Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Gas Drive

Gas Drive

Gas Drive: A Powerful Force in Oil Recovery

In the world of oil and gas, understanding reservoir dynamics is paramount for efficient production. One crucial aspect of this understanding lies in the concept of Gas Drive, a natural mechanism that plays a key role in pushing oil towards producing wells.

What is Gas Drive?

Gas drive is a reservoir drive mechanism where dissolved gas in the oil expands and acts as a driving force, pushing oil towards the producing well. This occurs when pressure in the reservoir drops, causing the dissolved gas to come out of solution and form a free gas phase. This expanding gas acts as a piston, effectively pushing the oil towards the wellbore.

The Mechanics of Gas Drive:

  • Dissolved Gas: Oil reservoirs often contain dissolved gas, which exists in solution within the oil.
  • Pressure Drop: As oil is produced from the reservoir, the pressure decreases.
  • Gas Liberation: The pressure drop triggers the dissolved gas to come out of solution, forming free gas.
  • Expansion: The free gas expands as the pressure continues to fall, effectively pushing the oil towards the well.

Types of Gas Drive:

  • Solution Gas Drive: The most common type, where gas initially exists dissolved in the oil.
  • Gas Cap Drive: Involves a separate gas cap above the oil zone, which expands as pressure decreases and drives the oil downwards.
  • Combination Drive: A combination of solution gas drive and gas cap drive, where both mechanisms contribute to oil production.

Advantages of Gas Drive:

  • Enhanced Oil Recovery: Gas drive is a powerful mechanism for recovering oil from reservoirs.
  • Natural Process: The drive is a natural process, reducing the need for artificial stimulation techniques.
  • Sustained Production: Gas drive can sustain oil production for longer periods compared to other drive mechanisms.

Challenges of Gas Drive:

  • Reservoir Heterogeneity: Gas drive effectiveness can be impacted by variations in reservoir properties.
  • Gas Breakthrough: If the gas cap expands too quickly, it can break through to the producing well, reducing oil production.
  • Pressure Management: Maintaining optimal pressure in the reservoir is crucial for maximizing gas drive efficiency.

Flooding for Enhanced Recovery:

While gas drive is a natural phenomenon, it can be further enhanced through techniques like flooding. This involves injecting gas, typically from the top of the reservoir or an updip location, to supplement the natural gas drive and push more oil towards the well.


Gas drive is a critical factor in oil production, providing a natural mechanism for driving oil towards producing wells. By understanding the dynamics of gas drive and employing strategies like flooding, oil companies can maximize production and extract valuable resources from reservoirs.

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