Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Specific Terms: Fatigue Strength

Fatigue Strength

Fatigue Strength: The Endurance of Materials Under Repetitive Stress

In the world of engineering, materials are subjected to a wide range of stresses. While a single, high-stress event might be catastrophic, repetitive stress, even at lower magnitudes, can lead to unexpected and often devastating failures. This phenomenon is known as fatigue, and fatigue strength is a crucial measure of a material's ability to withstand such cyclic loading.

Understanding Fatigue Strength:

Imagine a piece of metal being bent back and forth repeatedly. With each bend, tiny cracks begin to form and grow within the material. Over time, these microscopic fractures coalesce, leading to a catastrophic failure, even though the applied stress is significantly lower than the material's ultimate tensile strength.

Fatigue strength quantifies the maximum stress a material can withstand for a specified number of cycles without failing. It is typically expressed as a stress amplitude, represented by the symbol σa, and is measured in units of stress (e.g., MPa, psi).

Key Factors Influencing Fatigue Strength:

Several factors play a crucial role in determining a material's fatigue strength:

  • Material Properties: The inherent properties of the material, such as its microstructure, hardness, and ductility, greatly influence its fatigue resistance.
  • Stress Amplitude and Mean Stress: The magnitude of the stress fluctuations and the average stress level during cycling directly impact fatigue life. Higher stress amplitudes and mean stresses generally lead to shorter fatigue lives.
  • Stress Concentration: Sharp corners, holes, or other geometric irregularities in a component can concentrate stress, significantly reducing fatigue strength.
  • Environmental Conditions: Temperature, humidity, and corrosive environments can accelerate fatigue crack growth, decreasing fatigue life.
  • Surface Finish: A smooth surface reduces the likelihood of stress concentration, improving fatigue strength.
  • Loading Frequency: The rate at which the load is applied can affect fatigue behavior. Higher frequencies can lead to increased fatigue damage.

S-N Curve: Visualizing Fatigue Life:

The relationship between stress amplitude and fatigue life is often represented graphically using an S-N curve. This curve plots the stress amplitude (σa) against the number of cycles to failure (N). The S-N curve helps engineers predict the fatigue life of a component based on the expected stress levels and loading conditions.

Applications of Fatigue Strength:

Fatigue strength is a critical consideration in many engineering applications, particularly those involving:

  • Aircraft and aerospace components: Subject to repeated loading during flight and landing.
  • Automotive parts: Exposed to vibrations and repetitive stresses from engine operation.
  • Bridges and structures: Designed to withstand cyclic loads from traffic and wind.
  • Medical implants: Require long-term durability under physiological stresses.


Fatigue strength is an essential parameter for ensuring the safety and reliability of structures and components under cyclic loading. By understanding the factors influencing fatigue strength and employing appropriate design practices, engineers can mitigate fatigue failure risks and extend the lifespan of various engineered systems.

Test Your Knowledge

Fatigue Strength Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary cause of fatigue failure in materials? a) A single, high-stress event b) Repetitive stress at lower magnitudes c) Chemical corrosion d) Temperature fluctuations


b) Repetitive stress at lower magnitudes

2. What does fatigue strength quantify? a) The maximum stress a material can withstand before permanent deformation b) The maximum stress a material can withstand for a specified number of cycles without failing c) The rate at which a material will corrode under cyclic loading d) The amount of energy a material can absorb before fracturing


b) The maximum stress a material can withstand for a specified number of cycles without failing

3. Which of the following factors does NOT influence fatigue strength? a) Material properties b) Stress amplitude and mean stress c) Ambient lighting conditions d) Stress concentration


c) Ambient lighting conditions

4. What is an S-N curve used for? a) Predicting the fatigue life of a component based on stress levels and loading conditions b) Determining the ultimate tensile strength of a material c) Measuring the rate of corrosion in a material d) Calculating the amount of energy absorbed by a material during impact


a) Predicting the fatigue life of a component based on stress levels and loading conditions

5. Which of the following applications is NOT significantly affected by fatigue strength? a) Aircraft wings b) Building foundations c) Medical implants d) Electrical wiring


d) Electrical wiring

Fatigue Strength Exercise

Scenario: A steel bridge is being designed to withstand the weight of heavy trucks passing over it. The expected stress amplitude experienced by the bridge's main support beams is 100 MPa. Using the S-N curve provided below, estimate the fatigue life of the support beams.

S-N Curve:

S-N Curve Image

Exercise Correction:

Exercise Correction

To estimate the fatigue life, locate the stress amplitude of 100 MPa on the y-axis of the S-N curve. Then, draw a horizontal line from that point until it intersects the S-N curve. From the point of intersection, draw a vertical line down to the x-axis. This intersection point on the x-axis represents the estimated fatigue life in cycles. **Note:** The exact fatigue life will depend on the specific S-N curve provided and the units of the x-axis.


  • "Fatigue of Materials" by J.A. Bannantine, J.J. Comer, and J.L. Handrock (This is a classic textbook covering a wide range of topics on fatigue).
  • "Fatigue Design" by D.A. Crandall and N.C. Dahl (Provides a practical approach to fatigue analysis and design).
  • "Fundamentals of Fatigue" by C. Laird (An introductory text focusing on the basic principles of fatigue).
  • "Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics" by S. Suresh (A comprehensive treatment of fatigue and fracture mechanics).
  • "Fatigue and Durability" by S.H. Wang (Offers a detailed analysis of fatigue and durability considerations in structural design).


  • "Fatigue Crack Growth" by Paris and Erdogan (A seminal paper on fatigue crack growth).
  • "A Unified Approach to Fatigue Crack Growth" by Elber (Introduces the concept of crack closure in fatigue).
  • "Fatigue Life Prediction Methods: A Review" by Suresh and Ritchie (Provides an overview of various fatigue life prediction methods).
  • "Fatigue Damage Accumulation: A Review" by Langer (Discusses the concept of fatigue damage accumulation).

Online Resources

  • ASM International - Fatigue and Fracture: (ASM International provides comprehensive information on fatigue and fracture).
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Fatigue Website: (NIST offers valuable resources on fatigue testing and analysis).
  • Fatigue Analysis Software: Several software packages are available for fatigue analysis, such as ANSYS, ABAQUS, and FE-SAFE.

Search Tips

  • "Fatigue Strength" "Material Name": For specific materials, like "Fatigue Strength Aluminum".
  • "Fatigue Testing Standards": For information on relevant testing standards, like ASTM or ISO.
  • "Fatigue Life Prediction": To learn about methods for estimating fatigue life.
  • "Fatigue Crack Growth Rate": For information on crack propagation during fatigue.
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