Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Reservoir Engineering: FoRxo Log

FoRxo Log

FoRxo Log: A Focused Resistivity Log for Precise Formation Evaluation


The FoRxo log, a specialized resistivity logging tool, is a vital component in the field of oil and gas exploration and production. It offers a focused approach to measuring formation resistivity, providing invaluable data for accurate reservoir characterization. This article delves into the technical aspects of the FoRxo log, exploring its unique design, operating principles, and key applications.

The Essence of Focused Resistivity

Traditional resistivity logs, while useful, often suffer from limitations related to borehole effects. These effects, stemming from the conductive mud filtrate invasion into the formation, can distort the true resistivity values. The FoRxo log overcomes this challenge by employing a focused measurement technique. This means the tool concentrates the current flow within a specific region of the formation, minimizing the impact of borehole effects.

Key Features and Design

The FoRxo log is characterized by its pad contact with the borehole wall. This pad, typically made of conductive material, ensures a direct and stable electrical connection with the formation. The tool employs a specialized electrode configuration that facilitates focusing the current flow. This configuration, often involving a central electrode surrounded by multiple guard electrodes, allows for a precise measurement of the formation resistivity within a defined radius.

Operating Principles

The FoRxo log operates by injecting a controlled electrical current into the formation through the pad contact. The tool then measures the resulting potential difference between electrodes placed at various distances from the current source. By analyzing these measurements, the log derives the resistivity of the formation at different depths.

Applications and Benefits

The FoRxo log finds widespread applications in various aspects of oil and gas exploration and production, including:

  • Reservoir Characterization: Identifying hydrocarbon-bearing zones, determining reservoir boundaries, and assessing the quality of the reservoir rock.
  • Formation Evaluation: Determining the water saturation, porosity, and permeability of the reservoir.
  • Well Completion Design: Optimizing the placement of production wells and selecting appropriate completion techniques.
  • Production Optimization: Monitoring reservoir performance and identifying potential production problems.


The FoRxo log stands as a powerful tool for accurate and reliable formation evaluation. By utilizing a focused resistivity measurement technique, it minimizes borehole effects and provides a clearer picture of the subsurface. This leads to more efficient exploration, enhanced production, and ultimately, a greater understanding of the reservoir's potential. As the industry continues to seek ways to improve efficiency and maximize resource recovery, the FoRxo log will remain a valuable asset in the arsenal of geological and petroleum engineers.

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