Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Specific Terms: GAP TM


GAP TM: A Vital Tool in Oil & Gas Allocation

In the dynamic world of oil and gas, General Allocation Program (GAP TM) plays a crucial role in managing resources efficiently. This powerful tool, often used in conjunction with other software programs, facilitates the allocation of resources like production, reserves, and even expenses across various projects and fields.

Here's a breakdown of the key features and functionalities of GAP TM:

1. Comprehensive Allocation: GAP TM provides a platform for allocating resources based on different parameters, including:

  • Production: Allocates oil and gas production across wells, fields, and reservoirs.
  • Reserves: Allows for the allocation of estimated reserves based on various evaluation methods.
  • Expenses: Enables accurate distribution of operational and capital expenditure across projects.

2. Customizable Allocation Rules: GAP TM allows users to define custom allocation rules tailored to specific needs. This includes:

  • Production Allocation Methods: Various methods like volumetric, wellhead pressure, or even complex reservoir simulation models can be implemented.
  • Reserve Allocation Approaches: Different reserve estimation methods, such as deterministic or probabilistic models, can be employed.
  • Cost Allocation Strategies: Flexible options for allocating expenses based on production, reserves, or other relevant factors.

3. Transparency and Auditability: GAP TM ensures transparency and traceability through:

  • Detailed Audit Trails: All allocation activities are recorded, enabling comprehensive tracking and auditing.
  • Reporting Capabilities: Generate customizable reports and analyses to gain insights into resource allocation.

4. Integration with Other Systems: GAP TM often integrates seamlessly with other essential software solutions in the oil and gas industry, including:

  • Reservoir Simulation: Allows for the seamless flow of data between reservoir models and allocation processes.
  • Production Management Systems: Enables the synchronization of production data with allocation calculations.
  • Financial Systems: Facilitates the integration of financial data with resource allocation decisions.

5. Benefits of GAP TM in Oil & Gas:

  • Improved Resource Management: Efficient allocation of resources across various projects and fields.
  • Enhanced Financial Transparency: Transparent and auditable allocation processes for financial reporting.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Data-driven insights for informed resource allocation and business decisions.
  • Increased Operational Efficiency: Streamlined workflows and improved operational effectiveness.

In conclusion, GAP TM serves as a vital tool for oil and gas companies, enabling them to manage resources effectively, ensure financial transparency, and make informed decisions based on robust data. By implementing this powerful software solution, organizations can unlock significant operational and financial benefits in a highly competitive industry.

Test Your Knowledge

GAP TM Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does GAP TM stand for?

a) Global Allocation Program


Incorrect. GAP TM stands for General Allocation Program.

b) General Allocation Process


Incorrect. GAP TM stands for General Allocation Program.

c) General Allocation Program


Correct! GAP TM stands for General Allocation Program.

d) Global Allocation Process


Incorrect. GAP TM stands for General Allocation Program.

2. What type of resources can GAP TM allocate?

a) Only production


Incorrect. GAP TM can allocate production, reserves, and expenses.

b) Production and reserves only


Incorrect. GAP TM can allocate production, reserves, and expenses.

c) Production, reserves, and expenses


Correct! GAP TM can allocate production, reserves, and expenses.

d) Only expenses


Incorrect. GAP TM can allocate production, reserves, and expenses.

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using GAP TM?

a) Improved resource management


Incorrect. Improved resource management is a benefit of using GAP TM.

b) Enhanced financial transparency


Incorrect. Enhanced financial transparency is a benefit of using GAP TM.

c) Increased operational complexity


Correct! Increased operational complexity is not a benefit of using GAP TM. It actually helps to streamline operations.

d) Data-driven decision making


Incorrect. Data-driven decision making is a benefit of using GAP TM.

