Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Oil & Gas Processing: Farm-In


Drilling Deeper: Understanding the "Farm-In" Agreement in Oil & Gas

In the world of oil and gas exploration, securing drilling rights and funding can be a complex and expensive endeavor. This is where the "farm-in" agreement comes into play, acting as a crucial financial mechanism in the industry.

What is a Farm-In Agreement?

A farm-in agreement is a contract between a concession owner, who holds the rights to explore and develop a particular area, and an outside party, often a drilling company or an investment firm. Essentially, the outside party agrees to pay all or a portion of the drilling costs for a well in exchange for a working interest in the land or well itself. This working interest grants the outside party a share of the potential profits from the well, proportional to their investment.

Key Features of a Farm-In Agreement:

  • Drilling Costs: The outside party (the "farmee") assumes all or a portion of the drilling costs. This can include exploration, drilling, and completion costs.
  • Working Interest: The farmee receives a working interest in the land or well. This interest grants them a share in the production and profits, typically proportional to their investment.
  • Carry: This refers to the portion of the drilling costs the concession owner (the "farmer") does not pay. In return, the farmer typically receives a smaller working interest compared to the farmee.
  • Back-in Rights: The farmer often retains back-in rights. This allows them to reacquire a larger working interest if the farmee does not meet certain production targets or milestones.
  • Term: Farm-in agreements have a specified term. This outlines the duration of the agreement, often tied to exploration or drilling activities.
  • Cost Recovery: The farmee can recover their investment costs before profits are shared. This is often based on a predetermined percentage of production.

Benefits of Farm-In Agreements:

  • Risk Mitigation: For the farmer, a farm-in agreement allows them to access drilling capital without bearing the full financial risk.
  • Exploration & Development: The farmee benefits from access to new exploration and development opportunities.
  • Cost Reduction: The farmer can reduce their financial burden by sharing the drilling costs, freeing up resources for other projects.

Considerations for Farm-In Agreements:

  • Negotiation: The terms of the agreement are subject to negotiation, including the working interest, back-in rights, and cost recovery mechanisms.
  • Due Diligence: Both parties must conduct thorough due diligence before entering into an agreement, evaluating the potential of the drilling site and the financial strength of the other party.
  • Risk Assessment: It is crucial for both parties to carefully assess the risks associated with the drilling project and the potential financial outcomes.


Farm-in agreements play a vital role in the oil and gas industry, allowing for the efficient exploration and development of new drilling sites. These agreements provide a win-win scenario for both parties, facilitating capital access for concession owners and granting drilling companies access to new opportunities. However, it is essential for both sides to understand the nuances of these agreements and to conduct thorough due diligence before entering into a farm-in agreement.

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