Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: Formation Evaluation

Formation Evaluation

Unveiling the Secrets of the Earth: Formation Evaluation in Oil and Gas Exploration

The quest for oil and gas resources often takes us deep beneath the earth's surface, where vast reservoirs hold these valuable commodities. But before we can tap into these subterranean riches, we need to understand the composition and properties of the formations they reside in. This is where formation evaluation comes into play.

Formation evaluation is the process of analyzing the characteristics and properties of rock formations, typically by using remote logging techniques. It acts as a critical bridge between geological interpretations and production decisions, informing us about the potential viability of a reservoir.

Remote logging involves sending specialized probes, known as logging tools, down a wellbore to measure various parameters of the surrounding formations. These tools can measure:

  • Porosity: The amount of empty space within the rock, which determines how much fluid it can hold.
  • Permeability: The ability of the rock to allow fluids to flow through it, influencing the ease of extracting oil or gas.
  • Fluid saturation: The percentage of the pore space occupied by oil, gas, or water, revealing the presence and composition of the reservoir.
  • Rock type: Identifying the type of rock present, including sandstone, limestone, or shale, which influences reservoir behavior.
  • Lithology: The detailed description of the rock's composition and texture.

The data gathered from these logs is then analyzed to provide a comprehensive picture of the formation:

  • Reservoir characterization: This involves determining the size, shape, and distribution of the reservoir, helping to predict the volume of hydrocarbons present.
  • Well planning and optimization: The data helps engineers decide the best placement and design of wells for maximum production.
  • Reservoir simulation: This involves creating computer models to simulate the behavior of the reservoir under different production scenarios, allowing for optimal extraction strategies.
  • Economic evaluation: The data gathered during formation evaluation helps assess the profitability of a particular reservoir, guiding investment decisions.

Examples of common logging tools include:

  • Gamma ray logs: Measure the natural radioactivity of the formation, indicating the presence of shale and other potentially problematic formations.
  • Resistivity logs: Determine the electrical conductivity of the formation, helping to differentiate between oil, gas, and water-bearing zones.
  • Sonic logs: Measure the travel time of sound waves through the formation, providing information about porosity and rock type.
  • Density logs: Determine the density of the formation, indicating the presence of hydrocarbons.

Formation evaluation is an essential element in the oil and gas industry, providing invaluable insights into the characteristics and potential of subsurface formations. By utilizing advanced logging techniques and sophisticated analysis, we can unlock the secrets of the earth and extract these vital resources effectively and sustainably.

Test Your Knowledge

Formation Evaluation Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of formation evaluation?

a) To identify the location of oil and gas reservoirs. b) To analyze the characteristics and properties of rock formations. c) To extract oil and gas from the reservoir. d) To design and build drilling rigs.


b) To analyze the characteristics and properties of rock formations.

2. What is the term for the process of sending specialized probes down a wellbore to measure formation properties?

a) Well logging b) Reservoir simulation c) Geological interpretation d) Seismic analysis


a) Well logging

3. Which of the following is NOT a parameter measured by logging tools?

a) Porosity b) Permeability c) Fluid saturation d) Wind speed


d) Wind speed

4. What type of log measures the natural radioactivity of the formation?

a) Resistivity log b) Sonic log c) Gamma ray log d) Density log


c) Gamma ray log

5. Formation evaluation data helps to determine all of the following EXCEPT:

a) The volume of hydrocarbons present b) The best location for drilling wells c) The profitability of a reservoir d) The weather conditions at the drilling site


d) The weather conditions at the drilling site

Formation Evaluation Exercise


You are a geologist working on an oil exploration project. You have collected data from a well log that shows the following:

  • Porosity: 20%
  • Permeability: 10 millidarcies
  • Fluid Saturation: 80% oil, 20% water


Based on this data, analyze the potential of this formation as a viable oil reservoir. Consider factors like porosity, permeability, and fluid saturation.


  1. Briefly describe the characteristics of a good oil reservoir.
  2. Explain how the given data supports or contradicts these characteristics.
  3. Based on your analysis, make a recommendation about the potential of this formation for oil production.

Exercice Correction

A good oil reservoir typically has: * **High Porosity:** Allows for storage of significant amounts of hydrocarbons. * **High Permeability:** Enables efficient flow of oil towards the production well. * **High Oil Saturation:** Indicates a greater proportion of the pore space is filled with oil. In this scenario: * **Porosity:** 20% is a moderate porosity, suggesting reasonable storage capacity. * **Permeability:** 10 millidarcies is low, indicating potential flow issues. * **Fluid Saturation:** 80% oil is favorable, indicating a significant oil content. Therefore, while the porosity and oil saturation are promising, the low permeability suggests challenges in extracting the oil. It might require advanced techniques like fracturing to improve flow. **Recommendation:** Further investigation is needed to assess the economic viability of this formation. Additional tests like core analysis and pressure measurements can provide more detailed information about the reservoir characteristics and production potential.


  • "Formation Evaluation: A Practical Approach" by John M. Campbell: A classic text covering the fundamentals of formation evaluation, ideal for beginners.
  • "Log Interpretation Charts" by Schlumberger: A comprehensive reference guide with charts and explanations for various log types.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by SPE: A vast resource containing chapters dedicated to formation evaluation techniques and principles.
  • "Well Logging and Formation Evaluation" by Archie: A foundational text that delves into the history and development of formation evaluation techniques.


  • "Formation Evaluation: The Key to Successful Reservoir Management" by SPE: A comprehensive overview of the role of formation evaluation in the oil and gas industry.
  • "Recent Advances in Formation Evaluation Techniques" by Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts (SPWLA): Discusses the latest advancements in logging tools and analysis methods.
  • "Understanding the Impact of Shale Properties on Formation Evaluation" by AAPG: Explores the unique challenges and opportunities presented by shale formations.
  • "The Importance of Petrophysics in Formation Evaluation" by EAGE: Highlights the interplay of geology and physics in interpreting formation evaluation data.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger ( Offers a vast collection of resources, including technical articles, webinars, and training materials on formation evaluation.
  • SPE ( The Society of Petroleum Engineers provides access to a wide range of technical papers and presentations related to formation evaluation.
  • SPWLA ( The Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts focuses on the scientific and technical aspects of formation evaluation.
  • AAPG ( The American Association of Petroleum Geologists offers resources related to geological aspects of formation evaluation.

Search Tips

  • "Formation Evaluation + [Specific Technique]": e.g. "Formation Evaluation + Nuclear Magnetic Resonance" for focused information.
  • "Formation Evaluation + [Specific Formation]": e.g. "Formation Evaluation + Shale Gas" to learn about specific applications.
  • "Formation Evaluation + [Software Name]": e.g. "Formation Evaluation + Petrel" for software-related resources.
  • "Formation Evaluation + [Company Name]": e.g. "Formation Evaluation + Halliburton" to explore company-specific publications.
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