Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Lifting & Rigging: Floorhand


The Unsung Heroes of the Drilling Floor: Floorhands in Oil and Gas Exploration

Behind the imposing machinery and the technical complexity of oil and gas drilling lies a dedicated team of professionals, each playing a crucial role in the successful extraction of these precious resources. One such role, often overlooked yet vital to the entire operation, is that of the Floorhand.

What is a Floorhand?

Floorhands, also known as Derrickhands or Righands, are the unsung heroes of the drilling floor. They are the muscle and manpower that keep the drilling operation running smoothly, ensuring that the complex equipment functions correctly and safely.

The Diverse Role of a Floorhand:

A Floorhand's responsibilities are wide-ranging and encompass:

  • Rig Setup and Maintenance: Setting up the drilling rig, including assembling and disassembling components, ensuring equipment is properly lubricated and maintained, and maintaining the rig's general cleanliness.
  • Drilling Operations: Assisting the driller with various tasks, such as operating the drawworks (the hoist that controls the drill string), connecting and disconnecting drill pipes, and monitoring the mud system.
  • Handling Drill Pipe: Manipulating heavy drill pipe, safely lifting, lowering, and connecting sections to the drill string. This task requires strength, coordination, and a keen understanding of the equipment.
  • Safety and Housekeeping: Maintaining a safe and organized work environment, ensuring all safety protocols are adhered to, and performing routine safety checks on equipment.

Essential Skills and Qualities:

To excel as a Floorhand, individuals need a blend of physical strength, technical aptitude, and a strong work ethic. Here are some key qualities:

  • Physical Strength and Stamina: The job demands physical exertion, often in demanding conditions, requiring a high level of physical strength and endurance.
  • Technical Knowledge: Understanding the various components of a drilling rig and their functions is essential for effective work.
  • Teamwork and Communication: Floorhands work in close collaboration with other rig personnel, requiring excellent communication and teamwork skills.
  • Safety First: A strong commitment to safety is paramount. Floorhands must be vigilant about safety protocols and take all necessary precautions to prevent accidents.

The Floorhand: A Vital Link in the Drilling Chain

Despite the often-overlooked nature of the role, Floorhands are critical to the success of any oil and gas drilling operation. Their dedication, physical prowess, and technical know-how contribute directly to the safe and efficient extraction of valuable resources. Without them, the drilling process would grind to a halt.

The future of the Floorhand

As the oil and gas industry evolves, technology continues to play a larger role. However, the core functions of the Floorhand remain indispensable. With increased automation and remote monitoring, the role may evolve to incorporate new technological skills, but the essential elements of teamwork, safety, and technical knowledge will remain crucial for the future of this vital profession.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Unsung Heroes of the Drilling Floor

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is another name for a Floorhand?

a) Rig Manager


Incorrect. A Rig Manager oversees the entire drilling operation.

b) Geologist


Incorrect. A Geologist studies the earth's structure and composition.

c) Derrickhand


Correct! Derrickhand is a common synonym for Floorhand.

d) Mud Engineer


Incorrect. A Mud Engineer manages the drilling fluid system.

2. Which of these is NOT a typical responsibility of a Floorhand?

a) Setting up the drilling rig


Incorrect. Floorhands are involved in rig setup and maintenance.

b) Operating the drawworks


Incorrect. Floorhands assist in operating the drawworks.

c) Analyzing geological samples


Correct! Analyzing geological samples is typically done by Geologists.

d) Handling drill pipe


Incorrect. Handling drill pipe is a key responsibility of a Floorhand.

3. What is a crucial quality for a Floorhand to possess?

a) Artistic ability


Incorrect. While creativity can be helpful, it's not essential for a Floorhand.

b) Physical strength and stamina


Correct! The job requires physical exertion in demanding conditions.

c) Public speaking skills


Incorrect. While communication is important, public speaking is not a primary skill for a Floorhand.

d) Computer programming expertise


Incorrect. While technological skills are evolving, programming isn't a core requirement.

4. Why is teamwork important for Floorhands?

a) To coordinate work and ensure safety on the rig


Correct! Floorhands work closely with other rig personnel for efficient and safe operations.

b) To plan marketing strategies for the extracted oil and gas


Incorrect. Marketing is not the responsibility of a Floorhand.

c) To design new drilling technology


Incorrect. Designing new technology is handled by engineers.

d) To manage the financial aspects of the drilling operation


Incorrect. Financial management is the responsibility of other professionals.

