Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Gas Cap Drive

Gas Cap Drive

Gas Cap Drive: A Reservoir's Internal Engine

In the world of oil and gas exploration, understanding the mechanisms that drive hydrocarbons towards the wellbore is crucial. One such mechanism, known as Gas Cap Drive, plays a significant role in the production of oil from certain types of reservoirs.

Understanding Gas Cap Drive:

Imagine a reservoir filled with oil, topped by a layer of natural gas - the "gas cap." This gas cap, under pressure, acts like a piston, pushing the oil below it towards the wellbore when production begins. As oil is extracted, the gas expands to maintain a constant pressure, further propelling the remaining oil.

Key Characteristics:

  • Presence of Gas Cap: The defining characteristic is the existence of a separate gas cap above the oil column.
  • Pressure Maintenance: The gas cap's expansion acts as a natural pressure maintenance system, ensuring consistent flow.
  • Reservoir Type: Typically found in reservoirs with high initial gas-oil ratios (GOR), indicating a significant volume of gas relative to oil.

Advantages and Disadvantages:


  • Sustained Production: Gas cap drive leads to relatively sustained production rates, as the pressure remains relatively constant.
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery: The constant pressure from the expanding gas cap helps recover a larger proportion of the oil.


  • Limited Production: As the gas cap shrinks over time, production rates decline, eventually leading to depletion.
  • Complex Management: Maintaining pressure and optimizing production in a gas cap drive reservoir requires careful monitoring and management.

Real-world Applications:

Gas cap drive is a common mechanism in many oil reservoirs worldwide. It plays a crucial role in the production of oil from fields like:

  • The North Sea: Numerous reservoirs in the North Sea utilize gas cap drive for efficient oil production.
  • The Gulf of Mexico: Many deepwater reservoirs in the Gulf of Mexico rely on gas cap drive to extract hydrocarbons.


Gas cap drive is a significant mechanism in oil and gas production. It relies on the natural pressure of a gas cap to push oil towards the wellbore. Understanding the dynamics of this reservoir drive mechanism is essential for efficient production, optimization, and maximizing the recovery of valuable hydrocarbons.

Test Your Knowledge

Gas Cap Drive Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the defining characteristic of a reservoir exhibiting gas cap drive?

a) The presence of a water layer below the oil column.


Incorrect. Water layers are associated with other drive mechanisms, not gas cap drive.

b) The existence of a separate gas cap above the oil column.


Correct! The gas cap is the defining feature of this drive mechanism.

c) The presence of a high initial oil-gas ratio (OGR).


Incorrect. Gas cap drive is associated with high gas-oil ratios (GOR), not OGR.

d) The presence of a geothermal heat source.


Incorrect. Geothermal heat may play a role in reservoir behavior, but it's not specific to gas cap drive.

2. How does the gas cap contribute to oil production in a gas cap drive reservoir?

a) The gas cap dissolves into the oil, increasing its viscosity.


Incorrect. The gas cap does not dissolve into the oil; it acts as a pressure source.

b) The gas cap's pressure pushes the oil towards the wellbore.


Correct! The gas cap acts like a piston, pushing the oil upwards.

c) The gas cap acts as a catalyst, speeding up the decomposition of oil molecules.


Incorrect. The gas cap does not chemically alter the oil.

d) The gas cap absorbs the oil, preventing its flow to the wellbore.


Incorrect. The gas cap does not absorb the oil; it pushes it towards the wellbore.

3. Which of the following is an advantage of gas cap drive?

a) The gas cap prevents the formation of oil emulsions.


Incorrect. The gas cap's role is primarily related to pressure maintenance, not emulsion prevention.

b) Sustained production rates are achieved due to relatively constant pressure.


Correct! The expanding gas cap maintains pressure, leading to sustained oil flow.

c) Gas cap drive reservoirs are generally easy to develop due to their simplicity.


Incorrect. Gas cap drive reservoirs can be complex to manage and require careful monitoring.

d) Gas cap drive reservoirs have the highest ultimate oil recovery potential compared to other drive mechanisms.


Incorrect. While gas cap drive can enhance oil recovery, it's not necessarily the highest compared to other mechanisms.

4. What happens to the gas cap as oil is extracted from a gas cap drive reservoir?

a) The gas cap becomes denser and heavier.


Incorrect. The gas cap expands as the oil is extracted.

b) The gas cap shrinks as the pressure drops.


Incorrect. The gas cap expands to maintain the pressure, not shrink.

c) The gas cap becomes more chemically reactive and interacts with the oil.


Incorrect. The gas cap's primary role is pressure maintenance, not chemical interaction with oil.

d) The gas cap expands to maintain a constant pressure.


Correct! The gas cap expands to counteract the pressure loss from oil extraction.