4. How does GAP TM ensure transparency and traceability?

a) By automatically generating reports


Incorrect. While GAP TM can generate reports, it also uses audit trails for transparency.

b) Through detailed audit trails


Correct! GAP TM ensures transparency through detailed audit trails of all allocation activities.

c) By using only predefined allocation rules


Incorrect. GAP TM allows customizable allocation rules, not just predefined ones.

d) By integrating only with financial systems


Incorrect. GAP TM integrates with various systems, including financial, production management, and reservoir simulation systems.

5. GAP TM can be integrated with which of the following software systems?

a) Only reservoir simulation software


Incorrect. GAP TM can integrate with multiple systems, not just reservoir simulation software.

b) Production management systems and financial systems only


Incorrect. GAP TM integrates with reservoir simulation software, production management systems, and financial systems.

c) Reservoir simulation, production management, and financial systems


Correct! GAP TM can integrate with reservoir simulation software, production management systems, and financial systems.

d) None of the above


Incorrect. GAP TM can integrate with reservoir simulation software, production management systems, and financial systems.

GAP TM Exercise:


An oil and gas company operates two fields, "Field A" and "Field B". They are using GAP TM to allocate production and expenses.

  • Field A produced 10,000 barrels of oil last month.
  • Field B produced 5,000 barrels of oil last month.
  • The company incurred $1,000,000 in total operational expenses for both fields last month.


Using a volumetric allocation method (proportionate to production), allocate the total operational expenses to Field A and Field B.

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

**1. Calculate the total production:** * Total Production = Field A Production + Field B Production * Total Production = 10,000 barrels + 5,000 barrels = 15,000 barrels **2. Calculate the allocation percentage for each field:** * Field A Percentage = (Field A Production / Total Production) * 100% * Field A Percentage = (10,000 barrels / 15,000 barrels) * 100% = 66.67% * Field B Percentage = (Field B Production / Total Production) * 100% * Field B Percentage = (5,000 barrels / 15,000 barrels) * 100% = 33.33% **3. Allocate the expenses:** * Field A Expenses = Total Expenses * Field A Percentage * Field A Expenses = $1,000,000 * 66.67% = $666,700 * Field B Expenses = Total Expenses * Field B Percentage * Field B Expenses = $1,000,000 * 33.33% = $333,300 **Therefore, using the volumetric allocation method, Field A should be allocated $666,700 in operational expenses, and Field B should be allocated $333,300.**


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Principles and Practices" by Jerry J. S. M. A. J. A. L. K. A. L. L. E. Y. - Provides a comprehensive overview of petroleum engineering concepts, including resource allocation.
  • "Oil and Gas Economics" by Paul Stevens - This book explores the economic factors driving oil and gas production and investment, which can provide context for the importance of accurate resource allocation tools like GAP TM.


  • "Resource Allocation: A Critical Element of Oil and Gas Production" - This article, potentially found in industry journals like "Journal of Petroleum Technology" or "Oil & Gas Journal," would explore the importance and best practices for resource allocation in the industry.
  • "Software Solutions for Oil and Gas Production Optimization" - An article focusing on software solutions in the oil and gas industry would likely mention GAP TM and its potential to enhance efficiency.

Online Resources

  • Software Vendor Websites: Companies like Vendor Name 1 and Vendor Name 2 offer specific solutions for GAP TM and provide detailed documentation, case studies, and user guides.
  • Oil & Gas Industry Forums: Online forums like Forum Name can offer discussions and insights from industry professionals on the use of GAP TM and other resource allocation tools.
  • Oil & Gas Industry Associations: Websites like the American Petroleum Institute and SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) often host articles, research papers, and resources on relevant topics.

Search Tips

  • Use Specific Keywords: Try searches like "GAP TM oil and gas," "resource allocation software oil and gas," or "production optimization software."
  • Use Boolean Operators: Combine keywords with operators like "AND" or "OR" to refine your search results. For example, "GAP TM AND production allocation."
  • Explore Related Terms: Use synonyms like "allocation program," "resource management software," or "production optimization tools."
  • Filter Results: Use filters to focus on relevant sources like articles, industry websites, or specific publications.
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