5. What is the impact of technology on the future of Floorhands?

a) The Floorhand role will be completely replaced by robots.


Incorrect. While automation is increasing, Floorhands remain crucial.

b) Floorhands will no longer need any technical knowledge.


Incorrect. Technical knowledge is still essential, even with automation.

c) Floorhands will need to adapt and acquire new technological skills.


Correct! The role will evolve, requiring new skills alongside traditional ones.

d) Floorhands will only be needed for basic tasks like cleaning.


Incorrect. Floorhands remain critical for many complex tasks.

Exercise: A Day in the Life of a Floorhand

Scenario: Imagine you are a Floorhand on a drilling rig. The day has just started, and you are tasked with connecting a new section of drill pipe to the drill string.

Your Task:

  • List the steps you would take to safely connect the drill pipe, considering the weight and complexity of the equipment.
  • Explain how you would ensure safety throughout the process, mentioning specific precautions.
  • Describe how communication and teamwork are essential for completing this task successfully.

Exercise Correction

Here's a possible solution to the exercise:

Steps to Connect Drill Pipe:

  1. Prepare the drill pipe: Ensure the new section of drill pipe is clean and free of debris. Check for any damage or defects.
  2. Position the drill pipe: Use the rig's hoist to carefully lower the new drill pipe section over the existing string, ensuring it aligns correctly.
  3. Connect the drill pipe: Use a pipe wrench to tighten the pipe connections, making sure they are properly sealed.
  4. Check for leaks: After connecting the pipe, inspect for any leaks or loose connections.
  5. Secure the pipe: Ensure the pipe is properly secured to the rig, using appropriate safety mechanisms.

Safety Precautions:

  • Wear proper safety gear: Always wear hard hats, safety glasses, steel-toed boots, and other required protective gear.
  • Use safety chains: Secure the drill pipe with safety chains during lifting and lowering operations to prevent accidents.
  • Communicate clearly: Use hand signals and verbal communication with the driller and other crew members to ensure everyone is aware of the procedure and potential hazards.
  • Inspect equipment regularly: Before each operation, inspect all equipment for potential defects or damage.

Communication and Teamwork:

  • Coordination with driller: The Floorhand works closely with the driller to ensure the drill string is properly connected and aligned.
  • Clear communication: Use specific hand signals and language to ensure everyone understands the instructions and potential hazards.
  • Mutual support: Floorhands work as a team to assist each other in lifting and handling heavy drill pipe sections.


  • "Drilling Engineering: Principles and Practices" by John A. Dotson and Dale E. Rosato: Provides a comprehensive overview of drilling operations, including the roles and responsibilities of various personnel, including Floorhands.
  • "Oil Well Drilling Technology" by William C. Lyons: Covers the technical aspects of drilling, offering insights into the equipment and procedures used by Floorhands.
  • "The Rig Manual: A Practical Guide to Oil Well Drilling" by T.R. Campbell: A practical handbook for those working on drilling rigs, with detailed information about Floorhand duties.


  • "The Role of the Floorhand in Oil and Gas Exploration" by [Author Name] (Journal of [Journal Name]): Look for articles in industry journals focusing on drilling operations, workforce, and specific job roles.
  • "A Day in the Life of a Floorhand" by [Author Name] (Blog/Website): Search for personal accounts or blog posts offering firsthand perspectives on the daily work of a Floorhand.
  • "The Importance of Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry" by [Author Name] (Industry Publication): Explore articles discussing safety standards and regulations, highlighting the critical role Floorhands play in maintaining a safe work environment.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website offers a wealth of information on drilling practices, including technical resources, career guidance, and industry news.
  • International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC): The IADC website provides information on drilling standards, safety guidelines, and training opportunities for Floorhands.
  • Oil and Gas Industry Websites: Websites of major oil and gas companies often have sections dedicated to careers, providing insights into the role of Floorhands in the industry.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "floorhand", "derrickhand", "righthand", "oil drilling", "gas drilling", "drilling operations", "drilling rig", "rig setup", "drill pipe handling", "drilling safety".
  • Combine keywords: "floorhand duties", "floorhand responsibilities", "floorhand training", "floorhand career", "floorhand salary".
  • Use quotation marks for specific phrases: "floorhand role in oil drilling", "floorhand skills and qualities".
  • Use advanced search operators: "" (for academic resources), "" (for government resources).
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