Valves: These valves are installed at specific intervals down the wellbore to control the gas injection rate and optimize production.

Advantages of Gas Lift:

  • Increased Production: Gas lift can significantly increase the production rate of oil wells, especially those with high water cuts or low reservoir pressure.
  • Cost-Effective: Gas lift is often a cost-effective solution compared to other artificial lift methods like pumps.
  • Versatile: It can be applied to various well types and reservoir conditions.
  • Controllable: The injection rate can be easily adjusted to optimize production.

Disadvantages of Gas Lift:

  • Gas Availability: Sufficient gas supply is crucial for gas lift operation.
  • Compression Costs: Compressing the gas for injection can be an added cost.
  • Wellbore Integrity: Gas injection can cause stress on the wellbore casing, requiring careful monitoring and maintenance.
  • Environmental Concerns: Gas flaring and venting can be an environmental concern.


Gas lift is a reliable and versatile artificial lift method used in the oil and gas industry to enhance production. It offers numerous advantages such as increased production, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility. However, it's important to consider factors like gas availability, compression costs, and environmental implications before implementing gas lift. With careful planning and execution, gas lift can be a valuable tool for maximizing oil production.

Test Your Knowledge

Gas Lift Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary principle behind gas lift?

(a) Increasing the hydrostatic pressure on the oil column. (b) Injecting water into the wellbore to displace oil. (c) Reducing the hydrostatic pressure on the oil column. (d) Using pumps to lift oil to the surface.


(c) Reducing the hydrostatic pressure on the oil column.

2. Which type of gas lift is suitable for wells with a consistent production rate?

(a) Intermittent Gas Lift (b) Continuous Gas Lift (c) Gas Lift with Gas Lift Valves (d) None of the above


(b) Continuous Gas Lift

3. What is a key advantage of gas lift compared to other artificial lift methods?

(a) High initial installation cost. (b) Limited application to specific well types. (c) Increased risk of wellbore damage. (d) Cost-effectiveness.


(d) Cost-effectiveness.

4. What is a potential disadvantage of gas lift?

(a) No requirement for gas supply. (b) Low environmental impact. (c) Limited production increase potential. (d) Compression costs for the injection gas.


(d) Compression costs for the injection gas.

5. What is the role of gas lift valves in gas lift operations?

(a) To inject water into the wellbore. (b) To control the injection rate of gas. (c) To increase the hydrostatic pressure on the oil column. (d) To monitor the flow rate of oil.


(b) To control the injection rate of gas.

Gas Lift Exercise

Scenario: An oil well is experiencing a decline in production due to low reservoir pressure. The well has a steady production rate and access to a sufficient supply of natural gas.


  • Explain why gas lift would be a suitable solution for this well.
  • Which type of gas lift would be most appropriate in this situation? Why?
  • List two potential challenges that might arise when implementing gas lift in this well.

Exercice Correction

Explanation: Gas lift would be a suitable solution because it effectively addresses the low reservoir pressure issue by reducing the hydrostatic pressure on the oil column, facilitating easier oil flow to the surface.

Type of Gas Lift: Continuous Gas Lift would be most appropriate due to the steady production rate. Continuous injection of gas maintains a consistent pressure reduction, optimizing production.

Potential Challenges:

  • Gas availability: While a sufficient supply is currently available, ensuring its long-term availability for continuous injection is crucial.
  • Wellbore integrity: Continuous gas injection can exert stress on the wellbore casing. Regular monitoring and maintenance are needed to prevent potential damage.


  • Artificial Lift Methods for Oil and Gas Production by A.R.S.M. Aziz, F.S.I. (2016). This book provides comprehensive coverage of various artificial lift methods, including gas lift, and their applications.
  • Petroleum Production Engineering by James D. Brill and John C. Licht (2008). This book offers a complete guide to petroleum production, including in-depth discussions on gas lift technologies and their design considerations.
  • Oil Well Technology: An Introduction to the Engineering and Design of Oil Wells by Frank L. Miskimins, D. L. Frazier, and R. W. Eaton (2007). This textbook covers the principles and practices of oil well technology, with a chapter dedicated to gas lift and its application.


  • “Gas Lift – The Basics of Application and Operation” by Oil & Gas Journal. This article provides a concise overview of the principles, types, and applications of gas lift technology.
  • “Optimizing Gas Lift Performance: A Case Study” by SPE Journal. This article discusses a practical example of gas lift optimization using simulation and field data analysis.
  • “The Impact of Gas Lift on Oil Production: A Review” by Energy Procedia. This paper provides a detailed review of gas lift technology, its advantages, disadvantages, and recent advancements.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger's Gas Lift Resource: ( This website provides detailed information on Schlumberger's gas lift technologies and services.
  • Halliburton's Gas Lift Solutions: ( This page offers comprehensive information on Halliburton's gas lift solutions, including designs, applications, and case studies.
  • Baker Hughes Gas Lift Systems: ( This website provides details on Baker Hughes' gas lift technologies, equipment, and services.
  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Website: ( The SPE website offers a vast collection of articles, papers, and resources related to gas lift and other oil and gas technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Try combinations like "gas lift design," "gas lift optimization," "types of gas lift," "gas lift economics," etc.
  • Use quotation marks: Search for exact phrases like "continuous gas lift" or "intermittent gas lift" to get more precise results.
  • Combine keywords with operators: Use "AND" or "OR" to refine your search. For example, "gas lift AND optimization" or "gas lift OR electric submersible pump."
  • Filter your results: Use Google's advanced search options to filter by date, website, or file type.
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