Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: FGOR


Understanding FGOR: A Key Metric in Oil & Gas Production

In the oil and gas industry, FGOR (Flowing Gas Oil Ratio) is a crucial metric that quantifies the amount of natural gas produced alongside a barrel of oil. It plays a vital role in understanding reservoir dynamics, optimizing production strategies, and making informed economic decisions.

Here's a breakdown of FGOR:

Definition: FGOR is the ratio of the volume of gas produced to the volume of oil produced, measured at standard conditions. It is typically expressed in cubic feet of gas per barrel of oil (scf/bbl).


  • Reservoir Characterization: FGOR provides valuable insights into the nature of the reservoir and the fluid composition. Variations in FGOR can indicate the presence of different reservoir zones, gas caps, or water influx.
  • Production Optimization: Knowing the FGOR allows operators to optimize production strategies, such as selecting appropriate well completion methods, gas lift techniques, or even considering gas reinjection to enhance oil recovery.
  • Economic Valuation: FGOR significantly impacts the economic viability of a project. High FGOR values may necessitate costly gas processing infrastructure or result in lower oil revenue.

Factors Affecting FGOR:

  • Reservoir Characteristics: Reservoir pressure, permeability, and fluid properties all influence FGOR.
  • Production Techniques: Different production methods, such as artificial lift or water injection, can affect the amount of gas produced.
  • Well Completion Design: Proper well completion techniques can optimize the flow of oil and gas, impacting FGOR.
  • Production Stage: FGOR typically decreases over time as reservoir pressure declines and gas production declines proportionally.

Measuring FGOR:

FGOR is typically measured using flow meters at the wellhead. Gas volume is measured using a gas meter, while oil volume is measured using an oil meter.

Applications of FGOR:

  • Reservoir Simulation: FGOR data is crucial input for reservoir simulation models that help predict future production performance and optimize field development plans.
  • Facility Design: FGOR values are used to design processing facilities like gas separators and pipelines.
  • Economic Analysis: FGOR is an essential input for economic evaluations, such as profitability analysis and project financing.


FGOR is a fundamental metric in the oil and gas industry that provides valuable insights into reservoir characteristics, guides production strategies, and informs economic decisions. Understanding FGOR and its variations is essential for optimizing production, maximizing revenue, and ensuring the long-term viability of oil and gas projects.

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