Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Reservoir Engineering: Gas Effect (on logs)

Gas Effect (on logs)

The Gas Effect: A Challenge in Log Interpretation

In the oil and gas industry, understanding the composition and properties of subsurface formations is crucial for successful exploration and production. Log interpretation plays a vital role in this process, using various logging tools to analyze geological formations. One common phenomenon that can significantly impact log interpretation is the Gas Effect.

Understanding the Gas Effect

The Gas Effect refers to a discrepancy observed between porosity estimates derived from two key logging tools: the formation density log and the neutron density log.

  • Formation Density Log: This tool measures the bulk density of the rock formation. It works by emitting gamma rays and analyzing the backscattered radiation. The density reading is then used to calculate porosity, assuming the formation is composed of rock and fluid (water or oil).
  • Neutron Density Log: This tool measures the hydrogen content of the formation. It emits neutrons that interact with hydrogen atoms in the formation's fluid, providing information about the fluid's volume. This data is then used to calculate porosity.

The Discrepancy:

The Gas Effect occurs because of the compressibility of gas. When gas is present in the formation's pores, it behaves differently from liquids (oil or water) under pressure.

  • Formation Density Log: The density log assumes the fluid is incompressible. In a gas-bearing formation, the gas compresses under the pressure of the surrounding rock, resulting in a higher apparent density than the actual density of the formation. This leads to an underestimation of porosity.
  • Neutron Density Log: The neutron log is sensitive to hydrogen content, which is higher in water than in gas. In a gas-bearing formation, the neutron log will detect a lower hydrogen content compared to a water-bearing formation, resulting in an overestimation of porosity.

The Result:

The Gas Effect causes a divergence between the porosity estimates from the density log and the neutron log. This difference can be significant in formations with a high gas content. The discrepancy highlights the importance of understanding the formation's fluid content and accounting for the compressibility of gas during log interpretation.

Mitigating the Gas Effect:

Several approaches can be used to mitigate the Gas Effect:

  • Log Corrections: Specialized algorithms and correction factors can be applied to the log data to account for the compressibility of gas. These corrections aim to bring the porosity estimates from the two logs closer together.
  • Fluid Analysis: Additional data, like fluid samples and pressure measurements, can be incorporated to refine the understanding of the formation's fluid composition and properties.
  • Advanced Logging Techniques: Tools like the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) log can provide more detailed information about the fluid content and pore size distribution, helping to better characterize the formation.


The Gas Effect is a crucial consideration in log interpretation, especially in gas-bearing formations. By understanding this phenomenon and employing appropriate correction methods, geologists and engineers can obtain more accurate estimates of porosity and fluid content, leading to better well planning and reservoir management decisions.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Gas Effect

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the Gas Effect? a) A phenomenon that causes gas to leak from formations.


Incorrect. The Gas Effect is related to the difference in porosity readings between two logging tools.

b) A discrepancy between porosity estimates from the formation density log and the neutron density log.

Correct! This is the definition of the Gas Effect.

c) A type of gas reservoir with high pressure.

Incorrect. This describes a specific type of gas reservoir, not the Gas Effect.

d) An error in the calibration of logging tools.

Incorrect. The Gas Effect is caused by the physical properties of gas, not tool calibration errors.

2. Which logging tool is affected by the compressibility of gas? a) Formation density log


Correct! The formation density log assumes incompressible fluids, leading to an underestimation of porosity in gas-bearing formations.

b) Neutron density log

Incorrect. The neutron density log is primarily sensitive to hydrogen content, which is affected by the type of fluid but not directly by its compressibility.

c) Both formation density and neutron density logs

Incorrect. While both logs are affected by the Gas Effect, the density log is directly affected by the compressibility of gas.

d) None of the above

Incorrect. The formation density log is definitely affected by the compressibility of gas.

3. How does the Gas Effect impact the porosity readings from the formation density log? a) Overestimates porosity


Incorrect. The Gas Effect leads to an underestimation of porosity in the density log.

b) Underestimates porosity

Correct! The compressibility of gas leads to an apparent higher density, resulting in an underestimation of porosity.

c) Has no impact on porosity readings

Incorrect. The Gas Effect significantly affects the porosity readings.

d) Provides more accurate porosity readings

Incorrect. The Gas Effect introduces a discrepancy, making the readings less accurate.

4. What is NOT a method used to mitigate the Gas Effect? a) Log corrections


Incorrect. Log corrections are a common method to account for the compressibility of gas.

b) Fluid analysis

Incorrect. Understanding the fluid composition helps in correcting the Gas Effect.

c) Using only the neutron density log for porosity estimation

Correct! Relying solely on the neutron density log is not a reliable approach to mitigate the Gas Effect, as it is also affected by the gas content, albeit differently.

d) Advanced logging techniques

Incorrect. Techniques like NMR logging provide more detailed information for better characterization.

