Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Drilling & Well Completion: FCD


Unlocking the Potential: Understanding FCD in Hold Operations

In the realm of oil and gas exploration and production, a crucial aspect of maximizing recovery is understanding the flow of hydrocarbons from the reservoir. One key concept in this process is fracture conductivity, often referred to as FCD. This metric plays a pivotal role in assessing the efficiency of hydraulic fracturing, a technique used to enhance reservoir permeability and stimulate production.

Fracture Conductivity (FCD): A Conduit for Hydrocarbons

Simply put, FCD measures the ease with which fluids can flow through a fracture. It represents the ability of a fracture to transmit hydrocarbons from the reservoir to the wellbore. Higher FCD indicates a more conductive fracture, allowing for greater fluid flow and ultimately, higher production rates.

The FCD Equation: Linking Conductivity and Capacity

The FCD is calculated by the following equation:

FCD = Conductivity x Capacity

Conductivity refers to the ease with which fluids can flow through the fracture itself. It is primarily determined by the fracture's width and the roughness of its surfaces. A wider fracture with smoother surfaces will exhibit higher conductivity.

Capacity represents the volume of fluids that the fracture can hold. This is directly related to the fracture's width and its overall size.

The Importance of Understanding FCD in Hold Operations

In hold operations, where the focus is on maximizing production from existing wells, FCD becomes an indispensable factor. Analyzing FCD data helps engineers make informed decisions regarding:

  • Fracture Stimulation Design: Optimizing the design of hydraulic fracturing treatments to create fractures with desired conductivity and capacity.
  • Production Optimization: Identifying areas with higher FCD to focus production efforts and maximize recovery.
  • Well Performance Prediction: Evaluating the potential productivity of a well based on the FCD of its fractures.
  • Reservoir Characterization: Gaining insights into the reservoir's heterogeneity and the distribution of conductive fractures.

Fracking for Success: Maximizing FCD for Optimal Production

Achieving high FCD is crucial for successful hydraulic fracturing operations. This involves:

  • Careful Selection of Proppants: Proppants, small particles injected into the fractures, help maintain their width and conductivity. Selecting the right proppant based on reservoir conditions is crucial.
  • Optimized Pumping Schedules: Pumping schedules directly impact the size and conductivity of the fractures. Precise control is essential to ensure optimal results.
  • Advanced Stimulation Technologies: Emerging technologies like multi-stage fracturing and staged stimulation enhance fracture conductivity and improve production.

Conclusion: FCD - A Key to Unlocking Hydrocarbon Potential

Understanding FCD is essential for optimizing production from oil and gas reservoirs. By meticulously analyzing FCD data and employing effective stimulation strategies, operators can maximize hydrocarbon recovery and ensure a more efficient and profitable production process. The pursuit of high FCD is, in essence, the pursuit of unlocking the full potential of our energy reserves.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Unlocking the Potential: Understanding FCD in Hold Operations

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does FCD stand for? a) Fracture Conductivity Design b) Fracture Capacity Determination c) Fracture Conductivity d) Fracture Capacity


c) Fracture Conductivity

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor influencing fracture conductivity? a) Fracture width b) Fracture surface roughness c) Reservoir pressure d) Proppant type


c) Reservoir pressure

3. What is the equation for calculating FCD? a) FCD = Conductivity / Capacity b) FCD = Conductivity x Capacity c) FCD = Capacity / Conductivity d) FCD = Capacity + Conductivity


b) FCD = Conductivity x Capacity

4. How does FCD analysis help in optimizing production? a) Identifying areas with higher FCD for focused production efforts. b) Predicting well performance based on fracture conductivity. c) Understanding reservoir heterogeneity and conductive fracture distribution. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

5. Which of the following is NOT a strategy for maximizing FCD during hydraulic fracturing? a) Using proppants to maintain fracture width. b) Optimizing pumping schedules for efficient fracture creation. c) Reducing the amount of fluid pumped to minimize fracture size. d) Utilizing advanced stimulation technologies.


c) Reducing the amount of fluid pumped to minimize fracture size.

Exercise: FCD Calculation and Interpretation

Scenario: A newly fractured well has the following characteristics:

  • Fracture Width: 0.5 cm
  • Fracture Surface Roughness: Smooth
  • Fracture Length: 100 meters
  • Fracture Height: 5 meters
  • Proppant Pack Density: 0.8 g/cm3


  1. Estimate the Conductivity: Assume a smooth fracture surface results in high conductivity. Use a conductivity value of 10 millidarcies/cm (md/cm).
  2. Calculate the Capacity: Calculate the volume of the fracture using the given dimensions.
  3. Calculate the FCD: Multiply the conductivity and capacity values.
  4. Interpret the FCD: Based on the calculated FCD, is this fracture expected to be highly conductive?

Exercice Correction

1. Conductivity: * The conductivity is given as 10 md/cm.

2. Capacity: * Calculate the volume: (100 m * 5 m * 0.5 cm) = 250 m3 * Convert the volume to cm3: 250 m3 * (100 cm/m)3 = 2.5 * 1010 cm3

3. FCD: * FCD = Conductivity * Capacity = (10 md/cm) * (2.5 * 1010 cm3) = 2.5 * 1011 md*cm2

4. Interpretation: * The calculated FCD is very high, indicating a highly conductive fracture. This suggests the well has the potential for high production rates.


  • "Hydraulic Fracturing: A Comprehensive Analysis of Concepts and Technologies" by B.A. Gokhale, M.A. Khan, S.K. Gupta: This book provides a detailed analysis of hydraulic fracturing techniques and the role of fracture conductivity in production.
  • "Reservoir Engineering Handbook" by T.P. Dake: This comprehensive handbook covers various aspects of reservoir engineering, including fracture analysis and optimization techniques.
  • "Well Testing" by R.P. Earlougher, Jr.: This book explores well testing methods, which are essential for analyzing fracture performance and assessing FCD.


  • "Fracture Conductivity: A Critical Factor for Production Optimization" by J. Smith, K. Brown (Hypothetical Article): This hypothetical article would focus on the importance of FCD in production optimization strategies.
  • "Impact of Proppant Selection on Fracture Conductivity and Production" by A. Jones, M. Williams (Hypothetical Article): This article would delve into the relationship between proppant types and their impact on FCD.
  • "Advanced Hydraulic Fracturing Technologies for Enhanced Reservoir Production" by B. Lee, D. Chang (Hypothetical Article): This article would explore new technologies that enhance FCD and optimize production.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website offers a wealth of information on reservoir engineering, hydraulic fracturing, and related topics, including technical papers and presentations.
  • OnePetro: This online platform provides access to a wide range of industry resources, including technical papers, journals, and databases related to FCD and hydraulic fracturing.
  • Schlumberger: Schlumberger's website offers information about their services and technologies for hydraulic fracturing and fracture conductivity analysis.
  • Halliburton: Similar to Schlumberger, Halliburton's website provides details on their expertise in hydraulic fracturing and fracture conductivity.

Search Tips

  • "Fracture Conductivity" + "Oil & Gas Production"
  • "Hydraulic Fracturing" + "FCD" + "Hold Operations"
  • "Proppant Selection" + "Fracture Conductivity"
  • "Multi-stage Fracturing" + "FCD" + "Reservoir Stimulation"
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