Glossary of Technical Terms Used in HVAC & Ventilation Systems: Fanning Equation (or friction factor)

Fanning Equation (or friction factor)

Understanding Friction Loss in Pipelines: The Fanning Equation

The flow of fluids through pipelines is rarely frictionless. As fluids move, they encounter resistance from the pipe walls, resulting in a pressure drop along the length of the pipe. This pressure loss, commonly referred to as friction loss, is crucial to consider in various engineering applications, especially in designing pipelines for efficient transportation of fluids like oil, gas, and water.

The Fanning Equation, a fundamental tool in fluid mechanics, helps quantify this friction loss. It provides a direct relationship between the pressure drop, the flow velocity, and the properties of the fluid and pipe.

The Fanning Equation: Deconstructing the Formula

The Fanning Equation is represented as:

F = (d b /2ρV²) (ΔP/L)


  • F: Fanning friction factor (dimensionless)
  • d: Pipe diameter (ft)
  • b: Viscosity of the fluid (lb/ft.sec)
  • ρ: Density of the fluid (ppg)
  • V: Average fluid velocity (ft/sec)
  • ΔP: Pressure loss over length L (ft)
  • L: Length of the pipe (ft)

This equation can be rearranged to solve for any of the variables, depending on the specific problem at hand. For instance, calculating the pressure drop for a known pipe and flow conditions is a common application.

The Significance of the Fanning Friction Factor

The Fanning friction factor (F) is a dimensionless value that quantifies the resistance to flow due to friction. It depends on the flow regime (laminar or turbulent), the roughness of the pipe wall, and the Reynolds number, a dimensionless parameter that represents the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces in the fluid.

For laminar flow (low Reynolds number), the Fanning friction factor can be determined directly from the Reynolds number using a simple formula. For turbulent flow (high Reynolds number), the friction factor is typically obtained using empirical correlations or charts like the Moody chart, which account for the roughness of the pipe surface.

Applications of the Fanning Equation

The Fanning Equation finds applications in numerous engineering fields, including:

  • Pipeline design: Estimating pressure drops and required pumping power for pipelines transporting various fluids.
  • Oil and gas production: Optimizing flow rates and pressure management in oil and gas wells and pipelines.
  • Water distribution: Designing water distribution systems to ensure adequate pressure for homes and businesses.
  • HVAC systems: Calculating pressure losses in ductwork and pipes for efficient air conditioning and heating.

Limitations and Considerations

While the Fanning Equation is a valuable tool, it's important to note its limitations:

  • It assumes steady-state flow and neglects any transient effects like valve openings or sudden changes in flow direction.
  • It's applicable to single-phase flow and may not accurately account for multiphase flow situations involving mixtures of liquids and gases.
  • The Fanning friction factor is a simplified representation of friction loss, and its accuracy depends on the chosen correlation or chart and the complexity of the flow situation.


The Fanning Equation provides a fundamental understanding of friction loss in pipelines. This equation, combined with an understanding of the Fanning friction factor and its determinants, empowers engineers to design efficient and reliable fluid transportation systems. As technology advances, further refinements to the equation and its applications continue to emerge, ensuring accurate and effective analysis of fluid flow in various industries.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding Friction Loss in Pipelines - The Fanning Equation

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the Fanning Equation primarily calculate?

a) The pressure drop in a pipeline due to friction b) The flow rate of a fluid in a pipeline c) The Reynolds number for a given flow d) The friction factor for a specific pipe material


a) The pressure drop in a pipeline due to friction

2. Which of the following factors is NOT directly included in the Fanning Equation?

a) Pipe diameter b) Fluid viscosity c) Pipe length d) Pipe material roughness


d) Pipe material roughness

3. The Fanning friction factor (F) is a dimensionless value that represents:

a) The ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces b) The resistance to flow due to friction c) The pressure drop per unit length of pipe d) The flow velocity of the fluid


b) The resistance to flow due to friction

4. Which of the following flow regimes typically requires the use of empirical correlations or charts like the Moody chart to determine the Fanning friction factor?

a) Laminar flow b) Turbulent flow c) Steady-state flow d) Single-phase flow


b) Turbulent flow

5. The Fanning Equation finds applications in various fields EXCEPT:

a) Pipeline design b) Oil and gas production c) Water distribution d) Electrical power generation


d) Electrical power generation

Exercise: Applying the Fanning Equation

Scenario: A 12-inch diameter pipeline (d = 1 ft) is used to transport oil with a viscosity of 0.001 lb/ft.sec (b) and density of 50 ppg (ρ) over a distance of 5 miles (L = 26,400 ft). The average flow velocity is 5 ft/sec (V). Assuming a Fanning friction factor (F) of 0.005, calculate the pressure drop (ΔP) using the Fanning Equation.


  1. Utilize the given values and the Fanning Equation to solve for ΔP.
  2. Express the pressure drop in psi (pounds per square inch).

Exercice Correction

**1. Applying the Fanning Equation:** F = (d b /2ρV²) (ΔP/L) 0.005 = (1 ft * 0.001 lb/ft.sec / (2 * 50 ppg * (5 ft/sec)²)) (ΔP / 26,400 ft) **2. Solving for ΔP:** ΔP = (0.005 * 2 * 50 ppg * (5 ft/sec)² * 26,400 ft) / (1 ft * 0.001 lb/ft.sec) ΔP = 660,000 ppg.ft²/sec² **3. Converting to psi:** ΔP = 660,000 ppg.ft²/sec² * (1 lb/ft.sec²) / (1 ppg) * (1 ft²/144 in²) = **4583.33 psi** Therefore, the pressure drop in the pipeline is approximately **4583.33 psi**.


  • Fluid Mechanics by Frank M. White: A comprehensive textbook covering fluid mechanics, including detailed explanations of friction factors and the Fanning Equation.
  • Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by Fox, McDonald, and Pritchard: Another well-regarded textbook with in-depth coverage of fluid flow and friction loss.
  • Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers by J.M. Coulson and J.F. Richardson: A resource specifically tailored for chemical engineers with dedicated sections on friction loss and pipeline design.
  • Pipelines and Pumping Stations by E. Sh. Fradkin: Focuses on the practical aspects of pipeline design, including extensive discussions on friction loss calculations.


  • "Friction Factor in Pipelines" by [Author name] - [Journal Name] - [Year]: Search relevant journals (e.g., Journal of Pipeline Engineering, Journal of Petroleum Technology) for articles specifically addressing friction factors.
  • "A Review of Friction Factor Prediction Methods for Single-Phase Flow in Pipes" by [Author name] - [Journal Name] - [Year]: Provides a comprehensive overview of different methods for calculating friction factors.

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • "Fanning Equation" OR "Fanning friction factor" AND "pipeline": This will return results specifically related to the use of the Fanning Equation in pipeline design.
  • "Fanning Equation" AND "turbulent flow": This will lead you to resources focusing on calculating friction factors in turbulent flow conditions.
  • "Fanning Equation" AND "laminar flow": This will narrow your search to articles and resources specifically discussing the Fanning Equation for laminar flow scenarios.
  • "Fanning Equation" AND "Moody chart": This search will connect you with resources explaining the use of the Moody chart for determining friction factors.
  • "Fanning Equation" AND "Reynolds number": This will help you find resources that explain how Reynolds number influences the friction factor.
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