Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Fracture Extension Pressure

Fracture Extension Pressure

Fracture Extension Pressure: Driving Force for Hydraulic Fracturing


Hydraulic fracturing, a technique used to enhance oil and gas production from unconventional reservoirs, relies on the principle of fracturing the rock formation to create pathways for fluid flow. A crucial parameter in this process is the Fracture Extension Pressure (FEP). This article explores the concept of FEP, its significance, and the factors influencing its value.


Fracture Extension Pressure refers to the minimum pressure required to extend an already initiated fracture within a rock formation. It acts as a critical threshold, determining the success of the fracturing process. If the applied pressure falls below FEP, the fracture will not propagate further, hindering the creation of desired flow paths.

Factors Affecting FEP:

Several factors play a role in determining the FEP, making it a dynamic and complex parameter:

  • Fracture Length and Height: As the fracture grows in length and height, the pressure drop due to friction along the fracture face increases. Consequently, the FEP may slightly rise to overcome this increased pressure loss.
  • Fracture Roughness: A rough fracture surface increases the contact area between the fluid and the rock, leading to higher frictional resistance. This results in a higher FEP compared to a smooth fracture.
  • Fracture Width: A wider fracture reduces the fluid velocity and friction, leading to a lower FEP.
  • Fluid Viscosity: High viscosity fluids require higher pressure to flow through the fracture, thus increasing the FEP.

Understanding FEP in Practice:

  • Pressure Monitoring: During hydraulic fracturing, pressure monitoring plays a crucial role. The pressure readings indicate if the applied pressure exceeds the FEP, ensuring the fracture continues to extend.
  • Optimizing Fracture Growth: By understanding the factors influencing FEP, engineers can optimize the fracturing process. This includes choosing appropriate fracturing fluids, controlling injection rates, and applying pressure gradients to achieve desired fracture geometries.
  • Evaluating Reservoir Properties: The FEP can provide insights into the mechanical properties of the reservoir rock. Analyzing its variation with different fracturing conditions helps in understanding the rock's fracture toughness and permeability.


Fracture Extension Pressure is a critical parameter in hydraulic fracturing, influencing the success of fracture initiation and propagation. Understanding the factors affecting FEP is essential for optimizing fracturing operations and maximizing oil and gas production from unconventional reservoirs. By carefully monitoring pressure, controlling injection parameters, and understanding the rock properties, engineers can effectively manipulate FEP to achieve desired fracture geometries and enhance reservoir productivity.

Test Your Knowledge


  • "Hydraulic Fracturing: Fundamentals, Modelling, and Applications" by S.A. Holla - This book provides a comprehensive overview of hydraulic fracturing, including a detailed discussion on fracture extension pressure and its role in fracture propagation.
  • "Fractured Reservoirs" by J.A. Weijers - This book delves into the mechanics of fractured reservoirs and includes insights into the factors influencing fracture extension pressure in various geological settings.
  • "Petroleum Production Engineering: Principles and Applications" by J.A. Clark - This textbook covers various aspects of petroleum engineering, including a section dedicated to hydraulic fracturing and the concept of fracture extension pressure.


  • "Fracture Extension Pressure: A Critical Parameter for Hydraulic Fracturing" by K.G. King (Journal of Petroleum Technology) - This article focuses on the significance of FEP in hydraulic fracturing and its influence on the effectiveness of the process.
  • "Factors Affecting Fracture Extension Pressure in Hydraulic Fracturing" by M.A. Mahmoud (SPE Journal) - This paper discusses the various factors, such as fluid viscosity, rock properties, and fracture geometry, that influence the value of FEP.
  • "Fracture Extension Pressure Measurement and Analysis in Hydraulic Fracturing" by J.P. Miskimins (SPE Production & Operations) - This article explores different methods for measuring and analyzing fracture extension pressure during hydraulic fracturing operations.

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • "Fracture Extension Pressure + Hydraulic Fracturing" - This search query will return relevant articles, research papers, and technical documents specifically focused on FEP in the context of hydraulic fracturing.
  • "FEP + [Specific Rock Type]" - Add the name of a specific rock type (e.g., shale, sandstone) to your search to narrow down the results to information relevant to that specific geological formation.
  • "Fracture Extension Pressure + [Specific Parameter]" - Specify the specific parameter you are interested in, such as fluid viscosity, fracture width, or rock permeability, to find relevant research and discussions.
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