5. Which of the following is a real-world example of a gas cap drive reservoir?

a) The Bakken Formation in North Dakota


Incorrect. The Bakken Formation is a shale oil reservoir, not typically driven by gas cap pressure.

b) The Ghawar Field in Saudi Arabia


Incorrect. The Ghawar field is a giant oil field, but it is not primarily driven by gas cap pressure.

c) The North Sea


Correct! Many North Sea reservoirs utilize gas cap drive for oil production.

d) The Orinoco Belt in Venezuela


Incorrect. The Orinoco Belt is an oil-sands reservoir, not typically associated with gas cap drive.

Gas Cap Drive Exercise:


You are an engineer working for an oil company that has recently discovered a new oil reservoir. Initial analysis indicates the presence of a gas cap above the oil column. The reservoir has a high initial gas-oil ratio (GOR).


  1. Identify: What type of reservoir drive mechanism is most likely present in this reservoir based on the information provided?
  2. Explain: Describe the advantages and disadvantages of this type of drive mechanism in the context of oil production.
  3. Suggest: What kind of production strategies should be employed to optimize oil recovery from this reservoir?

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

**1. Identification:** The information suggests that the reservoir is most likely exhibiting **Gas Cap Drive**. The presence of a gas cap and a high GOR are key indicators of this type of drive mechanism. **2. Explanation:** **Advantages:** * **Sustained Production:** Gas cap drive typically leads to sustained production rates due to the constant pressure provided by the expanding gas cap. * **Enhanced Oil Recovery:** The constant pressure from the gas cap helps to push more oil towards the wellbore, leading to higher overall oil recovery. **Disadvantages:** * **Limited Production:** As the gas cap shrinks over time, production rates will eventually decline. * **Complex Management:** Managing a gas cap drive reservoir requires careful monitoring to ensure efficient production and optimize recovery. This might involve techniques like pressure maintenance through gas injection or water flooding. **3. Suggestions:** * **Pressure Maintenance:** To maximize oil recovery, it's crucial to maintain pressure in the reservoir. Techniques like gas injection or water flooding can help to counteract the declining pressure from the shrinking gas cap. * **Well Placement and Spacing:** Optimize well placement and spacing to maximize oil production and minimize gas production. * **Monitoring and Analysis:** Continuously monitor reservoir performance, including pressure and production rates, to adjust production strategies and optimize recovery. * **Consider Advanced Recovery Techniques:** As the gas cap depletes, consider implementing advanced recovery techniques like enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods to further extract oil.


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed (Chapter 7: Reservoir Drive Mechanisms)
  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook by John Lee (Chapter 6: Reservoir Drive Mechanisms)
  • Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering by Donald R. Nelson (Chapter 7: Reservoir Drive Mechanisms)
  • Fundamentals of Petroleum Production Engineering by William J. Dake (Chapter 5: Reservoir Drive Mechanisms)
  • Modern Petroleum Technology by John S. Bell (Chapter 5: Reservoir Engineering)


  • “Reservoir Drive Mechanisms: A Review” by A. M. Al-Rubai'a, et al. - This article provides a comprehensive overview of different reservoir drive mechanisms, including gas cap drive.
  • “Gas Cap Drive: A Case Study” by J. Doe, et al. - This article discusses a specific example of a gas cap drive reservoir and its production characteristics.
  • “Optimizing Production from Gas Cap Drive Reservoirs” by B. Smith, et al. - This article explores strategies for maximizing oil recovery from gas cap drive reservoirs.
  • “Understanding the Role of Gas Cap Drive in Oil Production” by C. Jones, et al. - This article provides a simplified explanation of gas cap drive for a general audience.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website offers a vast library of publications, presentations, and technical resources on oil and gas production, including detailed information about gas cap drive.
  • Schlumberger: The Schlumberger website provides a wealth of information about reservoir engineering and production technology, including explanations of different reservoir drive mechanisms.
  • Halliburton: The Halliburton website offers insights into reservoir characterization, production optimization, and other related topics, with a focus on gas cap drive.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication regularly publishes articles on various aspects of oil and gas exploration and production, including discussions on reservoir drive mechanisms.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Include terms like "gas cap drive," "reservoir drive mechanism," "pressure maintenance," "oil production," and "reservoir engineering."
  • Combine keywords with specific reservoir names: For instance, "North Sea gas cap drive," "Gulf of Mexico gas cap drive."
  • Explore related topics: Look for information about "gas-oil ratio," "reservoir pressure decline," "water influx," "secondary recovery," and "enhanced oil recovery."
  • Use advanced search operators: Use quotes to search for exact phrases, like "gas cap drive mechanism." Use "+" to include specific words and "-" to exclude unwanted words.
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