Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Spare Parts & Consumables: Facultative (bacteria)

Facultative (bacteria)

Facultative Bacteria: Masters of Adaptation

In the vast and diverse world of microorganisms, bacteria exhibit an incredible range of adaptations to thrive in various environments. Among these adaptations, the ability to utilize oxygen for respiration is a key characteristic that defines different bacterial groups. Facultative bacteria stand out as flexible survivors, able to flourish both in the presence and absence of oxygen, making them incredibly adaptable and widespread.

What Makes Them Facultative?

Facultative bacteria are metabolically versatile. They possess the necessary enzymes for both aerobic respiration, where oxygen is used as the final electron acceptor, and fermentation, an anaerobic process that generates energy without oxygen. This dual metabolic capability allows them to switch between these modes depending on their surroundings.

Life in the Presence of Oxygen:

When oxygen is available, facultative bacteria prefer to utilize aerobic respiration. This process is more efficient, yielding a greater amount of energy per molecule of glucose. They thrive in environments rich in oxygen, such as the upper layers of soil, water bodies, or the human gut.

Life in the Absence of Oxygen:

When oxygen becomes scarce, facultative bacteria switch to fermentation. This process utilizes other molecules, like pyruvate or organic compounds, as electron acceptors, generating less energy but allowing survival in oxygen-depleted environments. This adaptability enables them to colonize diverse habitats, including deep soil layers, stagnant water, or even the depths of the human body.

Examples of Facultative Bacteria:

  • Escherichia coli (E. coli): A well-known resident of the human gut, E. coli can cause infections but is also vital for digestion. It thrives in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions.
  • Staphylococcus aureus: A common skin bacterium, S. aureus can cause infections ranging from boils to serious blood poisoning. It can survive in the presence or absence of oxygen.
  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Yeast): Commonly used in baking and brewing, yeast can ferment sugars to produce alcohol and carbon dioxide, even in the absence of oxygen.

Facultative Bacteria in Our World:

Facultative bacteria play crucial roles in various ecosystems and industries:

  • Food Production: They are used for fermentation processes in bread, cheese, yogurt, and alcoholic beverages.
  • Waste Treatment: They break down organic waste in sewage treatment plants and landfills.
  • Biotechnology: They are used for producing biofuels, pharmaceuticals, and other bioproducts.
  • Human Health: They inhabit the human gut, aiding digestion and contributing to overall health.


Facultative bacteria, with their remarkable metabolic flexibility, have successfully colonized a wide range of environments, playing essential roles in various ecological and industrial processes. Their ability to adapt to both oxygen-rich and oxygen-depleted conditions makes them resilient survivors and valuable contributors to the balance of our world. Understanding their unique characteristics is crucial for harnessing their potential and mitigating their potential harm in various applications.

Test Your Knowledge

Facultative Bacteria Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What makes facultative bacteria unique?

a) They can only survive in the presence of oxygen. b) They can only survive in the absence of oxygen. c) They can survive both with and without oxygen. d) They are always harmful to humans.


c) They can survive both with and without oxygen.

2. When oxygen is available, facultative bacteria primarily use:

a) Fermentation b) Aerobic respiration c) Photosynthesis d) Anaerobic respiration


b) Aerobic respiration

3. Which of the following is NOT an example of a facultative bacterium?

a) Escherichia coli (E. coli) b) Staphylococcus aureus c) Lactobacillus d) Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Yeast)


c) Lactobacillus

4. Facultative bacteria are important in:

a) Food production b) Waste treatment c) Biotechnology d) All of the above


d) All of the above

5. Why are facultative bacteria considered "masters of adaptation"?

a) They can survive in extreme temperatures. b) They can evolve rapidly. c) They can switch between different metabolic processes. d) They can produce antibiotics.


c) They can switch between different metabolic processes.

Facultative Bacteria Exercise:

Scenario: You are a researcher studying the growth of E. coli in a laboratory. You have two identical cultures: one with abundant oxygen and one with no oxygen.


  1. Predict the metabolic process each culture of E. coli will primarily use for energy production.
  2. Explain how the presence or absence of oxygen affects the growth rate and energy yield of each culture.
  3. Suggest a simple experiment to test your predictions.

Exercice Correction

**1. Metabolic Processes:**

  • **Culture with oxygen:** *E. coli* will primarily use aerobic respiration.
  • **Culture without oxygen:** *E. coli* will primarily use fermentation.

**2. Growth and Energy Yield:**

  • **Culture with oxygen:** Aerobic respiration is more efficient, yielding a higher amount of ATP (energy) per glucose molecule. This will lead to faster growth and a higher cell density in the oxygen-rich culture.
  • **Culture without oxygen:** Fermentation is less efficient, producing far less ATP than aerobic respiration. Growth will be slower in the oxygen-deprived culture, and the final cell density will be lower.

**3. Experiment:**

  • Materials: Two identical tubes (or flasks) containing sterile nutrient broth, two *E. coli* cultures, a method for measuring cell growth (e.g., turbidity using a spectrophotometer).
  • Procedure: Inoculate each tube with an equal volume of *E. coli* culture. One tube should be incubated with vigorous shaking (to provide oxygen) and the other tube should be incubated without shaking (limited oxygen). Monitor the cell growth (turbidity) in both tubes over a period of time (e.g., 24 hours).
  • Expected Results: The oxygenated culture should exhibit faster growth and a higher final cell density compared to the oxygen-deprived culture.


  • Brock Biology of Microorganisms: A comprehensive textbook covering all aspects of microbiology, including bacterial metabolism and oxygen utilization.
  • Microbiology: An Introduction: A well-regarded introductory text that covers the fundamentals of bacterial physiology, including facultative anaerobes.
  • Principles of Microbiology: This textbook provides a detailed overview of microbial metabolism, including aerobic and anaerobic respiration and fermentation.


  • "Facultative Anaerobes: A Review of Their Metabolism and Importance": This review article provides a detailed analysis of the metabolic pathways and ecological significance of facultative anaerobes.
  • "Oxygen Tolerance in Bacteria: A Comparative Analysis": This article explores the mechanisms of oxygen utilization and tolerance in various bacterial groups, including facultative anaerobes.
  • "Facultative Anaerobes in the Human Gut: Their Role in Health and Disease": This article focuses on the specific role of facultative bacteria in the human gut microbiome, emphasizing their contribution to gut health and potential pathogenic effects.

Online Resources

  • Microbiology Online: This website provides comprehensive information on various aspects of microbiology, including detailed explanations of bacterial metabolism, oxygen utilization, and facultative anaerobes.
  • Khan Academy Biology: This online platform offers free educational resources, including video lessons and practice exercises, on bacterial metabolism and respiration.
  • NCBI PubMed: This database provides access to a vast collection of scientific articles related to microbiology, including numerous studies on facultative anaerobes.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "facultative anaerobes," "bacterial metabolism," "oxygen utilization," "fermentation," and "bacterial respiration."
  • Refine your search: Use operators like "+" to include specific words or "-" to exclude unwanted words.
  • Specify search sources: Use filters to restrict your search to specific websites like academic journals or educational institutions.
  • Explore related topics: Search for keywords related to the specific environment or application you are interested in, like "gut microbiota" or "wastewater treatment."
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