Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Gas-Oil Ratio

Gas-Oil Ratio

Understanding Gas-Oil Ratio: A Key Metric in Oil & Gas

In the world of oil and gas, Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR) is a crucial metric that reflects the amount of natural gas associated with a particular volume of crude oil. It provides valuable information for production planning, reservoir characterization, and economic analysis.

What is Gas-Oil Ratio?

Simply put, GOR represents the number of standard cubic feet (SCF) of natural gas found alongside one barrel (bbl) of crude oil. It is expressed as:

GOR = SCF of Gas / bbl of Oil

Why is GOR Important?

GOR plays a significant role in various aspects of oil and gas operations:

  • Reservoir Characterization: GOR helps geologists understand the nature of the reservoir and the types of hydrocarbons present.
  • Production Planning: GOR determines the required processing and separation facilities for handling both oil and gas.
  • Economic Analysis: GOR influences the profitability of oil and gas production, as it impacts the revenue generated from gas sales.
  • Environmental Considerations: GOR is relevant in evaluating the environmental impact of gas flaring and emissions.

Types of GOR:

  • Solution GOR: This represents the gas dissolved within the oil at reservoir conditions.
  • Free GOR: This indicates the gas that exists in a free state within the reservoir, not dissolved in the oil.
  • Total GOR: This combines both solution and free gas and reflects the overall gas volume associated with the oil.

Factors Affecting GOR:

Several factors can influence the GOR of a reservoir, including:

  • Reservoir pressure and temperature: Higher pressure and temperature generally result in higher GOR.
  • Hydrocarbon composition: The type of oil and gas present can affect the gas solubility.
  • Reservoir depth and geological structure: These factors can influence the amount of free gas present.

Understanding GOR Values:

GOR values vary greatly depending on the reservoir. A low GOR (e.g., less than 100 SCF/bbl) indicates a relatively small amount of associated gas. A high GOR (e.g., over 1000 SCF/bbl) signifies a significant amount of gas present.


Gas-Oil Ratio is a fundamental metric in the oil and gas industry. It provides valuable insights into reservoir characteristics, production planning, economic considerations, and environmental impacts. By understanding and accurately measuring GOR, operators can optimize their operations, maximize profitability, and minimize environmental risks.

Test Your Knowledge

Gas-Oil Ratio Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR) represent?

a) The volume of oil produced per unit time. b) The ratio of gas to oil in the reservoir. c) The pressure of the reservoir. d) The temperature of the reservoir.


b) The ratio of gas to oil in the reservoir.

2. What is the unit for expressing GOR?

a) Cubic meters per barrel (m3/bbl) b) Standard cubic feet per barrel (SCF/bbl) c) Gallons per minute (gpm) d) Kilowatts (kW)


b) Standard cubic feet per barrel (SCF/bbl)

3. Which of the following is NOT a type of GOR?

a) Solution GOR b) Free GOR c) Total GOR d) Production GOR


d) Production GOR

4. What is a low GOR value typically indicative of?

a) A dry gas reservoir b) A wet gas reservoir c) A high-pressure reservoir d) A low-pressure reservoir


b) A wet gas reservoir

5. Which factor can influence the GOR of a reservoir?

a) The color of the oil b) The brand of drilling equipment c) The type of drilling mud used d) The reservoir temperature


d) The reservoir temperature

Gas-Oil Ratio Exercise


A well produces 100 barrels of oil per day and 5000 standard cubic feet of gas per day.


Calculate the GOR for this well and categorize it as either low, medium, or high.

Exercice Correction

**GOR Calculation:**
GOR = SCF of Gas / bbl of Oil
GOR = 5000 SCF / 100 bbl
GOR = 50 SCF/bbl **Categorization:**
This GOR of 50 SCF/bbl is considered low, indicating a relatively small amount of associated gas.


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: This comprehensive handbook by William D. McCain Jr. covers various aspects of petroleum engineering, including GOR, reservoir characterization, and production.
  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook: This book by Tarek Ahmed provides a detailed explanation of reservoir engineering principles, including GOR and its implications for production and economics.
  • Fundamentals of Petroleum Engineering: This textbook by John C. Donaldson and Henry H. Ramey Jr. offers a foundational understanding of oil and gas production, including the significance of GOR.


  • Gas-Oil Ratio: A Key Metric in Oil & Gas Production by Schlumberger: This article provides a concise overview of GOR, its importance, and its relation to production planning.
  • Understanding and Managing Gas-Oil Ratio in Oil Production by Oilfield Technology: This article focuses on the practical aspects of GOR management, discussing its impact on production efficiency and profitability.
  • Gas-Oil Ratio and Its Influence on Oil and Gas Production by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): This article delves into the technical details of GOR, its relationship to reservoir conditions, and its influence on well performance.

Online Resources

  • Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR) on Wikipedia: This page offers a comprehensive overview of GOR, including its definition, types, factors affecting it, and its significance in the oil and gas industry.
  • Gas-Oil Ratio: An Important Parameter in Oil & Gas Production by Petroleum Engineering: This website provides a detailed explanation of GOR, its impact on production, and its relevance to various oilfield operations.
  • Gas-Oil Ratio by Reservoir Engineering: This resource delves into the theoretical aspects of GOR, discussing its relationship to reservoir pressure, temperature, and fluid properties.

Search Tips

  • "Gas-Oil Ratio" + "reservoir characterization": This search will lead you to articles and resources focusing on how GOR contributes to understanding the properties of oil and gas reservoirs.
  • "Gas-Oil Ratio" + "production planning": This search will bring up resources related to the role of GOR in optimizing production strategies and facilities.
  • "Gas-Oil Ratio" + "economic analysis": This search will point you to articles and research papers exploring the impact of GOR on the profitability of oil and gas production.
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