5. Why is it important to understand the Gas Effect in log interpretation? a) To ensure accurate porosity estimates for better reservoir characterization.


Correct! Understanding the Gas Effect is essential for accurate porosity and fluid content estimations, leading to better reservoir management decisions.

b) To identify potential gas leaks from formations.

Incorrect. The Gas Effect is not directly related to gas leaks.

c) To determine the type of gas present in the formation.

Incorrect. While understanding the fluid content is important, the Gas Effect primarily focuses on the compressibility of gas, not its type.

d) To calibrate logging tools for more accurate readings.

Incorrect. The Gas Effect is not about calibrating tools but understanding the phenomenon's impact on the readings.


Scenario: A well log shows a significant difference in porosity estimates between the formation density log (20%) and the neutron density log (30%). The well is suspected to be producing gas.

Task: 1. Explain why there is a discrepancy in porosity estimates. 2. List two possible methods to mitigate this discrepancy. 3. Briefly explain how these methods can address the issue.

Exercice Correction

**1. Explanation of the Discrepancy:**

The discrepancy in porosity estimates is likely due to the Gas Effect. Because the well is suspected to be producing gas, the compressibility of the gas in the formation's pores causes an underestimation of porosity by the formation density log (which assumes incompressible fluids). Conversely, the neutron density log, sensitive to hydrogen content, will overestimate porosity in a gas-bearing formation because the hydrogen content is lower compared to a water-bearing formation.

**2. Mitigation Methods:**

  • Log Corrections: Specialized algorithms and correction factors can be applied to the log data to account for the compressibility of gas. These corrections aim to adjust the density log readings to reflect the actual formation density, bringing the porosity estimates from the two logs closer together.
  • Fluid Analysis: Obtaining fluid samples and pressure measurements from the well can provide valuable information about the composition and properties of the fluids in the formation. This data can then be used to refine the correction factors applied to the log data.

**3. How Methods Address the Issue:**

  • Log Corrections: By applying specific algorithms and correction factors, the density log data can be adjusted to account for the compressibility of gas, leading to more accurate porosity estimations that are closer to the neutron density log readings.
  • Fluid Analysis: Having a better understanding of the formation's fluid content (e.g., gas percentage, pressure) allows for more accurate and specific corrections to be made to the log data, ultimately improving the accuracy of the porosity estimates.


  • "Log Interpretation Principles/Applications" by Schlumberger - A comprehensive textbook covering various aspects of log interpretation, including discussions on the Gas Effect and mitigation strategies.
  • "Well Logging for Earth Scientists" by M.B. Dobrin - A classic text providing a detailed overview of well logging principles and applications, with sections dedicated to the Gas Effect and its impact on porosity estimations.
  • "Petroleum Geology" by J.M. Hunt - This book offers a thorough understanding of petroleum geology, including chapters on reservoir characterization and log interpretation, which can shed light on the Gas Effect in the context of reservoir analysis.


  • "Gas Effect Correction in Density and Neutron Logs" by J.P. Butler - This article focuses on the Gas Effect and presents a specific correction technique to account for gas compressibility in log readings.
  • "The Gas Effect: Its Influence on Porosity Determination" by R.A. Swanson - This article explores the challenges posed by the Gas Effect and discusses how to mitigate its influence using various methods.
  • "A Review of Gas Effect Correction Techniques in Well Logging" by M.A. Khan et al. - This article provides a comprehensive review of different techniques used for correcting the Gas Effect, comparing their effectiveness and limitations.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger's "Oilfield Glossary" - This online glossary defines various geological and logging terms, including a detailed explanation of the Gas Effect and its implications for porosity estimation.
  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Publications - The SPE website offers access to a wide range of technical papers and presentations on well logging and reservoir characterization, including numerous publications that address the Gas Effect and its impact on reservoir analysis.
  • Halliburton's "Log Interpretation & Formation Evaluation" - Halliburton's website features a section dedicated to log interpretation and formation evaluation, providing in-depth information about various logging tools, including discussions on the Gas Effect and its implications.

Search Tips

  • "Gas Effect log interpretation" - This search phrase will yield a wide range of relevant resources, including articles, presentations, and software tools.
  • "Neutron density log gas effect correction" - This search phrase will focus on specific correction techniques for the Gas Effect in neutron and density logs.
  • "Gas effect porosity estimation" - This search phrase will lead you to resources that discuss how the Gas Effect impacts porosity estimations and how to address this issue.
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