Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Pipeline Construction: False Set

False Set

False Set: A Cement Enigma in Concrete Pumping

Concrete pumping is a crucial process in modern construction, facilitating the efficient placement of concrete in complex structures. However, the process can be disrupted by various challenges, one of which is false set.

False set, also known as flash set, is a phenomenon that occurs when cement prematurely thickens, resembling the initial stages of hardening. The crucial distinction lies in the fact that this thickening is reversible and does not impact the cement's overall working time.

Understanding the Mechanisms:

False set is caused by the rapid hydration of a small portion of cement particles. This hydration occurs due to:

  • High Alkali Content: High alkali levels in the cement can accelerate the initial hydration process.
  • Presence of Gypsum: Gypsum, a common admixture in cement, can react with alkali ions and contribute to false set.
  • Moisture Exposure: Exposure to excessive moisture, especially at high temperatures, can trigger rapid hydration.
  • Contamination: Impurities like sugar or salts can accelerate cement hydration, leading to false set.

Distinguishing False Set from True Setting:

While false set may appear similar to the initial stages of cement hardening, it differs in several ways:

  • Reversibility: False set is reversible by simply adding water and re-mixing the concrete. The cement will regain its fluidity.
  • Working Time: Unlike true setting, false set does not affect the overall working time of the cement. The cement can still be pumped and placed after re-mixing.
  • Strength Development: The hardened concrete does not experience significant strength loss due to false set.

Impact on Pumping Operations:

False set can pose a challenge during concrete pumping as it can:

  • Cause clogging in the pump: The thickened concrete can block the pump's delivery system.
  • Lead to inconsistencies in concrete placement: The uneven consistency of the concrete can result in inconsistent placement and potential defects.

Preventing False Set:

  • Use low-alkali cement: Choosing cement with low alkali content minimizes the risk of false set.
  • Control Moisture Exposure: Protect the cement from excessive moisture during storage and handling.
  • Maintain Optimal Mixing Water: Ensure proper mixing water content to avoid excessive hydration.
  • Add Set Retarders: Set retarders are chemical admixtures that delay the setting process and reduce the likelihood of false set.

In Conclusion:

False set is a temporary phenomenon that can be mitigated through proper handling and control. While it may cause some challenges during concrete pumping, it does not compromise the overall strength or performance of the hardened concrete. Understanding the causes and implementing preventive measures can ensure a smooth and efficient concrete pumping process.

Test Your Knowledge

False Set Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary reason for false set in concrete?

a) Rapid evaporation of water b) Rapid hydration of a small portion of cement particles c) Excessive use of aggregates d) Chemical reaction between cement and air


b) Rapid hydration of a small portion of cement particles

2. What is the defining characteristic that distinguishes false set from true setting?

a) Irreversible hardening b) Reduction in concrete strength c) Complete loss of workability d) Reversibility by adding water and re-mixing


d) Reversibility by adding water and re-mixing

3. Which of the following factors can contribute to false set?

a) High alkali content in cement b) Presence of gypsum in cement c) Excessive moisture exposure d) All of the above


d) All of the above

4. What is a potential challenge posed by false set during concrete pumping?

a) Reduced concrete strength b) Increased pumping speed c) Clogging of the pump delivery system d) Improved workability


c) Clogging of the pump delivery system

5. Which of the following is NOT a recommended measure to prevent false set?

a) Using low-alkali cement b) Minimizing moisture exposure c) Adding excessive water to the mix d) Using set retarders


c) Adding excessive water to the mix

False Set Exercise

Scenario: You are supervising a concrete pumping operation for a large construction project. While monitoring the pumping process, you observe that the concrete appears to be thickening prematurely, exhibiting signs of false set.


  • Identify three potential causes of false set based on the scenario.
  • Explain the steps you would take to address the issue and prevent further occurrence of false set.
  • Explain the importance of addressing false set in this scenario.

Exercice Correction

**Potential Causes:** * **High Alkali Cement:** The cement used might have a high alkali content, accelerating the initial hydration and causing false set. * **Excessive Moisture Exposure:** The cement might have been exposed to excessive moisture during storage or handling, leading to premature hydration. * **Incorrect Water-Cement Ratio:** The concrete mix might have an incorrect water-cement ratio, leading to excessive hydration and false set. **Addressing the Issue:** * **Re-mixing the Concrete:** Immediately add water to the thickened concrete and re-mix it thoroughly to regain its fluidity. * **Check the Cement:** Verify the alkali content of the cement and consider switching to a low-alkali cement if necessary. * **Control Moisture Exposure:** Ensure proper storage and handling of the cement to prevent moisture exposure. * **Adjust Water-Cement Ratio:** Adjust the water-cement ratio of the concrete mix to ensure proper hydration and prevent false set. * **Consider Set Retarders:** Consult with the concrete supplier about the possibility of adding set retarders to the mix to delay the setting time. **Importance of Addressing False Set:** * **Clogging of the Pump:** False set can cause the concrete to thicken and clog the pump's delivery system, interrupting the pumping process and delaying construction progress. * **Inconsistent Concrete Placement:** The uneven consistency of the concrete due to false set can lead to inconsistent placement and potential defects in the structure. * **Loss of Time and Money:** False set can lead to delays, rework, and increased costs due to the need to adjust the concrete mix, re-mix the concrete, and potentially replace faulty sections.


  • "Concrete Technology" by M.N. Gambhir: Covers various aspects of concrete technology, including cement properties, admixtures, and setting processes.
  • "High-Performance Concrete" by P.K. Mehta and P.J.M. Monteiro: Discusses advanced concrete properties and technologies, including the impact of admixtures and setting behavior.
  • "Concrete Mix Design" by E.G. Russell and J.G. May: Focuses on the practical aspects of concrete mix design, including factors affecting setting time and workability.


  • "False Set and Flash Set in Concrete" by ACI (American Concrete Institute): This ACI publication provides in-depth information on false set, its causes, and mitigation strategies.
  • "The Influence of Gypsum on False Set in Portland Cement" by Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering: Research paper investigating the role of gypsum in false set phenomena.
  • "False Set and Flash Set: A Guide to Understanding and Preventing These Phenomena" by Concrete Construction Magazine: A practical guide for contractors on recognizing and addressing false set issues.

Online Resources

  • Portland Cement Association (PCA): The PCA offers extensive information on cement properties, including resources on false set and related topics.
  • American Concrete Institute (ACI): The ACI website provides technical publications, guidelines, and resources related to concrete construction and material science, including information on false set.
  • Concrete Construction Online: This online resource features articles, news, and technical information relevant to concrete construction practices, including information on false set and its impact on pumping.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Include terms like "false set," "flash set," "cement," "concrete pumping," "hydration," "alkali," "gypsum," and "admixtures" to refine your search.
  • Utilize quotation marks: Enclose terms like "false set" in quotation marks to find exact matches.
  • Combine terms: Use the "+" sign to include specific terms and the "-" sign to exclude unwanted terms in your search.
  • Search for relevant websites: Use the "site:" operator followed by the website name (e.g., " false set") to focus your search on a particular resource.
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