Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Specific Terms: Flying Leads (subsea)

Flying Leads (subsea)

Flying Leads: Connecting the Subsea World

Flying leads, in the context of subsea operations, are essentially flexible hydraulic hoses that act as the lifeline between the subsea tree and the control system on the surface. These "flying" connections are a vital element in the intricate world of subsea oil and gas production, allowing for control and monitoring of the well even at depths where human intervention is impossible.

What's their role?

Imagine a subsea tree, the complex structure that houses the valves and equipment necessary to control the flow of oil and gas from a well. The flying leads are the critical link that connects this underwater "brain" to the surface control systems. They carry the hydraulic fluid that powers the subsea valves, allowing for remote manipulation of the flow and ensuring optimal production.

Why "flying"?

The term "flying" aptly describes the nature of these hoses. They are typically suspended in the water column, connecting the subsea tree to a manifold or riser on the seabed, and ultimately to the control system on the surface vessel. Their flexibility allows for movement and adjustment during installation and operation, accommodating changes in seafloor topography or vessel position.

Beyond simple hoses:

While the term "flying lead" evokes the image of a simple hose, these connections are far more sophisticated. They are designed to withstand the harsh subsea environment, dealing with extreme pressure, temperature, and corrosive conditions. They are often reinforced with high-strength materials and feature specialized coatings for optimal performance and longevity.

The heart of subsea control:

Flying leads are an integral part of the subsea production system, enabling the control and monitoring of well operations in real-time. They are crucial for optimizing production, ensuring safety, and maximizing the economic viability of subsea oil and gas fields. Their robust design and reliable performance make them essential for the continued success of subsea operations across the globe.


The "Hold" section of the subsea industry is concerned with the installation, maintenance, and repair of subsea equipment. This involves ensuring the flying leads remain operational, free from damage, and capable of performing their vital role in the subsea production system. Specialized teams and equipment are dedicated to ensuring the integrity of these crucial connections, guaranteeing uninterrupted and efficient operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Flying Leads Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of flying leads in subsea operations?

a) To transport oil and gas from the well to the surface. b) To provide a physical connection between the subsea tree and the seabed. c) To act as a conduit for hydraulic fluid, controlling subsea valves. d) To monitor the pressure and temperature of the well.


c) To act as a conduit for hydraulic fluid, controlling subsea valves.

2. Why are flying leads called "flying"?

a) They are often used in high-speed applications. b) They are typically suspended in the water column. c) They are designed to be easily removed and replaced. d) They are used in conjunction with flying drones.


b) They are typically suspended in the water column.

3. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of flying leads?

a) They are made of flexible hydraulic hoses. b) They are designed to withstand harsh subsea conditions. c) They are typically short in length, limiting their reach. d) They are often reinforced with high-strength materials.


c) They are typically short in length, limiting their reach.

4. What is the primary role of the "Hold" section in the subsea industry?

a) To design and manufacture subsea equipment. b) To monitor the flow of oil and gas from wells. c) To ensure the installation, maintenance, and repair of subsea equipment, including flying leads. d) To manage the financial aspects of subsea operations.


c) To ensure the installation, maintenance, and repair of subsea equipment, including flying leads.

5. Why are flying leads considered essential for subsea oil and gas production?

a) They allow for the efficient extraction of oil and gas. b) They provide a safe and reliable way to control and monitor subsea operations. c) They reduce the need for expensive and complex underwater interventions. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Flying Leads Exercise:

Scenario: Imagine you are part of a team responsible for inspecting a flying lead system on a subsea oil production platform. You notice that a section of the flying lead is showing signs of wear and tear.


  1. Explain the potential dangers of a damaged flying lead.
  2. Describe the steps you would take to address this issue, considering the safety of the crew and the need to maintain production.

Exercice Correction

**Potential Dangers of a Damaged Flying Lead:** * **Fluid Leaks:** A damaged flying lead could leak hydraulic fluid, which can contaminate the surrounding environment and pose a hazard to marine life. * **Loss of Control:** A compromised flying lead could lead to loss of control of the subsea valves, potentially causing uncontrolled oil or gas flow and jeopardizing production. * **Safety Risk:** Damaged flying leads can weaken and potentially fail, posing a safety risk to divers or subsea equipment during maintenance and repair operations. **Steps to Address the Issue:** 1. **Isolate the Affected Area:** Immediately isolate the damaged flying lead section to prevent further leaks and control the flow of hydraulic fluid. 2. **Assess the Damage:** Conduct a thorough inspection of the damaged area to determine the extent of the damage and identify the root cause. 3. **Develop a Repair Plan:** Based on the damage assessment, develop a safe and efficient repair plan, taking into account the complexity of the repair and the environmental conditions. 4. **Implement the Repair Plan:** Deploy trained personnel and specialized equipment to safely execute the repair plan. This might involve replacing the damaged section, patching it, or using a temporary bypass system. 5. **Post-Repair Inspection:** Once the repair is complete, thoroughly inspect the repaired area and conduct functional tests to ensure the flying lead is operating correctly and safely.


  • Subsea Engineering Handbook: This comprehensive handbook covers all aspects of subsea engineering, including detailed information on flying leads, their design, installation, and maintenance.
  • Subsea Production Systems: Design, Installation and Operation: This book focuses on the design, installation, and operation of subsea production systems, with dedicated sections on flying leads and their role in the overall system.
  • Offshore Oil and Gas Technology: An Introduction: This book offers a general overview of offshore oil and gas technologies, including a section on subsea production and the use of flying leads.


  • "Subsea Control Systems: A Comprehensive Review" by [Author Name], published in [Journal Name]. This article provides an in-depth analysis of subsea control systems, highlighting the importance of flying leads and their connection to surface control.
  • "Designing for Reliability in Subsea Production Systems" by [Author Name], published in [Journal Name]. This article focuses on the importance of reliability in subsea production systems, with a specific focus on the design and implementation of flying leads for optimal performance.
  • "Challenges and Opportunities in Subsea Production" by [Author Name], published in [Journal Name]. This article discusses the challenges and opportunities facing the subsea oil and gas industry, including the continued need for robust and reliable flying leads for efficient operations.

Online Resources

  • Offshore Technology Website: This website provides a vast database of information on offshore oil and gas technologies, including detailed articles and resources on subsea production, flying leads, and related equipment.
  • Subsea 7 Website: This company specializes in subsea engineering and construction, offering insights into their experience with flying leads, their design, installation, and maintenance.
  • OneSubsea Website: This company provides innovative solutions for subsea production systems, offering resources on flying leads and their role in the overall system architecture.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "flying leads subsea," "subsea control systems flying leads," "hydraulic hoses subsea production."
  • Combine keywords: "flying leads subsea design," "flying leads subsea installation," "flying leads subsea maintenance."
  • Include relevant industry terms: "subsea tree," "subsea manifold," "riser," "subsea production system."
  • Filter results: Use the "Tools" section in Google search to filter results by time, region, and file type.
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