Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Safety Training & Awareness: Gang Pusher (rig)

Gang Pusher (rig)

The Gang Pusher: A Vital Link in Oil & Gas Operations

In the world of oil and gas, efficient and safe operations are paramount. While many technical terms are familiar, one often overlooked but crucial role is that of the Gang Pusher. This article explores the responsibilities and importance of this position within the industry.

Understanding the "Gang"

In the context of oil and gas, a "gang" refers to a group of workers dedicated to a specific task or operation. This could be anything from drilling and completion to maintenance and repair. The Gang Pusher acts as the supervisor and leader of this team, ensuring tasks are completed efficiently, safely, and according to industry standards.

Key Responsibilities of a Gang Pusher:

  • Safety First: A Gang Pusher's primary responsibility is the safety of their team. They enforce safety protocols, conduct pre-shift briefings, and ensure all crew members are properly trained and equipped.
  • Task Management: They are responsible for planning and coordinating the work of the gang, assigning tasks, and monitoring progress. This includes scheduling, resource allocation, and ensuring materials are available.
  • Communication: Effective communication is essential. Gang Pushers act as a liaison between the crew and management, reporting progress, raising concerns, and relaying instructions.
  • Troubleshooting: Problems are inevitable. The Gang Pusher must be able to identify potential issues, troubleshoot problems, and implement solutions effectively.
  • Quality Control: They are responsible for ensuring the quality of work performed by their team, meeting established standards and specifications.
  • Training and Development: The Gang Pusher often provides training and mentorship to junior team members, fostering their skill development and promoting knowledge sharing.

Why They Matter:

The Gang Pusher is a vital link in the chain of operations. Their experience, leadership, and commitment to safety and efficiency directly impact the success and profitability of oil and gas projects. They contribute to:

  • Increased productivity: Efficient task management and clear communication lead to higher production rates and fewer delays.
  • Improved safety: Strict safety protocols and proactive monitoring ensure a safer working environment for the team.
  • Enhanced quality: Close supervision and adherence to standards ensure high-quality work, minimizing rework and potential issues.
  • Reduced costs: Effective resource allocation, minimizing waste and downtime, contribute to cost savings.

The Role of a Gang Pusher is often challenging, requiring a combination of technical skills, leadership qualities, and a commitment to safety. They are crucial to the smooth operation of oil and gas projects, ensuring tasks are completed efficiently, safely, and to the highest standards.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Gang Pusher

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary responsibility of a Gang Pusher?

a) Operating heavy machinery on the oil rig. b) Designing and planning oil extraction strategies. c) Ensuring the safety and efficiency of their team. d) Negotiating contracts with oil and gas companies.


c) Ensuring the safety and efficiency of their team.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key responsibility of a Gang Pusher?

a) Conducting pre-shift safety briefings. b) Supervising the work of the team and assigning tasks. c) Developing long-term business plans for the company. d) Troubleshooting problems and implementing solutions.


c) Developing long-term business plans for the company.

3. How does a Gang Pusher contribute to increased productivity?

a) By taking on extra tasks to lighten the workload of others. b) By using outdated methods that are familiar to the team. c) By effectively managing tasks and ensuring clear communication. d) By ignoring safety protocols to speed up the process.


c) By effectively managing tasks and ensuring clear communication.

4. What is the role of a Gang Pusher in quality control?

a) They are responsible for testing the quality of oil and gas extracted. b) They ensure the work performed by their team meets established standards. c) They are solely responsible for designing and implementing quality control procedures. d) They have no role in quality control, as that is handled by other departments.


b) They ensure the work performed by their team meets established standards.

5. What kind of skills are essential for a successful Gang Pusher?

a) Strong technical skills, leadership qualities, and a commitment to safety. b) Extensive knowledge of finance and accounting practices. c) Excellent public speaking skills and media relations experience. d) Advanced computer programming skills and data analysis expertise.


a) Strong technical skills, leadership qualities, and a commitment to safety.

Exercise: The Safety Meeting

Scenario: You are the Gang Pusher for a drilling team working on a new oil well. A new piece of equipment has been added to the rig, and it requires special safety protocols.

Task: Write a brief pre-shift safety briefing for your team, outlining the key safety considerations for the new equipment and emphasizing the importance of following all protocols. Be sure to include:

  • A clear description of the new equipment
  • The specific safety risks associated with the equipment
  • The necessary safety procedures for using the equipment
  • A reminder of the importance of teamwork and communication for ensuring a safe working environment.

Exercice Correction

**Safety Briefing - New Equipment** Good morning team, As you know, we have a new piece of equipment on the rig today. This is a [brief description of the new equipment, its function, and any noticeable features]. This equipment helps us [explain what the equipment does and how it improves operations]. However, it's crucial to understand that this new piece of equipment comes with some specific safety considerations: * **[List the specific safety risks associated with the equipment, e.g., moving parts, potential for leaks, etc.].** * **[Explain the necessary safety procedures for using the equipment, including any personal protective equipment requirements, proper operation steps, and emergency procedures].** Remember, safety is always our top priority. This new equipment is designed to enhance our work, but it requires our full attention and adherence to the safety protocols. Today, it's even more important than ever to work as a team. Communicate any concerns or potential hazards immediately. Let's ensure a safe and productive shift. Thank you.


  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: This comprehensive handbook covers various aspects of oil & gas operations, including drilling, production, and well completion. You can find information about drilling supervisors and their responsibilities within the drilling section.
  • The Oil and Gas Industry: A Primer: This book provides an introduction to the oil & gas industry, including the different roles involved in exploration, drilling, production, and refining.


  • Search for "Drilling Supervisor" or "Rig Supervisor" on industry websites: Many industry publications like Oil & Gas Journal, World Oil, and Upstream regularly publish articles about drilling operations and the roles involved. You can use their online archives to find relevant articles.
  • Search for "Drilling Operations" or "Rig Operations" in academic databases: Databases like JSTOR, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar host peer-reviewed articles about oil & gas operations, including those that discuss the role of supervisors and safety protocols.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This professional organization offers resources, articles, and events related to the oil & gas industry. Their website and publications often feature information about drilling operations and the roles involved.
  • International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC): This organization focuses on drilling contractors and the safety of drilling operations. Their website offers valuable insights into the responsibilities of rig supervisors and crew members.
  • Oil & Gas Job Boards: Websites like Oil & Gas Job Search, Rigzone, and Energy Jobline list job postings for various oil & gas positions, including drilling supervisors. These postings can offer insight into the specific skills and responsibilities required for these roles.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just "Gang Pusher," try terms like "drilling supervisor," "rig supervisor," "drilling operations," or "rig operations."
  • Combine keywords with location: If you're interested in specific locations, add "oil & gas" followed by the region or country (e.g., "drilling supervisor oil & gas Texas").
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches. For example, "rig supervisor responsibilities."
  • Filter your search: Use Google's filters to refine your results by date, source, or other criteria.
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